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Who's watching Heroes?
2003/9/26 6:36
Posts: 227
Level : 14; EXP : 7
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MP : 75 / 20550
Ok, I finally caught an episode on SciFi and I got hooked.

So far it's been pulling in parts of Rising Stars, Unbreakable, Smallville and X-files.

Hiro is just too freaking funny without being stupid.

ANyone else watching this show?

Posted on: 10 10 06 12:21 am
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
Kling on HM (WebMaster!)
2004/7/19 7:51
From My Box
Posts: 6994
Level : 57; EXP : 83
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MP : 2331 / 85930
I saw it last night on the regular stations. I am confused. They don't really explain what is going on in the previous shows... so, I started watching Amy Smart digging in the dessert to bury or uncover someone... I don't know... but the little Asian Feller... he is a hoot. I don't know why they have to live each page of the comic... why not just flip to the end and finish the season up.
But I did enjoy it. Now I guess I can't miss a show so that I don't get behind.
So,m is Amy Smarts Charater evil? I don't know... I think I hvae everyone else pretty much figured out.

Posted on: 10 10 06 07:57 am
I'm not drunk...... I'm Scottish!
Yeah OK, I am Drunk...
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
Off the hook
2003/10/20 13:42
From Cleveland
Posts: 1726
Level : 34; EXP : 91
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I freakin love this show. Hiro's my favorite, but I could definitely think of a couple hundred dozen uses for an indestructable cheerleader ....
Jr, I think the chick you're talking about is Ali Larter, or Landry, or something. I just remember she was in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. I'm not really sure yet if she's supposed to be good, or evil, or even what her power is supposed to be.
Also, if you miss an episode, you can watch the most recent one on - for the older ones, you may have to dig around on YouTube or something.

Posted on: 10 10 06 10:14 am
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
Kling on HM (WebMaster!)
2004/7/19 7:51
From My Box
Posts: 6994
Level : 57; EXP : 83
HP : 284 / 1420
MP : 2331 / 85930

Daruma wrote:
I freakin love this show. Hiro's my favorite, but I could definitely think of a couple hundred dozen uses for an indestructable cheerleader ....
Jr, I think the chick you're talking about is Ali Larter, or Landry, or something. I just remember she was in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. I'm not really sure yet if she's supposed to be good, or evil, or even what her power is supposed to be.
Also, if you miss an episode, you can watch the most recent one on - for the older ones, you may have to dig around on YouTube or something.

OH yeah... I forgot about the Cheerleader being all laid open last night on the autopsy table... When I heard she was invunerable in the beginning of the show... I didn't think it meant she died and came back to life... that is a little corney. But she is going to freak out the Cornor when she walks out of the mourge.

And yes... you are right... I was thinking Ali but typed Amy... Yeah... she is a mystery to me after just one show.

Oh well, they got me hooked last night.

Posted on: 10 10 06 01:07 pm
I'm not drunk...... I'm Scottish!
Yeah OK, I am Drunk...
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
Time Lord!
2004/8/27 20:35
From Knobblers Gob
Posts: 2002
Level : 36; EXP : 96
HP : 0 / 899
MP : 667 / 54128
They don't really explain what is going on in the previous shows...

Well there's only been 3 shows so far, so it shouldn't be hard to catch up. The latest Entertainment Weekly has an article comparing the characters on Heroes to existing comic book characters.

The only ones I can remember are:

Blonde Chick Who's Not the Cheerleader - The Hulk (has a lurking demon within that she can't control)

Hiro - Doctor Manhattan (can bend space time, warp reality, eat with chopsticks)

Blonde Chick who Is the Cheerleader - Wolverine
- - - - -

I dunno about all that, but the show is interesting. Anyone notice Stacy Haiduk? Remember who she played in a show with a super guy?

Posted on: 10 10 06 01:20 pm
TARDIS Express - When it absolutely, positively has to be there before you mailed it.
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
2003/9/26 6:36
Posts: 227
Level : 14; EXP : 7
HP : 0 / 326
MP : 75 / 20550
Well, hopefully on Friday I can provide some linkage to the episodes. (DSL re-connection has finally been confirmed.) Also, Jr. It seems like we've only missed the first episode so far.

As for character comparisons - I'd say the series has more in common with "Rising Stars", "Unbreakable" and a little bit of "Smallville" rather than most mainstream stuff.

Posted on: 10 10 06 04:43 pm
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
2003/8/26 22:16
From halfway between limbo and purgatory
Posts: 1177
Level : 29; EXP : 95
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MP : 392 / 45681
I've been watching but missed the last episode because someone changed the channel on me, fortunately, the SCIFI channel airs Heroes on saturdays.

Posted on: 10 10 06 07:18 pm
Broaden your horizons, eat interesting people.
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
The Great Eternal Dragon
2004/2/9 4:54
From Edmonton,Alberta,Canada
Posts: 11284
Level : 67; EXP : 55
HP : 332 / 1663
MP : 3761 / 102768
Well you'll never guess who my favorite character is so far?

The Indestructable Cheerleader!

End of last episode laying on an autopsy table Fillet like a fish,waking up and still looking good!


I also like the Japanese guy {He?s SUPA-HIRO!}
and the stripper who seems to have this Rose/Thorn thing going on.

Posted on: 10 10 06 08:48 pm
Photobucket Member: 08/22/2006
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
Off the hook
2003/10/20 13:42
From Cleveland
Posts: 1726
Level : 34; EXP : 91
HP : 0 / 847
MP : 575 / 53137
You can also watch it at, DI.

DarqueImages wrote:
I've been watching but missed the last episode because someone changed the channel on me, fortunately, the SCIFI channel airs Heroes on saturdays.

Posted on: 10 10 06 09:38 pm
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
Super Into SuperGirl (HFC)
2004/4/1 7:00
From The Better Island Of New Zealand
Posts: 405
Level : 18; EXP : 72
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MP : 135 / 27190
I watched the 1st episode and I'm hooked. Something to watch when Lost isn't on

Posted on: 11 10 06 01:11 am
I'm A Red Shirt In The Star Trek Episode Of Life
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
Kling on HM (WebMaster!)
2004/7/19 7:51
From My Box
Posts: 6994
Level : 57; EXP : 83
HP : 284 / 1420
MP : 2331 / 85930

Dragondack wrote:
Well you'll never guess who my favorite character is so far?

The Indestructable Cheerleader!

End of last episode laying on an autopsy Fillet like a fish,waking up and still looking good!

I also like the Japanese guy {He?s SUPA-HIRO!}and the stripper who seems to have this Rose/Thorn thing going on.

Indestructable? Superman is indestructable... that chick was laying on an operating table split open like a Pecan... she's destructable... just not Killable... Who said she was like Wolverine? No, Wolverine doesn't die. This chick "died" and then came back to life... Kinda corney. But she is hot.

Oh wait... you said that she was split open... DOH... nevemind.

Posted on: 11 10 06 08:47 am
I'm not drunk...... I'm Scottish!
Yeah OK, I am Drunk...
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
Guardian of the Great White North (Webmaster)
2003/8/17 10:44
From Canada
Posts: 6812
Level : 57; EXP : 32
HP : 281 / 1408
MP : 2270 / 88961
just think in just over a year the girl playing the cheerleader will be old enough to use in a manip for this site.

buncha pervs. Lookin at Jailbait

Posted on: 11 10 06 09:08 am
PS4, PS3, Vita PSN: Winterhawk200
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Driver picks the music, shoutgun shuts their cakehole.
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
Time Lord!
2004/8/27 20:35
From Knobblers Gob
Posts: 2002
Level : 36; EXP : 96
HP : 0 / 899
MP : 667 / 54128
The actress is Hayden Leslie Panettiere and her birthday is 8-21-1989. That makes her 6,262 days old today (10/13/06), or 17 years 1 month 22 days. Only 312 days to go, guys!

Now, to go organize my sock drawer.

Posted on: 13 10 06 12:15 pm
TARDIS Express - When it absolutely, positively has to be there before you mailed it.
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
2003/8/26 22:16
From halfway between limbo and purgatory
Posts: 1177
Level : 29; EXP : 95
HP : 0 / 723
MP : 392 / 45681
O.k. my bad its Fridays on SciFi..... and I missed it again DAMMIT!

Posted on: 13 10 06 08:20 pm
Broaden your horizons, eat interesting people.
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
Off the hook
2003/10/20 13:42
From Cleveland
Posts: 1726
Level : 34; EXP : 91
HP : 0 / 847
MP : 575 / 53137
First of all...

Also, NBC is apparently showing a marathon of the first three episodes on Sunday Oct 22nd starting at 8pm EST

Posted on: 14 10 06 12:33 am
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
The Great Eternal Dragon
2004/2/9 4:54
From Edmonton,Alberta,Canada
Posts: 11284
Level : 67; EXP : 55
HP : 332 / 1663
MP : 3761 / 102768
Say what about Clair's stepDad isn't he the evil Killer Syler or an associate of his!

Who or what is Syler?

What does he want?

Apparently Mohinder's father somehow "made" Syler like he is... anyone have any theories?

And in this scene It doesn't seem like Syler can be killed?

MMMM...Mind Control????

Posted on: 14 10 06 06:30 pm
Photobucket Member: 08/22/2006
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
Kling on HM (WebMaster!)
2004/7/19 7:51
From My Box
Posts: 6994
Level : 57; EXP : 83
HP : 284 / 1420
MP : 2331 / 85930
DD... that was just a bullet proof bum... no theries there excpept that eating out of dumpsters and sleeping in cardboard boxes can make a man tuff.

Posted on: 16 10 06 02:01 pm
I'm not drunk...... I'm Scottish!
Yeah OK, I am Drunk...
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
Gold Member
2004/5/15 4:10
From Living in the Land of Confusion
Posts: 715
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It's a Sloooow show, but so far, somehow I'm hooked.

Posted on: 16 10 06 11:04 pm
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me
than a frontal lobotomy.
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
Kling on HM (WebMaster!)
2004/7/19 7:51
From My Box
Posts: 6994
Level : 57; EXP : 83
HP : 284 / 1420
MP : 2331 / 85930
"Save the Cheerleader!"

Posted on: 17 10 06 09:48 am
I'm not drunk...... I'm Scottish!
Yeah OK, I am Drunk...
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
The Great Eternal Dragon
2004/2/9 4:54
From Edmonton,Alberta,Canada
Posts: 11284
Level : 67; EXP : 55
HP : 332 / 1663
MP : 3761 / 102768
How awesome did the future version of Hiro look in his costume?!?!

He has a ninja thing going on, it looks like. That was definately a katana on his back.

I cannot wait for next week!!!!

Posted on: 17 10 06 06:44 pm
Photobucket Member: 08/22/2006
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