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Re: Marvel's Civil War
2003/8/26 5:11
Posts: 145
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and nobody's seen Wanda since the end of House of M....hmmmm

Posted on: 26 09 06 07:33 am
"Let me're from outer space!"
"No, I'm from Iowa; I only work in outer space."
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Re: Marvel's Civil War
2003/8/26 5:11
Posts: 145
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holy frijole! 153 posts! woohoo (only took me 3 years...)

Posted on: 26 09 06 07:34 am
"Let me're from outer space!"
"No, I'm from Iowa; I only work in outer space."
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Re: Marvel's Civil War
2003/9/26 6:36
Posts: 227
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Thought the first few pages of this recaption were pretty damn funny.

Some of the best observations of this series so far (paraphrased)

1. How can SHIELD arrest someone for voilating a law that's not a law yet? (Referring to SHIELD agents trying to arrest Cap.)

2. Hank Pym refers to the cloned Thor as being something that "they" can control. (So sayeth the creator of Ultron.)

and Hawk - The second Spiderwoman tried that... Didn't work too well. Also the Thing appears to be the Alec Baldwin of the 616 MU. Claimed he was going to Europe... but strangely... didn't.

Posted on: 9 10 06 11:29 pm
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Re: Marvel's Civil War
Guardian of the Great White North (Webmaster)
2003/8/17 10:44
From Canada
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I just finished reading all of the civil war comics including the cross overs.

Spoilers & bad language Alert:

I have to say what a disappointment.
I really didn't like how the story ended or much of the the story itself.
Ironman proved to be a huge prick. then the story it self just seemed to me like the power hungry a-holes that filled the marvel universe were going around throwing anyone who even disagreed with them even slightly into prison for life with no trail, or charges. Then Tony Stark (IronPrick) becomes a Nick Fury wanna be at the end, like it was his big plan all along. but thru out civil war, the post was offered to him twice before and both times he said he did not want it, and that he couldn't afford the pay cut.
The number of plot holes inconsistencies and other crap in the story blows me away.
Take that Powerman, the law went into effect at midnight. Shield was waiting in his building to take him down and arrest him as soon as the clock struck twelve. He was at home doing shit all. according to many many other book, it was only costumed people acting as vigilante's that had to register. First off, Powerman, doesn't wear a costume anymore and second of all his ID was already public, and Third he wasn't acting like a vigilante. for all they knew he had quit the superhero life that afternoon before the law went into effect.
Shield tried to arrest captain america because he didn't agree with the law before the law went into effect because he didn't agree with the law.
In some of the books, Marvel said that people had to work for Shield and do what they were told no ands/ifs/or buts, if they are told to kill Grandma tuckitt for her secret cookie recipe then that is what they have to do or they go to prison for life with no trail or charges. and yet in other books they said working for the government was optional as long as they registered their ID's with the government they could continue doing what they were doing.
The whole thing with Blaming the new warriors for the stamford thing was friggin stupid as well. and why the whole thing with the clean up company and wolverine wasn't pushed forward to have a more central role. Why the press had proof that Ironman was involved in Insider trading, taking control of osborn to murder a number of atlanteans and shot at the atlantean ambassador and various other crimes but in the end say they will never print the story is completely beyond me.
The story was Pretty good in concept. It made me like Captian america more. Up until the little bitch gave up because of some property damage. Then when Black Panther and Storm visited the white house as visiting heads of state, and they tried to register Storm. Then had to defend themselves as they left. I really doubt USA would be so dumb as to make an act of war like that for no real reason.
Reed Richards proved himself a bend over and take it man. But my math can prove it and it is the law. blah blah blah.
The only argument the pro-registration people had over and over was, it is the law. and the 8 dozen or so times people referred to the registration act and unlawful incarceration of the non-registered heroes as fascist, all the had to say was. "nooooo, its the law, your over simplifying. Ifg only everyone would do exactly as I said the world would be a better place.". Bunch of fucking Twist nuts. Its that the exact thing the hundreds of supervillian bent on world domination have said year after year after year.
From reading Civil war. I saw the transformation of Ironman and Reed Richards to the Dark side. They are now the strongest most influential Supervillians in the marvel universe. Do what Tony says or go to prison for life, no trail, no charges. Just prison until you are willing to do what tony wants. Once in prison you become the subject to the Warden Reed Richards and his happy fun bag. No powers, no escape, in permanent isolation. The fact that Tony has been collect DNA from all the avengers thru out the years should also have people more concerned that it was. the whole Thor clone thing should sent red flags up for everyone on both sides of the fence. Another thing I didn't like was how fast Ironman turned on Spidey, and the fact that Ironman was spying on Spiderman's every move was never brought up except to show that he was spying on him.
What kind of a guy would spy constantly on his right hand Man when he is having private conversations with friends and family. The second his second in command voices concern that he doesn't agree, Ironman came bursting thru the walls to disable Spidey's suit and kick his ass then send him to prison for life. (not to mention that Spidey was registered anyway, so he wasn't even breaking the law). Tony keep saying super people needed to be accountable. Well who the hell is keeping this cock ring accountable.
With the war coming up with the inhumans and Hulk coming back to kick the crap out of the Ironman camp. I am really hoping things go back to normal with the marvel universe. As they screwed it up now.

Now the good points, On the road to civil war, the Illuminati sent hulk of the planet, He is going to be pissed when he gets back.That in it self is a good start for things to come.
I have a new respect for Black Panther, I didn't know much about this character but he is pretty cool. I found a lot of the sub-plots to be well written and the art was excellent.
I also liked that a bunch of heroes came to Canada to hide from the stupidity.
I also liked the Thunderbolts up until Norman osborn was put in charge of them.
The whole story with Speedball in prison and then becoming Penance was well written and interesting.
The new hero's for hire books were pretty cool as well.

As individual stories, Most of Civil war was pretty good, but All in all I give it a thumbs down, way down.

Posted on: 3 03 07 02:15 pm
PS4, PS3, Vita PSN: Winterhawk200
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Driver picks the music, shoutgun shuts their cakehole.
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Re: Marvel's Civil War
Dazed and Confused... mostly Confused
2004/7/15 17:58
From usa
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7 issues, plus a couple other comics. But Thor screaming "run whupass.exe" was freakin priceless

Also loved when Captain America greeted Commander Hill with "Hey Commander Dyke er Hill"

And I agree, I can't wait till the Hulk comes back and beats the freakin snot out of the Illuminati. Reed, Tony, and Prof X are my main targets

Posted on: 4 03 07 07:08 am
Vivo per lei
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Re: Marvel's Civil War
2004/11/18 15:47
Posts: 200
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I just got my new Wizard and there's a preview of a new Spider-man comic. Spidey kicks Tony's ASS!!!

Posted on: 4 03 07 09:37 am
"How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"
Sherlock Holmes
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Re: Marvel's Civil War
2007/1/21 13:58
From Massachusetts
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1. How can SHIELD arrest someone for voilating a law that's not a law yet? (Referring to SHIELD agents trying to arrest Cap.)

They weren't arresting him for violating the SHRA. They were arresting him for declaring that he would disobey their orders, and for threatening Commander Hill. Being a member of the US military means they can lock your ass up if you refuse orders from a superior officer. Hell, the real-life US military is currently throwing the book at a lieutenant who deliberately missed his deployment to Iraq.

Posted on: 4 03 07 05:44 pm
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Re: Marvel's Civil War
The Great Eternal Dragon
2004/2/9 4:54
From Edmonton,Alberta,Canada
Posts: 11253
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Here's just a thought I had?
You see I'm kinda puzzled...if Tony Stark cloned THOR and he's a God like Mystical being who transformed from a whimpy crippled Doctor wouldn't they end up with a clone of the Doctor not THOR?

Posted on: 4 03 07 09:30 pm
Photobucket Member: 08/22/2006
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Re: Marvel's Civil War
2004/1/24 4:39
From Sweden
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Dragondack wrote:
Here's just a thought I had?
You see I'm kinda puzzled...if Tony Stark cloned THOR and he's a God like Mystical being who transformed from a whimpy crippled Doctor wouldn't they end up with a clone of the Doctor not THOR?

Now you're getting stuff mixed up DD. Thor was born a God. He was then turned into a whimpy human doctor as a punishment by Odin. Thor was an arrogant, disobidient little punk, and Odin felt that might teach him a thing or two. I guess grounding him wasn't enough?

Posted on: 7 03 07 07:22 am
- Is it a right to remain ignorant?
- I don't know, but I refuse to find out!
(quote from Calvin & Hobbes)
- I did absolutely nothing, and it was everything I thought it could be. (quote from Office Space)
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