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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
Off the hook
2003/10/20 13:42
From Cleveland
Posts: 1726
Level : 34; EXP : 91
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MP : 575 / 53137
Btw, I found a site with most of the 'comic' art from the show

Posted on: 17 10 06 07:05 pm
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
The Great Eternal Dragon
2004/2/9 4:54
From Edmonton,Alberta,Canada
Posts: 11284
Level : 67; EXP : 55
HP : 332 / 1663
MP : 3761 / 102768
This poster's kinda Cool:-

Posted on: 17 10 06 07:27 pm
Photobucket Member: 08/22/2006
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
The Great Eternal Dragon
2004/2/9 4:54
From Edmonton,Alberta,Canada
Posts: 11284
Level : 67; EXP : 55
HP : 332 / 1663
MP : 3761 / 102768

Posted on: 17 10 06 07:42 pm
Photobucket Member: 08/22/2006
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
Kling on HM (WebMaster!)
2004/7/19 7:51
From My Box
Posts: 6994
Level : 57; EXP : 83
HP : 284 / 1420
MP : 2331 / 85930

Dragondack wrote:
How awesome did the future version of Hiro look in his costume?!?!

He has a ninja thing going on, it looks like. That was definately a katana on his back.

I cannot wait for next week!!!!

Well.. he spoke english... so I can now watch the show and do other things instead of having to read his subtitles.

Posted on: 18 10 06 10:41 am
I'm not drunk...... I'm Scottish!
Yeah OK, I am Drunk...
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
Heromorph's Computer Plague (invented twittering)
2004/2/27 21:02
From a result of bad parenting
Posts: 736
Level : 24; EXP : 56
HP : 0 / 589
MP : 245 / 36300
Save the cheerleader . . . . . Save the world.


now i have an excuse to stalk her. the tv told me to.

Plus, I am never one to say no to a girl that likes showin off her chest,
but let's at least keep the skin on next time....

Posted on: 18 10 06 05:33 pm
Hitler, get out of the way! You're ruining my entrance! Gaaaa....

I need constant supervision. Then I could see through chick's clothes.
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
Off the hook
2003/10/20 13:42
From Cleveland
Posts: 1726
Level : 34; EXP : 91
HP : 0 / 847
MP : 575 / 53137
Showing of her chest, yes. Showing off her lungs.....not so much

Posted on: 18 10 06 08:43 pm
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
2004/11/18 15:47
Posts: 200
Level : 13; EXP : 18
HP : 0 / 304
MP : 66 / 18123
I don't think Syler has mind control...just very accurate telekinesis. His victims are all impaled by objects in their houses. Maybe his X-gene(or whatever they call it in this show) was activated by the professor and it got out of control. He seems to have cellular regeneration, tk, either flight or teleportation and the ability to track other "heroes" or at least identify them. He takes their brains so maybe he gains power from them somehow.

The cheerleader seems to be pretty fragile. Her neck broke very easily when the quarterback "accidentally" ran into her. She breaks easily and then heals quickly. She also doesn't seem to feel much pain.

I love this show!!! I can't wait for the next episode!!!

Posted on: 21 10 06 06:37 pm
"How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"
Sherlock Holmes
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
2004/11/18 15:47
Posts: 200
Level : 13; EXP : 18
HP : 0 / 304
MP : 66 / 18123

Posted on: 24 10 06 06:42 am
"How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"
Sherlock Holmes
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
2003/10/4 4:45
Posts: 445
Level : 19; EXP : 57
HP : 0 / 464
MP : 148 / 29159
It seems with the cheerleader that she can be permanently killed if you blow her brains out. She remained 'dead' until the stick was removed out of her head. I would assume that, unless she has a Wolverine-type healing factor (able to regenerate from even the smallest bit of left over flesh), her brain is the seat of her power.

I like the fact that they acknowledged that fanboys will watch this show, and made a fanboy a central character. So as not to upset any potential viewers with a stereotype, however, they made him a japanese Otaku (still a fanboy, but something most of us fanboys out there won't feel to insulted by :) ).

Lets hope this show does better than so many of the other sci-fi shows of last season, that only went one season or only a few episodes (Surface, Invasion, and my favorite, Threshold).

Makes me wonder why similar shows on USA Network survive (Dead Zone, The 4400).

Posted on: 24 10 06 09:29 am
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
only one outLAW... beware of imitations.
2005/11/15 20:27
Posts: 244
Level : 14; EXP : 60
HP : 0 / 340
MP : 81 / 19256
OK, here?s what I can surmise from watching the show. (which BTW ROCKS!)

This has a kind of Smallville meets Lost type of feel, anyone else think so?

Now for the characters:

Ando Masahasi (Hiro?s friend) ? has no powers. (though it?d be cool to see him turn out to be like a sidekick or something to Hiro)

Isaac Mendez ? Painter w/ Psychic abilities. Seems like in 2 or 3 episodes he?d mentioned that he?d painted things 3 weeks prior. So that would probably mean that he can see 3 weeks into the future and it?s safe to assume that is the comics that Hiro was reading is old. Plus it has also been mentioned that he hasn?t done a comic in a while, which would be the reason why Hiro can?t just skip ahead to the end of the season.

Simone Deveaux ? ex/girlfriend of Isaac. Doesn?t seem to possess anything special. (anyone think otherwise?)

Micha Sanders ? Boy Genius. (just that, but one would think he would manifest later since both his parents are ?mutants?)

Niki Sanders ? Girl w/ split persona. I?d have to agree on the HULK thing. Or perhaps one day she will have control over both and merge into one Caitlin Fairchild (GEN13) type of character.

Hiro Nakamura ? Ability to bend Time and Space. Sweet! And he?s all bad a$$ in the future.

Claire Bennet ? Super Healing Powers. Damn, along w/ this power, the girl turns out to be quite a clutz, wimp, and fragile at that! Now as far as WOLVERINE goes? Remember, he too can be killed. In fact that was explored and mentioned that if he drowns and stays drowned then he does not regen since his blood cells technically die when his heart and brain cease to function. That will probably include suffocation or getting jettisoned into space. Hopefully, or not, she might manifest something else along w/ her ability.

Nathan Patrelli ? Flight. Now I initially thought that his power would be cheesy. Especially seeing the first 2 episodes where they did a horrible job at the F/X on it. But after last night?s epi, wow! He broke the sound barrier at about 100ft and kept going! His landing was slightly ok, but wow that was a highlight. I?m also assuming that he might have some sort of ?aura? like the FLASH cause of traveling at that speed, a fly would simply rip through him.

Mohinder Suresh ? The Doctor. Not much is known whether or not this guy will provide any ?special? abilities. I think if anything, he?ll be like a Professor X to the team, without the mental powers and wheelchair.

Matt Parkman ? The telepathic Cop. He?s like a Jean Grey type of character, I wonder though if he?ll develop a telekinesis thing with this.

Peter Patrelli ? Absorbs powers briefly. I think this guy?s powers are like that of Rogue but he doesn?t need to touch them. It also appears that he?s able to sustain the power for almost a day like a battery charge of sorts. Now I imagined that this character was going to be the centralized one since he started off the show and also Hiro approached him to get everyone together and to get the wheels turning. But imagine he had to fight the ?Syler? character or even any bad guy for instance. He will be fairly evenly matched w/ them so there?s no telling where they can go w/ that as for the battles. Second, he?s a pretty powerful ?mutant? considering the fact that what would happen if he was around all of the HEROES at once. He?d have everyone?s powers. And if he went to fight as a team against the evil, then he?d have the bad guy?s powers along w/ the good guys. Damn that?s pretty powerful. Anyone else see the possibilities of this character?

On a final note, I think that even if these characters start to get old and their adventures start to run down, the show could always start anew and showcase even more heroes from everywhere or anywhere else. I'd imagine that they could even go as far as changing casts every season w/ different stories.

Posted on: 24 10 06 01:11 pm
- outLAW2LK -
"The world can be an ugly... Thank God we have Photoshop."
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
Gold Member
2004/5/15 4:10
From Living in the Land of Confusion
Posts: 715
Level : 24; EXP : 25
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I do not think that Dr. Mohinder Suresh's Dad is really deceased. Also, that he has an intimate connection to Syler (but not to Claire Bennet's adopted father, I think his connection is of a different sort.)

I also do not think that Claire Bennet's a clutz, a wimp or fragile; she gets hurt as easily as the rest of us fleshy water bags, she just painlessly heals, and very quickly.

I am glad to see the show starting to pick up it's pace. I hope the writers have a long term story arc plotted out, and that they have the time to bring it to fruition.

Posted on: 24 10 06 04:42 pm
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me
than a frontal lobotomy.
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
2006/5/4 7:37
From kalamazoo mi
Posts: 58
Level : 6; EXP : 48
HP : 0 / 137
MP : 19 / 7574
I'd like to point out, when hiro got ahold of (stole) the comic, it was from five weeks in the future. In the future, the artist had been killed as well, so there weren't any other issuses comin' out. So after the end, when it says they're going to vegas, theyr'e on their own.

Posted on: 24 10 06 06:05 pm
Never underestimate the power of stupidity. Thats why they put warnings on lawnmowers :
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
2004/11/18 15:47
Posts: 200
Level : 13; EXP : 18
HP : 0 / 304
MP : 66 / 18123
Yes that flying was SWEEEEEET!!! Even the landing didn't suck.

I have a couple theories. I don't think Mohinder Suresh will be the Xavier of this group. I'm thinking that will be Claire's "father". He's studying these people but not hurting anyone. They're trying to suggest he's the bad guy, but I think that's a curve ball. I think that cute little "innocent" girl helping Mohinder is the assassin that killed his father. And yes i do think he's dead. His body was misfiled, but Mohinder did identify it and have it cremated.

Hiro is definitely my favorite character. He did not steal that comic. He paid with Japanese money...probably overpaid.

The kid genius is way more interesting than his whore mother. His power is his genius. How many kids can build a new computer logic circuit with a soldering iron. His dad is almost certainly innocent of the murders...she's been doing all the killing.

I'd like to see the artist, Isaac, learn to access his power without the drugs, since he's now seen Peter do it stone sober. I think the time frame he paints varies, sometimes 2 or 3 weeks, but this the kiss under the umbrella was "6 weeks ago".

I hope they introduce more characters other than having Sylar just kill them off. It'd be cool to see someone put up a fight.

Love this show!!! Can't wait til next week!!!

Posted on: 25 10 06 07:10 am
"How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"
Sherlock Holmes
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
Kling on HM (WebMaster!)
2004/7/19 7:51
From My Box
Posts: 6994
Level : 57; EXP : 83
HP : 284 / 1420
MP : 2331 / 85930
I say "screw the cheerleader.... just save the world!"

Posted on: 25 10 06 07:40 am
I'm not drunk...... I'm Scottish!
Yeah OK, I am Drunk...
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
only one outLAW... beware of imitations.
2005/11/15 20:27
Posts: 244
Level : 14; EXP : 60
HP : 0 / 340
MP : 81 / 19256
I agree! I forgot to mention that girl w/ Mohinder. She just seems a bit off to me.

Posted on: 25 10 06 10:05 am
- outLAW2LK -
"The world can be an ugly... Thank God we have Photoshop."
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
Gold Member
2004/5/15 4:10
From Living in the Land of Confusion
Posts: 715
Level : 24; EXP : 25
HP : 0 / 581
MP : 238 / 35462

JrMcDeath wrote:
"I say 'screw the cheerleader.... just save the world!'"

jediadept says: 'screw the cheerleader.... THEN save the world!


B4tm4n wrote:
I don't think Mohinder Suresh will be the Xavier of this group. I'm thinking that will be Claire's "father". He's studying these people but not hurting anyone. They're trying to suggest he's the bad guy, but I think that's a curve ball.

jediadept writes: I agree wholeheartedly, but darker, more like "The Chief" of the Doom Patrol than Xavier of the X-Men.


B4tm4n wrote:
I think that cute little "innocent" girl helping Mohinder is the assassin... (of Mohinder Suresh's father). Yes, i do think he's dead. His body was misfiled, but Mohinder did identify it and have it cremated.

jediadept writes: I also agree, if not Silas, herself. But I still think Mohinder Suresh's father (actor Erick Avari, pictured on the back cover of the book) is alive and will somehow show up, if for no other reason, because Avari is a well known actor and it would be a shame not to use him.


B4tm4n wrote:
The kid genius... His dad is almost certainly innocent of the murders... she (his Mom) has been doing all the killing.

jediadept writes: Very very possible, if not likely; how did she just "happen" to try to bury the mob goons in the same place those other bodies were??

This turning out to be a fun dicussion

The ability to fly without external apparatus is so cool.

Posted on: 25 10 06 08:13 pm
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me
than a frontal lobotomy.
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
Super Into SuperGirl (HFC)
2004/4/1 7:00
From The Better Island Of New Zealand
Posts: 405
Level : 18; EXP : 72
HP : 0 / 443
MP : 135 / 27190
How could Eden be a bad guy she was the hottest chick in the show, next to the cheerleader but shes underage

Posted on: 3 11 06 02:38 am
I'm A Red Shirt In The Star Trek Episode Of Life
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
Super Into SuperGirl (HFC)
2004/4/1 7:00
From The Better Island Of New Zealand
Posts: 405
Level : 18; EXP : 72
HP : 0 / 443
MP : 135 / 27190
Check out this music video my little bro made

he doesn't know I've posted it yet so shh

Posted on: 3 11 06 02:03 pm
I'm A Red Shirt In The Star Trek Episode Of Life
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
The Metal Shinigami (Moderator)
2004/12/6 17:15
From Kentucky
Posts: 5149
Level : 52; EXP : 13
HP : 255 / 1278
MP : 1716 / 75885
Ok only seen a few shows starting with the Cheerleader on the morgue slab......hooked now

Posted on: 4 11 06 07:09 am
Good? I never claimed to be. Just good at what I do, and today that is being evil. - Dark Wanderer.
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Re: Who's watching Heroes?
The Great Eternal Dragon
2004/2/9 4:54
From Edmonton,Alberta,Canada
Posts: 11284
Level : 67; EXP : 55
HP : 332 / 1663
MP : 3761 / 102768

Alex wrote:
Check out this music video my little bro made

he doesn't know I've posted it yet so shh

Yeah neat Vid Alex!
Ha! He's a real Supa Hiro !

Posted on: 4 11 06 11:48 am
Photobucket Member: 08/22/2006
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