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Re: 2005 Crossover |
Mr. The Mighty Lord *Krackaboom!* 
Joined: 2004/1/13 6:11
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Quote: If we do go the competition route though, I'll go in as a rookie. Just to win it, of course. Wait, wait, we get to choose which level we get to compete at? Ok, put me down for "Never Opened PhotoShop". 
Posted on: 26 12 04 11:13 am
Who's The Model?
Re: 2005 Crossover |
The New Number 2 (Moderator-Like Guy) 
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Quote: Wait, wait, we get to choose which level we get to compete at? Ok, put me down for "Never Opened PhotoShop".
Actually, I guess I can make a legitimate claim for entry into the category of "Only been working with this Photoshop thing for a week." Which makes me a rookie, no? 
Posted on: 26 12 04 11:41 am
Re: 2005 Crossover |
Joined: 1969/12/31 16:00
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Everyone's kind of jumping the gun... the idea was we start talking about what we want do do next year and get some kind of consensus.
I take it that those who have put themselves into a 'category' want a head to head competition instead of another team-up? Care to tell us why and start discussing other stuff, e.g. what time of year shall we run this and how long do we run it for?
My personal preference is for single competition. 1. Because we've already done a team-up. 2. Because when artists didn't finish last year they were letting their teammate down. We could set up solo competition so that the artists could submit whatever image they were working on at the time, possibly reducing the no-shows.
There could be other options, maybe teams from HM vs teams from C2F?
Max - don't jump on guns.
Posted on: 26 12 04 12:07 pm
Re: 2005 Crossover |
Gold Member 
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i preferred the team up. i thought the purpose of the crossover was to promote a well being between the sites, and NOT a competition. we already have enough competition between both sites, rather we admit it or not. a singles competition is what we have everyday at both sites. team c2f vs. team heromorph, we can team with artists at our respective sites anytime we want.
i prefer a crossover team up like last year, but it's whatever the masses decide.
Posted on: 26 12 04 02:31 pm
Re: 2005 Crossover |
Mr. The Mighty Lord *Krackaboom!* 
Joined: 2004/1/13 6:11
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Quote: take it that those who have put themselves into a 'category' want a head to head competition instead of another team-up? Absolutely not! I want to be teamed up with another artist at my level. BB
Posted on: 26 12 04 08:45 pm
Who's The Model?
re: 2005 crossover |
The Metal Shinigami (Moderator) 
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I like both Ideas. Both will give me a better understanding of how well I can do. The team up will/should alow for critiqing to help me improve, and make new friends in the process. This would be a one shot deal.
Where as the site vs site, could be a drawn out event, especialy if it is a bracket style event. if that were the case, would each contestant need to make a new entry for each bracket or would the one enrty be used through out the event?
Posted on: 26 12 04 10:14 pm
Whowhatwherewhyandhowmuchwillitcost?!?! |
Dazed and Confused... mostly Confused 
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Honestly, I like the idea of teaming up. I don't know about no final four brackets, or whatever, but I do like the idea of different categories. Cuz my 3 manips isn't enough to take on someone like Furious Max or Billy.
Posted on: 27 12 04 12:45 am
Vivo per lei
Re: Excitable to the touch |
I just saw the post at C2F, but there weren't any responses yet. So I guess I'd be a cruiser. So since, I'm an artist at both sites, I'd be willing to be either a heromorpher or a c2f'r, cause last year there wasn't enough people participating to make it even. So wherever ya need me at...
Posted on: 27 12 04 05:31 am
Shwing! |
Kling on HM (WebMaster!) 
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Your such a trooper!  Now, you do of course know that if you go to C2F to participate you will be a traitor!  Jusat playing! I am still just waiting to see what developes. I guess I am still in.
Posted on: 27 12 04 06:57 am
I'm not drunk...... I'm Scottish! Yeah OK, I am Drunk...
I'm in!!! |
Bat Junkie...and who took my meds??? 
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Count me in!!!!!Quote: There could be other options, maybe teams from HM vs teams from C2F?
If that's the case it should be as a team up
Posted on: 27 12 04 08:25 am
Re: Excitable to the touch |
Mr. The Mighty Lord *Krackaboom!* 
Joined: 2004/1/13 6:11
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Quote: PoisonIvy wrote: I just saw the post at C2F, but there weren't any responses yet. So I guess I'd be a cruiser. So since, I'm an artist at both sites, I'd be willing to be either a heromorpher or a c2f'r, cause last year there wasn't enough people participating to make it even. So wherever ya need me at...
Does this mean you've looked at sites, from both sides now? And still somehow...
Posted on: 27 12 04 11:16 am
Who's The Model?
Re: 2005 Crossover |
I would do this since I was half of the winning team last year. But, I received 1,000,000 emails from my partner (Bill Turner)  constantly changing it after the contest was over. Just kidding Bill. Anywho, I guess I'm in, but from where...C2F hmmmm or Heromorph could be or a sneaky spy from Bold Comics that will post that he beat them all.
Posted on: 27 12 04 01:52 pm
Re: 2005 Crossover |
Hey kids, I'm Mike the other organiser of this hoot-a-nanny. It seems like C2f's interest is slighlty lower this year, but I think that's only because we just had a large event recently. So lets look at ground work. There's two main ways of thinking: Teams and Competition. Either way I think there should be one deadline for everyone. I agree that it sucked last year when some team mates didn't complete on time, and because of that I think the competition idea will work better. So here's what I propose: First of all everyone declares which level they think they should be in: Rookie, Cruiser or Vet. Then depending on the numbers they get split into groups (c2f and Heromorph) of 3-5. Each group is then assigned a theme, a character or given a base image, that they must work from. This gives artists creative freedom, but also brings things together as an event. Also, it means if someone drops out it's not the end of the world. We can then vote to get winners, although I don't know if that'd give it a negative spin. What do you think? Mike
Posted on: 30 12 04 08:06 am
Oh No......I opened my big mouth |
Kling on HM (WebMaster!) 
Joined: 2004/7/19 7:51
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Quote: There could be other options, maybe teams from HM vs teams from C2F? No offense to you C2-effers... but we can't team up HM-ers and C2f-ers... This is really going out on a limb and might crawl under someone's skin... but Team HW would Slaughter Team C2F if we were to team up like that. Oh, and I know that wasn't meant to be an all HM team up... I know you meant individual teams... but still HM ROCKS!!!! We would slap down... oh no... I am starting to get ornery.... I will stop! I do like Mike's ideas though... so, we gonna do this or what... And who is going to decide who does who and what the theme is and yadda.... yadda... yadda.... OH, and also, we can't put this up to a group (poll) vote... it seems in the last few polls that there have been people simply slaughtering others... almost as if the poll was fixed... regardless... we can't let this happen on a big competition like this... We will need a group of HM judges and C2F judges to decide the winners... I know that this is a pain in the a$$ but it is the only way to judge it fairly.
Posted on: 30 12 04 08:26 am
I'm not drunk...... I'm Scottish! Yeah OK, I am Drunk...
Re: Oh No......I opened my big mouth |
Quote: Team HW would Slaughter Team C2F lol, that's funny! We have a guy that always makes jokes over at C2f too :P Mike
Posted on: 30 12 04 09:57 am
Too Funny |
Kling on HM (WebMaster!) 
Joined: 2004/7/19 7:51
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 glad you enjoy my humor!  Now, Where did I leave my Beatin' Stick? 
Posted on: 30 12 04 10:54 am
I'm not drunk...... I'm Scottish! Yeah OK, I am Drunk...
I'm not in. |
Besides the fact that I don't like deadlines or being told what to draw. I also tend to think that a competition is a bad idea.
The blood between Heromorph and C2F is thin as it is (and I won't get your blood boiling by stating my thoughts on that). A competition will just make the rift between the two sites wider.
Too many artists think they're the best in the world and don't take kindly being told otherwise. I know them. Both here and at C2F. No, I'm not going to name names.
Competition between artists is just never a good idea.
We have something like that here called duels. I dueled a buddy and he lost. I know his feelings got hurt, though he got over it quick, I'm sure. But still it stung. It was also hard becuase mutual friends had to do the judging.
Really...artists should just never compete. It's not a foot race, it's a very subjective field with no clear cut line at the end to say who really was better. Fact is, most all of us excel at what we do in different style, mood, etc. It's not fair to compare them.
Posted on: 30 12 04 11:01 am
Re: I'm not in. |
Kling on HM (WebMaster!) 
Joined: 2004/7/19 7:51
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So does this mean you are in?
Posted on: 30 12 04 11:31 am
I'm not drunk...... I'm Scottish! Yeah OK, I am Drunk...
Re: I'm not in. |
Hey, I think it's still workable without the competition aspect. Personally I agree, that competitions can become really negative. We could sitll have this event, without having a winner. We all just manip the same theme.
In regards to bad blood between the two sites, there's none coming from me. Most of those that took part last time enjoyed it, and there were no great falling outs.
Posted on: 30 12 04 11:43 am
Last year's. |
Last year it wasn't a competition of site A vs Site B.
Posted on: 30 12 04 11:45 am
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