Android wrote:
About your sketches: I didn't understand what was going on in the last pic you posted but I think this isn't so important right now.
Yeah, it's kind of light... It's a rectangular craft crashed on a dirt and rock planetoid of some kind. It's was just a quick sketch to lay out my idea for the sky and environment.
I really like the musculature you created for the alien. Very powerful and menacing. The like-an-insect eyes always bring that special feeling of horror and strangeness. Very good indeed!
Thanks! I was going for an anthropomorphic weird alien-ness. More weird than horrific, but that reaction is good.
Do you really need to show him as a bad guy?
I really don't see him as a bad guy. I see him more as crash victim making his way out of the vehicle. I am glad that you are having a disturbed reaction to him though. Aliens should make you feel uncomfortable.
Let's see the next phase!
Hopefully I can doe some decent ship designs during lunch today.