Modern Day Pin-up Queens for V4.2 Elite
Low Intro price of 45% off 14.95 = 8.22
Requires V4.2, V4.2 Morphs+++, V4.2 Elite Morphs. 2 characters in one package. These sexy Babes are based on real life models.
Masterchief brings you
The Second Ultimate Pin-up Package. Two Sisters Dita and Didda are here to make your renders Spring to life with their sensual looks.
These 2 lovely ladies Come with multiple makeup options and advance material settings for both Poser and DS.
Does not include Hair or clothing.

Modern Day Pinup Queens comes with:
* 2 Head INJ/REM
* 2 Body INJ/REM
* 13 Head Textures (3000x3000)
* 1 Torso Texture (3000x3000)
* 1 Limbs Texture (3000x3000)
* 9 Eye Textures (1024x1024)
* 1 Teeth and Mouth Texture (2000x2000)
* 2 Eyelash Transmaps (1000x1000)
* includes corresponding bump, trans, Specular maps for above.