Hello everyone!
I wanted to tell you about an exciting sale that Heromorph Download Central is having.
During the Month of March!!
It is our Buy one and get two gold items for free offer. Please read below carefully!
It's simple!
You purchase one of the following items between Mar 1, 2009 and Mar 31 2009!

Melaanh for M4
Vruk the Orc for M4
Arina complete for V4
Frank for M4
Shi-na Complete
Victor Complete
Hal for M4Once you have completed your Order send a e-mail to
heromorph@shaw.ca or PM Winterhawk here at Heromorph with your order number and the name of the two gold items you would like for free. You will then be contacted with information on your free downloads. Please allow up to 24 hours for a response.
What do you get you ask?
Well you can pick any two items you find in this category.

Click here to see the Gold Items!!