Now available for Purchase at the HMDC, Adrianna for V4!

Adrianna for V4.2Regular Price 8.95
Special Intro Offer: $5.37
Save 40% until Feb 7th 2010
Character Pack for V4.2 with a custom Head Morph. She also comes with a dial spun body morph using the morphs ++. 10 makeup options and 10 eye colors. Easy to use MAT, INJ and REM files.
Adrianna comes ready to rock your runtime.
Does not include Hair or clothing.
Adrianna comes with:
* 1 Head INJ/REM
* 1 Body INJ/REM
* 10 Head Texture (4000x4000)
* 1 Head Bump map (4000x4000)
* 1 Head Spec map (4000x4000)
* 1 Torso Texture (4000x4000)
* 1 Torso Bump Map (4000x4000)
* 1 torso Spec map (4000x4000)
* 1 Limbs Texture (4000x4000)
* 1 Limbs Bump map (4000x4000)
* 1 limbs Spec Map (4000x4000)
* 10 Eye Textures (1500x1500)
* 1 Eye Bump Map (1500x1500)
* 1 Eye Trans Map (1024x1024)
* 1 Eye Lash Trans Map (1000x1000)
* 1 Teeth and Mouth Texture (2000x2000)
* 1 Teeth and Mouth Bump Map (2000x2000)
* Both Poser7 and up (pz2) and DS3 (dsa) Mat settings.
check it out
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