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IRONMAN 3 - Spoiler alert [Don't read if you haven't seen yet] |
Shaper of Worlds 
Joined: 2004/4/5 2:41
From Matteson, Il
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I was trying to wait until someone else officially opened a thread about what is touted as the "best Ironman ever!" Well I saw it on opening night and i tout it as the "biggest rip-off in movie history"! Trust me guys this is one that you might wanna wait for the DVD release. Subpar storyline. Subpar acting. Subpar effects. But mostly subpar villain[s]. While i did enjoy seeing Tony's Malibu home destroyed by attack would think that a former munitions maker genius who has publically told the world that he is Ironman would have better home security/defenses. The story seemed to be pieced together as it went along with no true direction. And while Downey did his best to save it with his whit, I still sat there saying "come on. let's get to the good part". The bad thing is that the so-called good part never came. I went to the movie anticipating a knock-down-drag-out between Ironman and and the Mandarin and it never happened. Christ! The Mandarin wasn't even real..just a made for TV spokesperson who's actual character turned out to be hilarious. So who was the villain? Still not sure. The only person who came to mind with similar abilities was Firebrand...but it was never confirmed that this is who he was. I could go on and on about this dud but I think I'll let you judge for yourself. P.S. Don't waste your time waiting to see the scene at the end of the credits. Trust me it won't be worth the extra 10 minutes. 
Posted on: 11 05 13 08:28 pm
"Don't look at me for answers. I just got here!"
Re: IRONMAN 3 - Spoiler alert [Don't read if you haven't seen yet] |
Guardian of the Great White North (Webmaster) 
Joined: 2003/8/17 10:44
From Canada
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I liked Ironman 3 but it was missing something. I think that something is good story direction. The movie had some serious problems (Ie. Things I didn't like). If you read past this point You will find spoilers. I am going to list my problems with the show. Mostly things that I didn't like or thought could be better.
Problem 1 - Iron Patriot suit??? Huh - so the iron patriot suit is taken by the bad guys so easily. they just heat it up the arm and he goes down, then to get him out they heat up the armour until he pops out....This seemed stupid to me. Then on top of it. The bad guy gets in the suit and has full control boards the plane, put the president in suit, but for some reason the president has no control....Huh? Then they leave the president in the suit...double Huh?? They explain when all the Ironman suits show up they are all encoded to Tony so only Tony can use them. Why can the bad guys use Iron Patriot, and why is the president unable to use the suit? Makes no sense at all. Then when Rhodes gets the suit back, it works just fine for him again...I really really don't get any of this. Seems like they would just change the rules for the use of suits as it suited them..(pun intended)
Problem 2 - I understand that they wanted a more powered down Ironman for this story, but they forgot that Tony keeps suits at his house, in his tower, etc. the reasons for him only using the broken and temp suit make no sense. Then to have him just call up his other suits and have them fight at the end shows he didn't have to be stranded with that stupid kid. He could have just have a new working suit come to his location. The ending shows this was possible for the almost the whole movie. If his basement was blocked, send them from the Stark tower etc. Or use the suits in the basement to clear the rubble off.
Problem 3 - The bad guys, What are their powers, they seem to change. Why do we care, why set up a fake terrorist just to kill the president and replace him with the vice president. At first I thought that they just created the terrorist so that they could explain away the exploding people from their experiments that they wanted to keep secret, Setting up the terrorist to stop them from looking closer. Also why act like a terrorist and willing suicide bomb yourself if it was just for some weird corporate/greed motivation. It doesn't add up to me. Also why would the solidiers in the bad guy army be all pumped to be experimented on so they could get blown up, commit treason, etc. Having the bad guys be vets that are amputees that got super powers so they could blow up and forget their country seems off to me. Here let me grow your arm back, now please go downtown and blow yourself up as payment for your arm. Who would care about an arm when they are dead.Then they show that this was because the main villian wanted Tony to feel desperate. I don't know but the motivations for all the bad guys seem unrealistic.
Problem 4 - The kid in the middle of the movie. Seems forced and seems like Disney intervention. That kid was a horrible actor added nothing to the movie.
Problem 5 - Pepper Potts - being the real hero. I went to see Ironman 3, Not Pepper Power. Not only did Ironman fail in saving her and protecting her but after a few injections she was easily able to rip apart a rougue ironman suit and defeat the main villian. (And did anyone every doubt from the moment they showed Peper getting the injections that she wouldn't become a super hero before the end of the show?) This was stupid. Also why are the trained exmilitary powered up bad guys so much weaker then the newly created Pepper power. those suits were able to take those random powered bad guys out easy enough, but Pepper could just rip the suits apart..Dumb, and lazy story telling.
Problem 6 - Shows that Tony isn't even a requirement and actually makes no sense for him to pilot the suits. At the end when we get to see all the other Ironman suits being flown around on their own, it shows that Tony doesn't need to be involved in the operation of the suits at all. They are capble of operating completely on their own. So why would Tony ever put himself at risk. Also if he really wants the control over the suit, they also show that he can remote control the suits perfectly. So from this point on, When ever Tony is in danger while wearing his suit. It is because he is stupid for putting himself at risk and forgot that they can operate without him or that he can have perfect remote control with no need to be in physical danger himself anymore.
Problem 7 - The suits keep falling apart. Seems like once every fifteen minutes we were seeing an ironman suit being nocked over and falling into multiple parts. Mostly it was the same suit, but still I found it annoying that it was falling apart all the time. If it is that fragile how the hell does it protect him so well when the script calls for it.
Now I did find this film better then Ironman 2 but it doesn't come close to Ironman. I would give it a 6 out of ten.
Posted on: 13 05 13 02:11 pm
PS4, PS3, Vita PSN: Winterhawk200 X-Box one Gamertag: Winterhawk200 WII U: Winterhawk200
Driver picks the music, shoutgun shuts their cakehole.
Re: IRONMAN 3 - Spoiler alert [Don't read if you haven't seen yet] |
Joined: 2003/8/26 22:16
From halfway between limbo and purgatory
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My beef with this film was the fact that, not only was the storyline...meh... weak, but it seemed to be a merger between several story lines within the comic itself. So this must have been the idea: Lets take Extremis, add in a pinch of the Mandarin story arc to entice the fans, throw in the Iron Patriot from the Civil War comics, make Stark completely neurotic and worthless, have several suits that "save the day", when in actuality, Pepper saves the day. AND THEN at the end...remove the shrapnel, take away Pepper's powers, and in general, alienate every hardcore fan out there.
I can't say it was the worst Ironman film ever, but it certainly wasn't the far.
Posted on: 20 05 13 01:11 pm
Broaden your horizons, eat interesting people.
Re: IRONMAN 3 - Spoiler alert [Don't read if you haven't seen yet] |
Joined: 2009/11/25 0:57
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I just thought it was a bad Guy scheme done over and over... "ill make a war and profit by supplying the weapons"... and I don't care what you do to peoples genes, they can't heat up to 3000 degrees...
Posted on: 5 06 13 07:01 pm
Re: IRONMAN 3 - Spoiler alert [Don't read if you haven't seen yet] |
Joined: 2006/7/18 19:52
From United States
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Quote: Winterhawk wrote: Problem 1 - Iron Patriot suit??? Huh - so the iron patriot suit is taken by the bad guys so easily. they just heat it up the arm and he goes down, then to get him out they heat up the armour until he pops out....This seemed stupid to me. Then on top of it. The bad guy gets in the suit and has full control boards the plane, put the president in suit, but for some reason the president has no control....Huh? Then they leave the president in the suit...double Huh?? They explain when all the Ironman suits show up they are all encoded to Tony so only Tony can use them. Why can the bad guys use Iron Patriot, and why is the president unable to use the suit? Makes no sense at all. Then when Rhodes gets the suit back, it works just fine for him again...I really really don't get any of this. Seems like they would just change the rules for the use of suits as it suited them..(pun intended)
I believe it is implied that the bad guys are able to take down Iron Patriot so easily is because they have some understanding as to the suit's vulnerabilities as Aldrich Killian's AIM company was able to obtain all sorts of information about the suit while designing it's current operating system. That is also why Killian is able to control the suit. It is shown that the suits need to be coded to specific users and that suit does a retinal scan as part of determination of whether person can or can't use the suit. Tony programmed his suits for Pepper as well as himself. Ironically, the President is not authorized. Tony is able to trap Killian in his suit because Killian only has control over Iron Patriot suit. Quote: Problem 2 - I understand that they wanted a more powered down Ironman for this story, but they forgot that Tony keeps suits at his house, in his tower, etc. the reasons for him only using the broken and temp suit make no sense. Then to have him just call up his other suits and have them fight at the end shows he didn't have to be stranded with that stupid kid. He could have just have a new working suit come to his location. The ending shows this was possible for the almost the whole movie. If his basement was blocked, send them from the Stark tower etc. Or use the suits in the basement to clear the rubble off.
The suits that come to him were the newest series, something he'd just worked up at home, not yet in the tower. That rubble needed to be cleared first is why they weren't used earlier. Quote: Problem 3 - The bad guys, What are their powers, they seem to change. Why do we care, why set up a fake terrorist just to kill the president and replace him with the vice president. At first I thought that they just created the terrorist so that they could explain away the exploding people from their experiments that they wanted to keep secret, Setting up the terrorist to stop them from looking closer. Also why act like a terrorist and willing suicide bomb yourself if it was just for some weird corporate/greed motivation. It doesn't add up to me. Also why would the solidiers in the bad guy army be all pumped to be experimented on so they could get blown up, commit treason, etc. Having the bad guys be vets that are amputees that got super powers so they could blow up and forget their country seems off to me. Here let me grow your arm back, now please go downtown and blow yourself up as payment for your arm. Who would care about an arm when they are dead.Then they show that this was because the main villian wanted Tony to feel desperate. I don't know but the motivations for all the bad guys seem unrealistic.
Bad guys powers are speed, strength and heat, limb regrowth and apparently dragon breath for Killian. It was a real terrorist group using their less willing or able members as pawns... asking them to meet somewhere then not giving them the drugs promised to regulate and boom. Participants did not know what they were getting themselves into. Argument can be made that they followed Killian because he gave them back what their country could not and gave them more but it was also mentioned how extremis rewires the brain. Quote: Problem 4 - The kid in the middle of the movie. Seems forced and seems like Disney intervention. That kid was a horrible actor added nothing to the movie.
yeah, it was a cheesy ploy although the very unsentimental way in which Tony treats the kid like an employee made it kind of amusing for me. Quote: Problem 5 - Pepper Potts - being the real hero. I went to see Ironman 3, Not Pepper Power. Not only did Ironman fail in saving her and protecting her but after a few injections she was easily able to rip apart a rougue ironman suit and defeat the main villian. (And did anyone every doubt from the moment they showed Peper getting the injections that she wouldn't become a super hero before the end of the show?) This was stupid. Also why are the trained exmilitary powered up bad guys so much weaker then the newly created Pepper power. those suits were able to take those random powered bad guys out easy enough, but Pepper could just rip the suits apart..Dumb, and lazy story telling.
Yeah, wasn't too crazy to see her turned in another generic super myself. If she were saving the day in purely smart woman ways (like she did in IM 1 & 2), that would've been better. Still, perhaps it's Pepper's insider knowledge of how Tony builds suits that allowed her to tear 'em up more easily. Quote: Problem 6 - Shows that Tony isn't even a requirement and actually makes no sense for him to pilot the suits. At the end when we get to see all the other Ironman suits being flown around on their own, it shows that Tony doesn't need to be involved in the operation of the suits at all. They are capble of operating completely on their own. So why would Tony ever put himself at risk. Also if he really wants the control over the suit, they also show that he can remote control the suits perfectly. So from this point on, When ever Tony is in danger while wearing his suit. It is because he is stupid for putting himself at risk and forgot that they can operate without him or that he can have perfect remote control with no need to be in physical danger himself anymore.
Yeah, I agree... I see this as possibly a point forced on the writers by producers as I think it's possible there may be a move in the works to make the suit the star rather than letting an actor like RDJ gain too much control. All that said... meh, it was an OK movie. Personally, I enjoyed both of the first 2 a great deal more. I didn't hate IM3 but it won't be getting any glowing reviews from me.
Posted on: 10 06 13 07:13 pm
Re: IRONMAN 3 - Spoiler alert [Don't read if you haven't seen yet] |
Joined: 2004/10/20 9:40
Posts: 452
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What I hate here is this "serie" as most of the Marvel serie is taking us for dumb consumer again...(same as in comic at the moment) as many movies lately villain are "sdlaughtered",Silvermane?a buffon,The mandarin,Ditto! Obedia Stane was good,and The Whiplash too,but except that...
we have a very bad iron patriot(slaughtered version of Osborn patriot)
an awfull mandarin,beeing the phony and the not phony(who could be many super villain of marvel BUT the mandarin,and no it is not the brandon(powered armor here))also the A.I.M. is bad too
Lets not talk about Iron Pepper very far away of the comic version...
Check one simple thing that appear in Iron man 2 and then in the avenger movie, the black widow bracers,the trade mark weapon of this character,do you seen it? NO! and it is way more simpler to do than many FX in the movies...
Iron Man 3 simply pushed me to not see the Iron Man 4(if there is one) nor the avenger to come or any marvel related movies
Posted on: 19 06 13 05:56 pm
None is innocent,not even me,above all not me
Re: IRONMAN 3 - Spoiler alert [Don't read if you haven't seen yet] |
Shaper of Worlds 
Joined: 2004/4/5 2:41
From Matteson, Il
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check again Cy. The Widow's wearing her bracers in both movies..they're just black.
Posted on: 21 06 13 11:59 pm
"Don't look at me for answers. I just got here!"
Re: IRONMAN 3 - Spoiler alert [Don't read if you haven't seen yet] |
Joined: 2004/10/20 9:40
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yup,but does she use them?,like Iron Man repulsor beaém,the "widows bite" was part of the characetrs and her main weapons during more than 20 years,that why the scene where she shot critters in the avenger make her look pretty pathetic in view of the other characters...(in my point of view here)
Posted on: 23 06 13 06:24 am
None is innocent,not even me,above all not me
Re: IRONMAN 3 - Spoiler alert [Don't read if you haven't seen yet] |
Guardian of the Great White North (Webmaster) 
Joined: 2003/8/17 10:44
From Canada
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Level : 57; EXP : 32 HP : 281 / 1408 MP : 2270 / 88465
Quote: pijon wrote: Quote: Winterhawk wrote: Problem 1 - Iron Patriot suit??? Huh - so the iron patriot suit is taken by the bad guys so easily. they just heat it up the arm and he goes down, then to get him out they heat up the armour until he pops out....This seemed stupid to me. Then on top of it. The bad guy gets in the suit and has full control boards the plane, put the president in suit, but for some reason the president has no control....Huh? Then they leave the president in the suit...double Huh?? They explain when all the Ironman suits show up they are all encoded to Tony so only Tony can use them. Why can the bad guys use Iron Patriot, and why is the president unable to use the suit? Makes no sense at all. Then when Rhodes gets the suit back, it works just fine for him again...I really really don't get any of this. Seems like they would just change the rules for the use of suits as it suited them..(pun intended)
I believe it is implied that the bad guys are able to take down Iron Patriot so easily is because they have some understanding as to the suit's vulnerabilities as Aldrich Killian's AIM company was able to obtain all sorts of information about the suit while designing it's current operating system. That is also why Killian is able to control the suit. It is shown that the suits need to be coded to specific users and that suit does a retinal scan as part of determination of whether person can or can't use the suit. Tony programmed his suits for Pepper as well as himself. Ironically, the President is not authorized. Tony is able to trap Killian in his suit because Killian only has control over Iron Patriot suit.
I really really do not remember any part of the movie that explained this. I could have missed it but I do not remember any explaination or even any hint at one. Quote: Quote: Problem 2 - I understand that they wanted a more powered down Ironman for this story, but they forgot that Tony keeps suits at his house, in his tower, etc. the reasons for him only using the broken and temp suit make no sense. Then to have him just call up his other suits and have them fight at the end shows he didn't have to be stranded with that stupid kid. He could have just have a new working suit come to his location. The ending shows this was possible for the almost the whole movie. If his basement was blocked, send them from the Stark tower etc. Or use the suits in the basement to clear the rubble off.
The suits that come to him were the newest series, something he'd just worked up at home, not yet in the tower. That rubble needed to be cleared first is why they weren't used earlier.
So Iron men suits can engage in combat...but they can not clear rubble......still seems stupid. Quote:
Quote: Problem 3 - The bad guys, What are their powers, they seem to change. Why do we care, why set up a fake terrorist just to kill the president and replace him with the vice president. At first I thought that they just created the terrorist so that they could explain away the exploding people from their experiments that they wanted to keep secret, Setting up the terrorist to stop them from looking closer. Also why act like a terrorist and willing suicide bomb yourself if it was just for some weird corporate/greed motivation. It doesn't add up to me. Also why would the solidiers in the bad guy army be all pumped to be experimented on so they could get blown up, commit treason, etc. Having the bad guys be vets that are amputees that got super powers so they could blow up and forget their country seems off to me. Here let me grow your arm back, now please go downtown and blow yourself up as payment for your arm. Who would care about an arm when they are dead.Then they show that this was because the main villian wanted Tony to feel desperate. I don't know but the motivations for all the bad guys seem unrealistic.
Bad guys powers are speed, strength and heat, limb regrowth and apparently dragon breath for Killian. It was a real terrorist group using their less willing or able members as pawns... asking them to meet somewhere then not giving them the drugs promised to regulate and boom. Participants did not know what they were getting themselves into. Argument can be made that they followed Killian because he gave them back what their country could not and gave them more but it was also mentioned how extremis rewires the brain.
Maybe Quote: Quote: Problem 4 - The kid in the middle of the movie. Seems forced and seems like Disney intervention. That kid was a horrible actor added nothing to the movie.
yeah, it was a cheesy ploy although the very unsentimental way in which Tony treats the kid like an employee made it kind of amusing for me.
Quote: Problem 5 - Pepper Potts - being the real hero. I went to see Ironman 3, Not Pepper Power. Not only did Ironman fail in saving her and protecting her but after a few injections she was easily able to rip apart a rougue ironman suit and defeat the main villian. (And did anyone every doubt from the moment they showed Peper getting the injections that she wouldn't become a super hero before the end of the show?) This was stupid. Also why are the trained exmilitary powered up bad guys so much weaker then the newly created Pepper power. those suits were able to take those random powered bad guys out easy enough, but Pepper could just rip the suits apart..Dumb, and lazy story telling.
Yeah, wasn't too crazy to see her turned in another generic super myself. If she were saving the day in purely smart woman ways (like she did in IM 1 & 2), that would've been better. Still, perhaps it's Pepper's insider knowledge of how Tony builds suits that allowed her to tear 'em up more easily.
I vote for bad writing still Quote: Quote: Problem 6 - Shows that Tony isn't even a requirement and actually makes no sense for him to pilot the suits. At the end when we get to see all the other Ironman suits being flown around on their own, it shows that Tony doesn't need to be involved in the operation of the suits at all. They are capble of operating completely on their own. So why would Tony ever put himself at risk. Also if he really wants the control over the suit, they also show that he can remote control the suits perfectly. So from this point on, When ever Tony is in danger while wearing his suit. It is because he is stupid for putting himself at risk and forgot that they can operate without him or that he can have perfect remote control with no need to be in physical danger himself anymore.
Yeah, I agree... I see this as possibly a point forced on the writers by producers as I think it's possible there may be a move in the works to make the suit the star rather than letting an actor like RDJ gain too much control.
All that said... meh, it was an OK movie. Personally, I enjoyed both of the first 2 a great deal more. I didn't hate IM3 but it won't be getting any glowing reviews from me.
I just though it was OK. I am not upset I saw it, but I am not happy.
Posted on: 24 06 13 04:50 pm
PS4, PS3, Vita PSN: Winterhawk200 X-Box one Gamertag: Winterhawk200 WII U: Winterhawk200
Driver picks the music, shoutgun shuts their cakehole.
Re: IRONMAN 3 - Spoiler alert [Don't read if you haven't seen yet] |
Joined: 2006/7/18 19:52
From United States
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Level : 56; EXP : 3 HP : 275 / 1375 MP : 2121 / 74698
hey Hawk, I was not saying you're wrong in that IM 3 was not well written, I was merely expressing my view that I didn't see it as full of plot holes as you had portrayed. So I won't spend a whole lot of time defending this lackluster film but let me clarify that first point a bit further. Quote: Winterhawk wrote: Quote: pijon wrote: Quote: Winterhawk wrote: Problem 1 - Iron Patriot suit??? Huh - so the iron patriot suit is taken by the bad guys so easily. they just heat it up the arm and he goes down, then to get him out they heat up the armour until he pops out....This seemed stupid to me. Then on top of it. The bad guy gets in the suit and has full control boards the plane, put the president in suit, but for some reason the president has no control....Huh? Then they leave the president in the suit...double Huh?? They explain when all the Ironman suits show up they are all encoded to Tony so only Tony can use them. Why can the bad guys use Iron Patriot, and why is the president unable to use the suit? Makes no sense at all. Then when Rhodes gets the suit back, it works just fine for him again...I really really don't get any of this. Seems like they would just change the rules for the use of suits as it suited them..(pun intended)
I believe it is implied that the bad guys are able to take down Iron Patriot so easily is because they have some understanding as to the suit's vulnerabilities as Aldrich Killian's AIM company was able to obtain all sorts of information about the suit while designing it's current operating system. That is also why Killian is able to control the suit. It is shown that the suits need to be coded to specific users and that suit does a retinal scan as part of determination of whether person can or can't use the suit. Tony programmed his suits for Pepper as well as himself. Ironically, the President is not authorized. Tony is able to trap Killian in his suit because Killian only has control over Iron Patriot suit.
I really really do not remember any part of the movie that explained this. I could have missed it but I do not remember any explaination or even any hint at one.
Okay, admittedly... it's all info extrapolated from the merest hint  : As Rhodie is flying into a trap, Tony contacts him, asking him who designed the suit's latest OS. Rhodie replies that it was AIM so Tony asks him permission to backhack the network to find out more about Killian. SInce AIM had designed the OS and had active networking to it, they could easily have pushed a button to shut it down (which sorta goes back to your problem 6  ) but it wouldn't have been nearly as dramatic a scene yet still suggests they had some level of control over it. Although not explicitly stated, there's just no way one could design an OS for cutting edge proprietary hardware without some knowledge of how it works.
Posted on: 26 06 13 07:29 pm
Re: IRONMAN 3 - Spoiler alert [Don't read if you haven't seen yet] |
Guardian of the Great White North (Webmaster) 
Joined: 2003/8/17 10:44
From Canada
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Level : 57; EXP : 32 HP : 281 / 1408 MP : 2270 / 88465
Quote: pijon wrote: hey Hawk, I was not saying you're wrong in that IM 3 was not well written, I was merely expressing my view that I didn't see it as full of plot holes as you had portrayed. So I won't spend a whole lot of time defending this lackluster film but let me clarify that first point a bit further.
No worries Bud, I really enjoyed reading your post and this one. Thanks for the replies. Quote: Quote: Winterhawk wrote: Quote: pijon wrote: Quote: Winterhawk wrote: Problem 1 - Iron Patriot suit??? Huh - so the iron patriot suit is taken by the bad guys so easily. they just heat it up the arm and he goes down, then to get him out they heat up the armour until he pops out....This seemed stupid to me. Then on top of it. The bad guy gets in the suit and has full control boards the plane, put the president in suit, but for some reason the president has no control....Huh? Then they leave the president in the suit...double Huh?? They explain when all the Ironman suits show up they are all encoded to Tony so only Tony can use them. Why can the bad guys use Iron Patriot, and why is the president unable to use the suit? Makes no sense at all. Then when Rhodes gets the suit back, it works just fine for him again...I really really don't get any of this. Seems like they would just change the rules for the use of suits as it suited them..(pun intended)
I believe it is implied that the bad guys are able to take down Iron Patriot so easily is because they have some understanding as to the suit's vulnerabilities as Aldrich Killian's AIM company was able to obtain all sorts of information about the suit while designing it's current operating system. That is also why Killian is able to control the suit. It is shown that the suits need to be coded to specific users and that suit does a retinal scan as part of determination of whether person can or can't use the suit. Tony programmed his suits for Pepper as well as himself. Ironically, the President is not authorized. Tony is able to trap Killian in his suit because Killian only has control over Iron Patriot suit.
I really really do not remember any part of the movie that explained this. I could have missed it but I do not remember any explaination or even any hint at one.
Okay, admittedly... it's all info extrapolated from the merest hint : As Rhodie is flying into a trap, Tony contacts him, asking him who designed the suit's latest OS. Rhodie replies that it was AIM so Tony asks him permission to backhack the network to find out more about Killian. SInce AIM had designed the OS and had active networking to it, they could easily have pushed a button to shut it down (which sorta goes back to your problem 6 ) but it wouldn't have been nearly as dramatic a scene yet still suggests they had some level of control over it. Although not explicitly stated, there's just no way one could design an OS for cutting edge proprietary hardware without some knowledge of how it works.
Yeah like I said I may have totally missed the moment, I totally missed this. I have no memory of this scene at all.
Posted on: 27 06 13 09:22 am
PS4, PS3, Vita PSN: Winterhawk200 X-Box one Gamertag: Winterhawk200 WII U: Winterhawk200
Driver picks the music, shoutgun shuts their cakehole.
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