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Main »» About Posting in both the galleries and the Forums.

Table of Contents

What is Heromorph's posting policy for the Galleries?
The Heromorph Gallery Posting Policy.

You Must read these Rules before Posting anything to the galleries.

Posting Limit:
All Posting Limits are on a 24 hour basis, The Following Galleries have posting limits. These limits are separate and posting an image in one gallery does not effect the limit in another.
Heromorph Gallery: 3 images per day posting limit
Members Gallery: 4 images per day posting limit
Cookie Jar (This gallery is not visible to most members): 8 images per day
Hellfire club Gallery (this gallery is invite and gold members only): No limit

Model age:
All models used in photo based art must be of Legal Age. No exceptions! This is an instantaneously ban-able offense.


Heromorph gallery
This gallery contains 3 main sub galleries

-Manip sub-gallery
Please post your artwork to the appropriate gallery:
Photomanipulations are digitally altered photographs. all source images used are considered to be in the public domain. Art of Mixed Media or that does fit in a different gallery can go into the Heromorph Gallery.
Please post to the correct publisher sub-category (DC, Marvel, Other).

-2d sub gallery
Comic art is generally hand-drawn line art.
Please post to the correct publisher sub-category (DC, Marvel, Other).
Coloring is comic art that might not be your line work but you added colors to the image (the colors constitutes the original work)

-3d sub-gallery
3D art is digitally rendered, 3-dimensional art (example: Poser, Maya, 3DS Max, Bryce, Etc.). Also Please put any non-digital 3D artwork in this Gallery, such as sculptures.

Please post to the correct publisher sub-category (DC, Marvel, Other).

Please Note: The Heromorph Gallery is for Finished Artwork Only! Sketches, Doodles, unfinished renders, manips or otherwise unfinished pieces of art can be displayed in the Sketches Forum.

Adult art goes into the HM Adult gallery:
Any depiction of a sexual act, sexually oriented scenes of bondage, and any artwork containing visible genitalia must be posted to the Members gallery. If you aren't sure if your submission qualifies for the general gallery, then post it in the adult gallery or ask a site moderator to review it before posting.

All models used in photo based art or adult art must be of Legal Age. If we even think a model is underage you will be banned and the image will be deleted.

Photobased art that contains any sexual acts can not be posted to this gallery, if it is "hardcore" and photo based, it can not be posted.

All characters depicted in an adult image must be of the age of 18 in the image. So images of Under-aged characters must be depicted as an older version, min age of 18, of themselves regardless of image type, 2d, 3d, or other.

Cookie Jar
This is our base image and resource gallery. if you can see it you can add onto it.

Hellfire Club
This is a secret gallery, shhhhhh, it isn?t really real. gold members only.

Reposting Art Work:
Please refrain from posting the same image or slight reworks of your images. If you have only a slight modification, ask a Moderator to swap it out for your original. You can even edit your original post description text to bump your picture back to the top and make note that you modded it. If you have gone back and improved your image and want to re-post it. Make sure of 3 things:
1-you have significantly improved or changed the image.
2-you did not just post the original image and it is still on the front page. The longer the lapse between original and re-work the better.
3-it is something people want to see again.

If you posted an Image here at Heromorph that is missing, chances are it has been deleted. We clean the galleries out of older, less popular image 2 or 3 times per year. We do this because we have limited space and want to make sure there is enough room on our site, for new art as it is being created. We are not your personal Backup, please make sure you save copies of all of your own work as it might get removed from our site eventually. Do not repost your deleted artwork. The images selected for deletion were selected. It is not a random process. Images selected are selected based on quality, popularity, and age.

Posting other's artwork:
You May NOT post the artwork of others as your own. No exceptions. If you are caught posting artwork of others and not giving credit to the original artist, the image will be deleted and you will be warned (and put into the queue). If it is your second offense your IP address will be banned from the site.

You May NOT post the artwork of others unless it is one of the following 2 circumstances:

1. If you have purchased a commission from an artist and wish to post the image you have purchased. You may do so if you do the following. Ask permission to post by the original artist. If he says no, then do not post. You Must Give credit to the original artist in the title. In the title of the image the title must begin with the word ?Commission:? and end with ?by artists name?. If you are unable to do all of these things you are not allowed to post commissions.

2. If you have discovered a ?dead? artist (no website, no usual posting site, unable to contact by email). Contact a moderator. The moderators will then investigate to verify that the artist is indeed 'dead'. And will make any posts into the dead artists gallery or will give you permission to do so.

The use of other?s artwork:

If you are making an image and you are using images (or parts of an image) from another artist, you must give credit to that artist in your image description. (ie: For the Gloves I frankensteined off of Biohaz?s Flaming Blur image).

If you are using an image from a published artist or published material (like a cover) you must give credit to the original artist or publisher and the material in your art notes.

If you are using an image from an artist on this site, you Must ask permission. If the artist says no, then you are not allowed to post. If you can not contact the artist then you are not allowed to post. If you are unable to contact the artist or the artist has not logged onto the site for a period of three months or more contact a moderator for further instructions.

If in the images you are borrowing from are just random images from the web (wether you are a colorist or frankensteining etc.) provide links to your sources if you are using portions of others work in your image.

For images that are colored from a different members pencils or from published pencillers, the above rules apply. And the titles must read ?title by pencillers name colored by your name?.

Artist?s and Owner's rights:

All images posted here are the responsibility of the poster. Permission is required from the original artist to post any image from this site on a different website. Except by Heromorph admin for promotion and advertisement of the site itself. All characters are TM and COPYRIGHT ? their respective owners, all images are COPYRIGHT ? their respective artists

If any artwork or portion of artwork that belongs to you has been posted with or without your permission and you would like it removed, contact the site moderators either via email or a posting in the forums, and we will remove it as soon as possible. Please be civil. Threats and flames will be ignored.

Heromorph?s Rights:

Heromorph is not responsible for the poster. Images are owned by the poster. We are not responsible for their content.

By posting your image on our website, you are giving us permission to use that image for site promotion, decoration. In banner ad, themes, logo?s, and more. As well as advertisement on other websites. (ie comicspace, myspace, etc..). We can also enforce copyright on other websites that repost art work with out permission.

This is our site and as such we can change the rules regarding content and posting on a whim.

Other Rules regarding the galleries:

Any pictures posted that do not follow the posting policy will be deleted. Do not repost, any picture that has been deleted by a moderator or herald. Do not argue with site moderators or heralds about the removal of any pictures.

Repeat offenders will be banned from the site.

Do not post published comic art unless it has been modified in some way. Wallpapers and other images consisting of non-modified or un-altered images, covers, and page scans will be deleted. The addition of a new background does not constitute modification. Also Works in Progress are only to be posted in the hellfire gallery. If you do not have access to the hellfire gallery you may not post works in progress.

The Moderators of this site reserve the right to delete any image posted here at any time for any reason, whether it conforms to the posting policy or not.

Works in progress "WIP"s and Before and afters "B&A"'s are not for the galleries. The galleries are for finished art work only. If you are a member of the Hellfire club or a gold member you may post WIP's and B&A's in the hellfire gallery. Animations are also no longer accepted into our galleries. Please post any such images in the Sketches Forum.

Contact a moderator if you have any questions.
Can I attach files?
Attaching Files
You may not attach files to your posts in the forums. You may cut and paste text into your post, however, or use UBB Code to provide hyperlinks to outside documents.
Can I add a standard signature to my posts?
Adding Signatures
You may use a signature (commonly used in email messages) on your posts in the forums. Signatures will not show on comments made in the galleries. Once you have a signature stored, you can choose to include it any post you make by checking the "attach signature" box when you create your post. You may also change your signature at any time by changing your profile.

Note: You may not use HTML in your signature file, but you may use UBB Code.
Are there any censor features?
Censoring Posts
Heromorph has the power to censor certain words that may be posted that are deemed offensive. This censoring is not an exact science, however, so certain words may be censored out of context. Please realize that the censoring, if any censoring is being performed, is being done by a computer based on the words that are being screened. Words that are censored are replaced with ####.
Can I edit my own posts?
Editing Your Posts
Forum: You may edit your own posts at any time. Just go to the topic where the post to be edited is located and you will see an edit icon at the top of your post. Click on this icon to edit or delete the post. No one else can edit your post, except for a moderator. If you wish to delete a post contact a Moderator.

Gallery: Yes just click the edit icon beside the image title, and you can alter the text of your post.
Can I update a picture in the gallery?
Can I update a picture in the gallery?
Yes, You can. To Update your image start by clicking the notepad icon beside the picture title and changing the text and then select the new updated image from your computer then click submit to reload..

The comments are owned by the poster. We aren't responsible for their content.
Poster Thread