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At least have the Courtesy
Gold Member
2007/10/5 12:16
From Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 1231
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Not sure if anyone has had this occur but it has happened enough to me for a bit of blowing off steam.

If you are going to rate a pic I don't care if its a 10 or a 1 at least comment as to why. When I see my comments not advance by one but the votes do then, WTF?

If you think it is worth a particular rating, high or low then at least come down from art critique Olympus to give us peasants the reason why.

Otherwise what is the point of even voting.

Ok. I feel better now.

You may go about your business.

Posted on: 16 10 08 04:53 pm
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Re: At least have the guts
Arch Nemesis
2003/10/20 20:45
Posts: 1447
Level : 32; EXP : 56
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MP : 482 / 47895
You're not alone. As one of the few femme fatale posters here at HM, I have been welcomed by the vast majority of our members. However, I have attracted a couple of stalkers. I don't post at HM unless I think the pic is worthy, and depending on the pic I may spend as little as an hour or as much as 40 hours over a week. Some of you know that I work with 1999 Adobe 3 program, a 1998 cpu, and dial-up internet . I have posted a couple of pics that were not good. However, my pics get 500 - 3000 hits and (aside from the 1.0 ratings) usually get 8.0 to 10.0. In addition I have tried to be innovative (within the bounds of my technology) with Manips, drawings, and mixed media, including a photomanip comic book. Posting at HM has also allowed me to communicate and interface with other artists here such as BB, co04, Hawk, DW, VL, Jr, Effekdmentality, Was, DD, and many others. I post exclusively at HM for these reasons, and I always like to see History's posts, and look forward to seeing many more!

Posted on: 16 10 08 06:28 pm
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Re: At least have the Courtesy
Bat Junkie...and who took my meds???
2003/8/18 13:31
From Mexico City (we don't wear hats)
Posts: 2619
Level : 40; EXP : 93
HP : 0 / 998
MP : 873 / 61094

Hisstoryman wrote:
Not sure if anyone has had this occur but it has happened enough to me for a bit of blowing off steam.

If you are going to rate a pic I don't care if its a 10 or a 1 at least comment as to why. When I see my comments not advance by one but the votes do then, WTF?

If you think it is worth a particular rating, high or low then at least come down from art critique Olympus to give us peasants the reason why.

I'm with you man!... i had 10 tens and someone give me an 8! ... and I don't know why he or she thinks that!...oh and please the person who is voting have a little sense of art.

Posted on: 16 10 08 10:10 pm
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Re: At least have the Courtesy
Kling on HM (WebMaster!)
2004/7/19 7:51
From My Box
Posts: 6983
Level : 57; EXP : 80
HP : 284 / 1420
MP : 2327 / 83078

Dark_Knight_DK wrote:

Hisstoryman wrote:
Not sure if anyone has had this occur but it has happened enough to me for a bit of blowing off steam.

If you are going to rate a pic I don't care if its a 10 or a 1 at least comment as to why. When I see my comments not advance by one but the votes do then, WTF?

If you think it is worth a particular rating, high or low then at least come down from art critique Olympus to give us peasants the reason why.

I'm with you man!... i had 10 tens and someone give me an 8! ... and I don't know why he or she thinks that!...oh and please the person who is voting have a little sense of art.

Its obvious... your stuff sucks.

I personally do not ever rate images... so you know that I am not the one giving you crappy ratings. But don't make me angry... I will give your images a 1 just to spite you!

Posted on: 17 10 08 11:10 am
I'm not drunk...... I'm Scottish!
Yeah OK, I am Drunk...
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Re: At least have the Courtesy
Dazed and Confused... mostly Confused
2004/7/15 17:58
From usa
Posts: 3290
Level : 44; EXP : 51
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MP : 1096 / 63672
When the voting was first turned back on. Someone said they never give 10's. Some people feel that only god is capable of a 10.

Me personally, I don't vote until I'm sick of commenting. And honestly, if you got an 8........ Shut your mouth. An 8 is still damn good. I don't worry about it until I start seeing 5 or below.

One thing you could try is....... occasionally evaluating your body of work as a whole. Sometimes you might see where you could improve or what the difference was that caused the discrepancy in your ratings.

Oh and try to remember one man's trash is another man's treasure.

Posted on: 17 10 08 12:22 pm
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Re: At least have the Courtesy
Guardian of the Great White North (Webmaster)
2003/8/17 10:44
From Canada
Posts: 6812
Level : 57; EXP : 32
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I personally think that all of HM's galleries get consistant high quality of images posted here. really I do, top notch. So 5 would be average to the quality of the images posted here, a five isn't that bad.
That being said some artists are a heck of a lot better then others. If images by Andriod, JrmcDeath, and Colero are tens. Then the vast majority of my own art would not be a ten. So if I get a lower vote I really don't sweat it.

Posted on: 17 10 08 12:30 pm
PS4, PS3, Vita PSN: Winterhawk200
X-Box one Gamertag: Winterhawk200
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Driver picks the music, shoutgun shuts their cakehole.
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Re: At least have the Courtesy
Gold Member
2007/10/5 12:16
From Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 1231
Level : 30; EXP : 51
HP : 0 / 737
MP : 410 / 36239
Well obviously higher rankings, 7 and above, really comment for themselves.

I think we are all here to develop our chosen art form and certainly appraising our body of work from time to time is helpful, plunking a 6 to a 1 rating just to metaphorically say "YOU SUCK" or I want my work to have a better rating than yours is just infantile.

If someone wants to critique then critique.

That is why I only rate and comment on ones I really like or if a newbie shows up to help them along. I rarely number rate new artists.

To be honest someone's number rating doesn't bother me that often I, just needed to blow off some steam.

Posted on: 17 10 08 12:36 pm
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Re: At least have the Courtesy
Dazed and Confused... mostly Confused
2004/7/15 17:58
From usa
Posts: 3290
Level : 44; EXP : 51
HP : 0 / 1087
MP : 1096 / 63672
About hawk's lower rate based on other people's work. When it comes to "the heavy hitters" like you, Android, Jr....... I can see what you're saying. But I also tend to look at some artists on their own merit. Kind of a way of saying how does this piece measure up to your body of work so far. I think I'm trying to say I look at them individually.

Posted on: 17 10 08 12:39 pm
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Re: At least have the Courtesy
Gold Member
2007/10/5 12:16
From Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 1231
Level : 30; EXP : 51
HP : 0 / 737
MP : 410 / 36239
Thank you Thayne. Sincerely, I truly never would have placed myself into the category of a "heavy hitter" here.

I would never specifically attack a particular commenter for their opinion. Hey I know my work is ok, sometimes very good, but I also realize it is not everyone's cup of tea.

I was just a bit ticked at those who I thought "rated and ran", and more importantly some folks who have nailed new artists, without bothering to comment.

Thank you again for the sincere compliment and for taking my initial post in the context it was meant.

Posted on: 17 10 08 04:25 pm
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Re: At least have the Courtesy
Shaper of Worlds
2004/4/5 2:41
From Matteson, Il
Posts: 3909
Level : 47; EXP : 34
HP : 231 / 1158
MP : 1303 / 68771
Jeez! What are we griping about ratings now? First it was lack of comments and now this? What is this Heromorph or Primadonna-morph? C'mon guys don't you really think you're taking this wayyyyy too seriously? Remember this is a fanart site..a place where mostly amatuer artists show thier love of art and comics. Nobody's getting paid for what they post and I really don't think what is or isn't said about an individuals artwork is gonna make a difference in anyone's life. Hell, to hear you guys complain because someone rated your picture and didn't comment or someone gave you an 8 after getting 10's is kind of comical to me. The same thing happened to me as well but I don't get all bent out of shape. I know my stuff isn't as good as alot of guys here including you and I accept that and I very seldom get any comments or ratings but I do make the top ten from time to time so that means that someone must like what I'm doing. Even if I didn't, it's not gonna stop me from posting and getting what you consider to be low ratings isn't gonna stop you either. Remember in America we have the right to vote annonumously without saves time, feelings and one's own sense of privacy.

Posted on: 17 10 08 09:06 pm
"Don't look at me for answers. I just got here!"
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Re: At least have the Courtesy
Gold Member
2007/10/5 12:16
From Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 1231
Level : 30; EXP : 51
HP : 0 / 737
MP : 410 / 36239
I hear ya Star and agree in principal.

For whatever reason it just hit me wrong that morning, and I just vented. I still stick by what i said, but whether someone rates me or not will certainly not effect the course of my life.

My three little superheroes (my kids) have and will continue to do so far more than this.

Posted on: 18 10 08 02:54 am
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Re: At least have the Courtesy
Criminal Mastermind
2005/1/4 16:43
From St. Petersburg, FL
Posts: 1743
Level : 35; EXP : 5
HP : 0 / 851
MP : 581 / 48655

StarChild wrote:
Jeez! What are we griping about ratings now? First it was lack of comments and now this? What is this Heromorph or Primadonna-morph? C'mon guys don't you really think you're taking this wayyyyy too seriously? Remember this is a fanart site..a place where mostly amatuer artists show thier love of art and comics. Nobody's getting paid for what they post and I really don't think what is or isn't said about an individuals artwork is gonna make a difference in anyone's life. Hell, to hear you guys complain because someone rated your picture and didn't comment or someone gave you an 8 after getting 10's is kind of comical to me. The same thing happened to me as well but I don't get all bent out of shape. I know my stuff isn't as good as alot of guys here including you and I accept that and I very seldom get any comments or ratings but I do make the top ten from time to time so that means that someone must like what I'm doing. Even if I didn't, it's not gonna stop me from posting and getting what you consider to be low ratings isn't gonna stop you either. Remember in America we have the right to vote annonumously without saves time, feelings and one's own sense of privacy.

I agree with Star 100%. I've never gotten a top 10, but on occasion I have gotten an 8 or 9 rating for a few things that I've posted here. Yet, mostly I don't get hardly any ratings at all, but it doesn't bother me. I'm going to continue to post to have fun and be inspired by others here to improve as should we all.

Posted on: 18 10 08 07:17 am
Art is what happens when you learn to dream. Go ahead. Dream a little. - LRH, Atlantis Squarepantis.
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Re: At least have the Courtesy
2003/9/26 6:36
Posts: 227
Level : 14; EXP : 7
HP : 0 / 326
MP : 75 / 19904
Hisstoryman: Everyone has a different scale that the 1-10 represents. To some ppl a 6 can represent ?I think this is about 60% of the awesomeness that is Android's work? (Remember 60% of infinite is still infinite.) To others a 10 can mean ?I feel really sorry for this guy.? Ratings like that are best used as a rough guide. An 8-10 means people generally like it.
My suggestion is to pay more attention to the comments. You know you've made an impression when someone takes the time to write comments.

StarChild: Knowing that people enjoyed seeing your work is the payoff since this isn't a for profit site. And in many ways an honest critique can be the swift kick in rear you need to live up to your potential.

Posted on: 20 10 08 08:20 pm
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Re: At least have the Courtesy
Facebook Ninja (Moderator)
2004/12/5 9:11
Posts: 1065
Level : 28; EXP : 74
HP : 0 / 693
MP : 355 / 39808
Agreed. I post here because I want to be a better artist. Only honest comments and critiques will get me there.
Thanks to many of the artists at Heromorph, I think I've improved. Comments are the key. Give me a two, but tell me why you think it. Hell, give me a ten and tell me why I deserve it.

That said, I'm a bit of a hypocrite. I need to take the time to comment more often.

Posted on: 20 10 08 10:24 pm
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Re: At least have the Courtesy
Gold Member
2007/10/5 12:16
From Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 1231
Level : 30; EXP : 51
HP : 0 / 737
MP : 410 / 36239
Like I said I do not know what it was that day that set me off, probably had a fight with my wife or something. 99% of the time ratings and comments do not get under my skin, why that day did we hit the 1%, I do not know.

Believe me, by now, I am over whatever bug I had up my butt.

I have returned to the Hisstoryman everyone knows and loves, or at least politely tolerates.

Posted on: 23 10 08 06:14 am
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Re: At least have the Courtesy
Dazed and Confused... mostly Confused
2004/7/15 17:58
From usa
Posts: 3290
Level : 44; EXP : 51
HP : 0 / 1087
MP : 1096 / 63672
Sorry Hiss, I think the rest of the members hijacked your thread. You touched on a subject that's been repeatedly discussed since before I first joined.

Now, I can't quite remember exactly what I last posted in here, but.... I don't demand people comment. If they do, and they have something substantial to say, then I'm all appreciative. I agree with the general guide comment and also that my scale differs from everyone else. To me 6-8 is decent. Above that is amazing. And 5 or below is when I think it's time to fix some issues.

On the better artist comment. I guess this is where I get all mushy and blame this entire site and it's people for giving me the idea to become an art teacher. I hope you're happy with yourselves, you bastards

Posted on: 24 10 08 01:21 pm
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Re: At least have the Courtesy
2004/10/9 16:02
From Fort McMurray
Posts: 144
Level : 11; EXP : 5
HP : 0 / 251
MP : 48 / 14541
Well I've not done a manip in quite some time, but I've been lurking and I think I needed to post on this one....

I'm totally with Hiss on this one. If you don't like my work, tell me why. If you don't, I'm just going to continue submitting images you don't like. Now of course some allowances must be made for personal tastes, we all know as artists we can't please everyone, but when I am creating fan art of any type my goal is to please the fans as much as possible.
Conversely if you are giving me an exceptionally high rating, I want to know why too. Perhaps I used some new technique that really paid off. If I don't know what you like about my work, I cannot continue to use and improve upon the techniques that ARE working well for the fan.

Posted on: 26 10 08 12:04 am
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