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Re: McChees This |
Joined: 2003/12/11 13:43
From Gotham City
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A Powermaster is a faction of Transformers that have human partners in exo-suits that convert into engines and power up said Transformer's systems. Jazz was an Autobot from Generation One who enjoyed rock n' roll and had huge speakers. He was also voiced by the late Scatman Crothers.
Posted on: 23 09 05 09:45 pm
"Do it with style or get out of the way and let me do it."
my name? myself |
Supreme being 
Joined: 2004/12/12 22:42
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John Russell Cox 4th.I was named after my Great Grandfather,as were my Dad & Grandfather.No big story behind it,it's just who I am
Posted on: 24 09 05 12:09 am
Studio |
Joined: 2003/9/26 6:36
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In one of my marketing classes we had to come up with some self-promotional materials. QuantumFX was the name I came up for my future graphic arts/comic book studio. FX because nearly every airbrush studio uses trick naming schemes. Quantum because of a West Coast Avengers foe that was teamed up with Graviton.
Posted on: 2 10 05 08:29 am
Re: What's with the name, Buddy? |
Joined: 2005/10/25 15:54
From Bangor Maine
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Oddly enough my real name is Buddy. TangentRunner is what I do online, I come up with something I want to know more about and them I'm off and running. That's how I found this site. I wanted to know more about photomanips so I could use them in a DC Heroes Legion campaign.
Posted on: 28 10 05 11:41 am
 TangentRunner "Me fail English? Thats unpossible."
Re: What's with the name, Buddy? |
Joined: 2005/1/24 5:42
From UK
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Dreamslayer came from trying to come up with a cool name for a collage web project, where we had to regester the name of the web site we came up with. I was realy pleased with my originality untill a friend mentioned that DC had a bad guy with the same name grrr..
Posted on: 28 10 05 02:45 pm
I had a mind once...but daytime TV killed it.
Re: What's with the name, Buddy? |
Criminal Mastermind 
Joined: 2005/1/4 16:43
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The last post for this was in Oct. of last year? Well, then let me just throw mine into it then. I am darth_paul and here's why I call myself that. (It's on C2F as well if you wanted to know, but anyway...) Back when I was in college over 6 years ago the Phantom Menace came out on video and dvd and while it's not the greatest Star Wars movie, it was all that was available to Star Wars fans at the time. So, my roommates and I all went out and bought copies. We were watching it one day and I just happen to own a really cool Darth Maul t-shirt and was wearing it during a viewing of the movie and one of the guys was like, "you really like that character don't you?" and I said, "yeah he's bad ass or something stupid like that" so he replied, "Well I'm going to start calling you "Darth Paul" (since that's my real name and it's just a dumb play on words.) So, what started out as just a stupid joke became a name that I could use all over the internet, although I put the underscore between the two words because it's usually taken as one word, and so far I've only had to add the number 99 to it on for some reason that it was already taken the way that I do it. (9 is my favorite number and I just did 99 in case there were actually nine of them, so if I have to pick numbers then I'll use nines until I get something not taken which is easier for me to remember.) Also, my custom avatars are usually a Darth Maul image turned green with a green double-bladed lightsaber in photoshop because green is my favorite color and it's as if it were me as a variation of the character.
Posted on: 5 05 06 11:18 pm
Art is what happens when you learn to dream. Go ahead. Dream a little. - LRH, Atlantis Squarepantis.
Re: What's with the name, Buddy? |
Gold Member 
Joined: 2004/5/15 4:10
From Living in the Land of Confusion
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Jedi - Lightsaber welding, energy slinging force for balance. Adept - Master One can dream, can't they
Posted on: 6 05 06 04:46 am
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.
Re: What's with the name, Buddy? |
Dazed and Confused... mostly Confused 
Joined: 2004/7/15 17:58
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Seeing some new faces and thought they might want to open up.
Posted on: 23 11 06 11:04 pm
Vivo per lei
Re: What's with the name, Buddy? |
Joined: 2004/12/3 23:11
From Castle Frightenstein
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Well, I'm not exactly new here. . . But I just recently gave up my Lurker ways and posted a Fanfic. Since the world didn't end I started to post a few comments here and there. . . But as for my name, the term Samsquanch may be familiar to some of my fellow Canadians - at least those familiar with Showcase's Trailer Park Boys. For those poor souls trapped in the Godless Neatherealm below the 49th Parallel Trailer Park Boys is a comedy series about a group of guys who continually try to lie, cheat and steal their way to a big score but whose plans are usually undone by their own stupidity. "Samsquanch" is the way that fan-favourite character Bubbles mis-pronounces Sasquatch (Bigfoot). Because Bubbles is afraid of the Samsquanch he usually describes them in humerously profane ways. Since I have never been able to come up with good names on my own I adopted the mantle of the Samsquanch. 
Posted on: 24 11 06 06:37 am
Re: What's with the name, Buddy? |
Joined: 2005/3/28 11:02
From The Golden State
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Hardcase was a character from Malibu's Ultraverse line. He's got two of my favorite superpowers (superstrength and nigh-invulnerability) and he wears purple (my favorite color).
Enough said!
Posted on: 24 11 06 09:46 am
?They can be a great people, Kal-El, they wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way. For this reason, above all, for their capacity for good, I have sent them you, my only son.? ?Jor-El, Superman the Movie
Re: What's with the name, Buddy? |
The Vampire Layer 
Joined: 2004/12/16 3:23
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Posted on: 24 11 06 09:55 am
Re: What's with the name, Buddy? |
Joined: 2003/10/2 20:14
From Lynnfield, MA USA
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hey, nothing fancy about my name. Neil, obviously that's my name. Neil Burns, by the way. nice to meet any newbies on this forum or site. and Rok, because I like to think I rock. nice and simple. 
Posted on: 24 11 06 12:20 pm
Re: What's with the name, Buddy? |
Facebook Ninja (Moderator) 
Joined: 2004/12/5 9:11
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My name is pretty simple. I've always thought that the best response to "What's your favorite color?" is plaid. There's no joy in the world as saying something that makes people make 'the face'. I coupled that with my quest for a good ninja movie. I tried watching 'American Ninja' but that was a joke. I kept searching, but had no success. I'd just end up laughing. My first e-mail account was Juno. I had the moment of figuring out what my address should be. I stared at the screen for some time. Using my name just wasn't 'me'. An e-mail address of was a little drab. So after some thought, it came to me. Plaidninja doesn't roll off the tongue, but tartanninja, now you've got something. I've used it for over 10yrs now. That and I have excellent reflexes. I've made a peripheral beer catch on more than one occasion. That helped seal the name with my friends. So there you go.
Posted on: 24 11 06 01:04 pm
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Re: What's with the name, Buddy? |
Time Lord! 
Joined: 2004/8/27 20:35
From Knobblers Gob
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I could have sworn that I made a post on this subject but if I did it evaporated. My name is, quite simply, my name. W. A. Smith. Yes, I'm that creative! Actually I was somewhat astounded that wasmith worked when I registered. Imagine having my name, you can't get it in any form on most sites. There are over 3.9 million people named Smith in the US alone, and from experience I believe that half of them are W.A.'s. Since I am a big Doctor Who fan, I use the TARDIS as my avatar (and have the Time Lord rank since I bribed someone). I worked with various public broadcasting stations in the 80's to get Doctor Who on the air in the U.S. and have had a lot of contact with the BBC and actors who played roles on the show over the years. I also built the first police box that Sylvester McCoy stepped out of in his first appearance as the Doctor. But enough about me.....  I love the site and love all you guys! Who were you again? -w
Posted on: 28 11 06 09:02 am
TARDIS Express - When it absolutely, positively has to be there before you mailed it.
Re: What's with the name, Buddy? |
Gold Member 
Joined: 2004/8/8 23:57
From If you don't know by now don't ask!
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Well Hello, I guess I can throw my .02 in the hat and give up the sectet of my name. I came up with my nickname after retiring from the Navy Seals as a Senior Masterchief. After spending 2 1/2 years in Nam I got bored with the whole military thing, so I stormed a castle belonging to some guy named Doom, and shot myself into the future I don't know how far. Once I got there I found myself in the middle of, you guessed it, another war, and mankind was getting its ass kicked! I found some scientists and started working with them on a suit of armor that looked kickass and would increase the strenght of the wearer 10 fold. While I was doing that, those beaker jugglers went and made a super soldier of their own to put in the suit. I of course had to train them in the art of warfare, American style so we could kick those banana headed aliens out of our part of space. Of course I made it back in one piece after the war was over and I went to a Video game company and sold the rights for a kick ass game they call Halo. Now I could tell you how this all ends but that means you wouldn't go out and buy the last part of the video game that will reveal the ending, SO I AM NOT GOING TO TELL YOU!!! So there 
Posted on: 4 06 07 04:36 pm
I have a rendezvous with Death, at some disputed barricade, if maybe he should take my hand and lead me into his dark land and close my eyes and quench my breath. I have a rendezvous with death, and my pledged word am true, I have not failed that rende...
Re: What's with the name, Buddy? |
Kling on HM (WebMaster!) 
Joined: 2004/7/19 7:51
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Quote: Masterchief wrote: Well Hello, I guess I can throw my .02 in the hat and give up the sectet of my name. I came up with my nickname after retiring from the Navy Seals as a Senior Masterchief. After spending 2 1/2 years in Nam I got bored with the whole military thing, so I stormed a castle belonging to some guy named Doom, and shot myself into the future I don't know how far. Once I got there I found myself in the middle of, you guessed it, another war, and mankind was getting its ass kicked! I found some scientists and started working with them on a suit of armor that looked kickass and would increase the strenght of the wearer 10 fold. While I was doing that, those beaker jugglers went and made a super soldier of their own to put in the suit. I of course had to train them in the art of warfare, American style so we could kick those banana headed aliens out of our part of space. Of course I made it back in one piece after the war was over and I went to a Video game company and sold the rights for a kick ass game they call Halo. Now I could tell you how this all ends but that means you wouldn't go out and buy the last part of the video game that will reveal the ending, SO I AM NOT GOING TO TELL YOU!!! So there 
Either that, or you took Masterchief... because MasterShake is taken. 
Posted on: 5 06 07 08:15 am
I'm not drunk...... I'm Scottish! Yeah OK, I am Drunk...
Re: What's with the name, Buddy? |
Wizard of Lasagna (Mod) 
Joined: 2007/5/20 12:54
From From the Other Side of the Ocean
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Just thinking about say a little more about me and here seems to be the place. I'm a big fan of fotomanips since a found a wizard magazine with sites about it. The only one i could find at that time was from a guy name's Ray, and man, this guy had the most amazing manips I ever seen but then my pc went Kaput on me and i was without one for a few years. When i get a new pc, one of the first things I did was search the net for manips and there it was Heromorph. And i come back for more because you guys here rock and for a comic geek like me this place is great. Always like to see what everybody post for years and a few weeks ago i download one of your tutorials just for fun and to see how you guys do such amazing pics, so i'm a guy that always like all kind of comics since ever and movies about comics and draw some times, so i think to myself why not try manips to see what i could do, so i did. But the question here is about my name, so here it is: it's always a headhache for me to choose a nickname because the ones i like are always taken, so for this a came up with my name initials and the first letter of my country (Osvaldo Correia Portugal). Glad to be here. Be Happy 
Posted on: 7 06 07 03:17 pm
"People should be very carefull with what they wish for! Sometimes, they get their wishes granted..." Be happy!!
Re: What's with the name, Buddy? |
Gold Member 
Joined: 2004/5/15 4:10
From Living in the Land of Confusion
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Quote: OCP wrote: the question here is about my name, so here it is: it's always a headhache for me to choose a nickname because the ones i like are always taken, so for this a came up with my name initials and the first letter of my country (Osvaldo Correia Portugal). Glad to be here. Be Happy 
I would have guessed Omni Consumer Products. Long Live RoboCop
Posted on: 7 06 07 10:10 pm
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.
Re: What's with the name, Buddy? |
Wizard of Lasagna (Mod) 
Joined: 2007/5/20 12:54
From From the Other Side of the Ocean
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Quote: jediadept wrote: Quote: OCP wrote: the question here is about my name, so here it is: it's always a headhache for me to choose a nickname because the ones i like are always taken, so for this a came up with my name initials and the first letter of my country (Osvaldo Correia Portugal). Glad to be here. Be Happy 
I would have guessed Omni Consumer Products. Long Live RoboCop
That why it sound familiar.  I guess it's been a long time since i have seen a Robocop movie. 
Posted on: 8 06 07 12:59 am
"People should be very carefull with what they wish for! Sometimes, they get their wishes granted..." Be happy!!
Re: What's with the name, Buddy? |
Joined: 2007/3/17 15:23
From Toronto, ON
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CDA - short for Canadian Dairy Association - Have you had your milk today?
CDA - Can Do Anything (within reason)
Actually it's just my initials - no nickname, no alias, no mask, no secret identity. Check my profile. I've nothing to hide. I stand behind all my work ("if you've nothing to hide then why don't you stand in front of your work"). Did anybody else hear that??
Posted on: 8 06 07 07:32 am
Reality is like a bar of soap... sometimes it's hard to get a grip on it.
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