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Off the hook
2003/10/20 13:42
From Cleveland
Posts: 1726
Level : 34; EXP : 91
HP : 0 / 847
MP : 575 / 53015
Since we already have a thread for how people came up with their names, I thought it might be cool to hear the stories of how you all ended up here in the first place. How did you find Heromorph? Why are you still here? And what's that thing in the fridge? ...errr...never mind that last one...
As for myself, I remember seeing an acticle in Wizard magazine (it was a few years back...) about comic photomanipulation. I checked out whatever site the article was about (which was not Heromorph), and thought the stuff there was pretty cool. When I went back sometime later, the site was gone. One web search later, I found myself at Heromorph. At first I was just a lurker, then I found out that the computer I was using had CorelDraw on it, and in no time, I was making my own "hero morphs". And here I am today...
But that's enough about!

Posted on: 18 03 06 01:27 pm
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Re: Origins
Supreme being
2004/12/12 22:42
From Kentucky
Posts: 1000
Level : 28; EXP : 0
HP : 0 / 675
MP : 333 / 39933
about a year & a half ago,i got a call from a friend,saying he had something to show me.when i got to his house,he showed me some copies of some of Huricane Season's pics that he had printed out.i spent the entire weekend at his house(this was before i had access to the net,though i had a computer for gameing)making him do web searches for more manip sites.a few weeks later,i got internet access & could do my own searches & leave him alone to get some sleep,as i was hoplessly addicted by then.i finally came across HM,lurcked for awhile(didn't feel i was qualified to speak up,due to not being an artist).one day i saw a pic somebody did of Emma Frost & i couldn't remain silent anymore.the rest,as they say,is history.

Posted on: 19 03 06 02:13 am
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Re: Origins
Guardian of the Great White North (Webmaster)
2003/8/17 10:44
From Canada
Posts: 6812
Level : 57; EXP : 32
HP : 281 / 1408
MP : 2270 / 88758
Spring time/early summer of 2003, I received an e-mail from my Dad (who is also a comic book fan) that contained a manip of supergirl and I thought it was the coolest thing I had ever seen in my life. I went on to the Internet and searched for more. One of the first sites I found was Stifler's site and he had a link to Heromorph on it. I came here and my jaw hit the floor. I lurked/commented and just when I was getting comfortable the site crashed. It was gone for all of August, I think. when it came back, Everything was gone and it was a fresh start. After participating in the forums and commenting on pictures, I decided to give it a try and see if I could do it.

Posted on: 19 03 06 02:19 am
PS4, PS3, Vita PSN: Winterhawk200
X-Box one Gamertag: Winterhawk200
WII U: Winterhawk200

Driver picks the music, shoutgun shuts their cakehole.
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Re: Origins
Hmmm, my origin here is a slightly bumpy one. For those who don't goes. I had done a search for supergirl and catwoman, and got two photomanips by Serayala. I couldn't believe the detail, the colors and the transformation from the base pic to Supergirl and one of Halle Berry to Catwoman. From those pictures, it lead me to Heromorph. I thought that at the time, folks who posted here were really good and newbies weren't welcome. HM only wanted the best work. That's what I I went over to C2F and posted there. I made some comments at C2F about HM's Adult Gallery that struck a nerve with Bikerbot. Some words were exchanged, insults flung my way by HMer's and then BB pm'd me with a truce, fresh start. So I began posting comments here, and pics. I tried talking in the shoutbox as much as possible to get to know folks and put the past behind. Now over a year later, I consider everyone here friends. The rest is history.

Posted on: 19 03 06 04:01 am
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Re: Origins
Dazed and Confused... mostly Confused
2004/7/15 17:58
From usa
Posts: 3290
Level : 44; EXP : 51
HP : 0 / 1087
MP : 1096 / 65665
May 2 years ago. Was trying to remember a Teen Titans character named Morph. Went to do a search and typed in Hero Morph. The first link I clicked was this site, so I figured what the heck, they might have something of him. As I "lurked" for the Morph character, I was blown away by the art I saw. I spent 2 months just staring at the art here. I did find a link for C2F and I started being nosey in their forums. I think I was debating which one to join before I even knew I was going to join. At some point I think I was being nosey and digging into Hmer's galleries. When I got to Winterhawk's I saw a Joker pic and poem that ultimately decided I was a HMer. After joining, I spent a couple weeks reading the shoutbox and not really saying anything. But hey, eventually you have to open up somewhat, right?

Posted on: 19 03 06 05:21 am
Vivo per lei
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Re: Origins
The Metal Shinigami (Moderator)
2004/12/6 17:15
From Kentucky
Posts: 5149
Level : 52; EXP : 13
HP : 255 / 1278
MP : 1716 / 75701
It was a dark and stormy Night.....oh wait wrong story. It was last Quarter of 2004 I saw an add in toyfare magazine for Wizard's Comic Babes. I went there and saw many images most of which eneded with: "By ( insert name here) of Heromorph."

After seeing all these people from Hero Morph ( at the time I thought it was just a small group of elite photomanipulators.), I saw this work and thought I could do this it looks fun. So I went and looked for Tutorials for paint shop to use. I only found stuff for Photoshop. so I played around with tools on Paint Shop until I created my first Super hero Manip of Raven.

I came looking for Heromorph to see if it could be posted, to get feed back, to be come a better maniper....I got my A$$ handed to me on a silver plater. I came back with a second image again ( see above) at this point a normal person would have went else were. ( I never said I was normal) I took the feedback and used it in future manips and pretty much made myself at home lol

Posted on: 19 03 06 01:48 pm
Good? I never claimed to be. Just good at what I do, and today that is being evil. - Dark Wanderer.
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Re: Origins
Your Reality Credit Card
2005/9/18 18:53
Posts: 899
Level : 26; EXP : 77
HP : 0 / 644
MP : 299 / 36676
How did I find Heromorph?
A member (back in the day when such things were allowed) was posting my manips without telling me. Someone pointed it out to me and I came for a look.

Why did I stay?
Simply because HM allows easy communication with other artists. So the conversation can be of an artistic/technical nature and not just subject matter.
This compares much better to some messages from non-artists who assume that just because I made an ?erotic? manip, that means I am interested in all their sick fetishes.
Take the message that went something like:
?I like to see pictures of women all beaten up with black eyes, I find it really sexy. I want you to do a picture of a superheroine beaten up with black eyes. Are you up to the challenge?!?
No, I was not up to the challenge. And I pity whoever shares his trailer-park.

Fortunately here most people keep their private desires, private. Except for the farting guy and a few other examples? like the guy who posted multiple messages under my Wonder Woman in the shower pic?

The thing in the fridge is lettuce. I think. It's green.

Posted on: 19 03 06 03:30 pm
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Re: Origins
Guardian of the Great White North (Webmaster)
2003/8/17 10:44
From Canada
Posts: 6812
Level : 57; EXP : 32
HP : 281 / 1408
MP : 2270 / 88758
I remember that Chilly that was a long ass time ago.

Posted on: 19 03 06 03:45 pm
PS4, PS3, Vita PSN: Winterhawk200
X-Box one Gamertag: Winterhawk200
WII U: Winterhawk200

Driver picks the music, shoutgun shuts their cakehole.
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Re: Origins
2003/10/23 19:42
From Pacific North West
Posts: 455
Level : 19; EXP : 77
HP : 0 / 469
MP : 151 / 29340
I remember that I commented on one of your submissions and you replied with some sort of insult that involved my mother.

I quickly grew a thick skin.

Let that be a lesson to the rest of you.

Posted on: 19 03 06 11:08 pm
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Re: Origins
2003/10/23 19:42
From Pacific North West
Posts: 455
Level : 19; EXP : 77
HP : 0 / 469
MP : 151 / 29340
Whoops, sorry.. Last reply was not in the spirit of the thread... So:

I don t remember how I found the site but I found it and was inspired to try a bit of maniping.
I tried an ugly manip, got a little feedback.. un-detoured I tried another.. got some invaluable feedback for a newbie, and inspired by that... I tried a do-over.

That push to improve and the support I got pretty much hooked me.

Posted on: 19 03 06 11:58 pm
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Re: Origins
2004/1/24 4:39
From Sweden
Posts: 1089
Level : 29; EXP : 1
HP : 0 / 700
MP : 363 / 43245
Well, a long time ago... autumn 2001... I discovered manipped photos of superheroes for the first time. A couple were good, most were crap. I figured I could do better, and that it would be a good way to learn photoshop. (I'm still stuck with my old Photoshop 5.0 by the way ) So I gave it a shot, and eventually got a few posted at reptile625's site. (he now goes by the nick 'Optical Intuder' I believe.) But other than that I got no feed-back or encouragement (read 'praise') so I quit.
But then in early 2004 I got a mail from a guy called SZink from one of the yahoo groups I was in, telling me I should post at Heromorph. I checked out the link and BAM! I was hooked. In my first few days here I was introduced to new things like 'Roswell porn', 'Muppet porn' and manipps so darn good it made me slam my head against the wall in frustration. (which is a bad thing to do when your brain capacity is already low)
I started manipping again, and got pretty good feed-back, so I've kept at it. More or less. Long periods of inactivity due to lazyness is to be expected. Recently I've also picked up drawing, after someting like 7 years of not drawing a darn thing. But it's a bit quicker than manipping so...

Posted on: 20 03 06 05:59 am
- Is it a right to remain ignorant?
- I don't know, but I refuse to find out!
(quote from Calvin & Hobbes)
- I did absolutely nothing, and it was everything I thought it could be. (quote from Office Space)
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Re: Origins
Kling on HM (WebMaster!)
2004/7/19 7:51
From My Box
Posts: 6994
Level : 57; EXP : 83
HP : 284 / 1420
MP : 2331 / 85726
I was sitting at my computer... happily unemployed when I got an email from BikerBot saying something to the effect that "My stuff was being posted at HM and would I like to come claim it". Something like that... all I know is that someone had posted a few of my images and I wasn't going to let that happen. It was pretty funny that he didn't claim them as his own, yet everyone commented on them like he had done them... goes to show people really don't read the descriptions. Anywho, I came over to HM. Hawk or BB deleted all my images that the other person had posted and then I started posting my stuff... all in its almost full size glory. It was nice to have a place to show off my stuff other than at my web page. That is pretty much it. I sat and watched the shout box for a month or two before I finally decided to share my great wisdom and smarta$$ness with the world... only to fins out that I wasn't the only smarta$$ here. But I did find out that I am the smartest one here. oh my... I am on a roll!

I am still here because if the WW thread is not taken care of she will destroy the site and all computers...

The thing in the fridge... yeah... I don't know.. but I know it wants out....

Posted on: 20 03 06 09:17 am
I'm not drunk...... I'm Scottish!
Yeah OK, I am Drunk...
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Re: JR
Guardian of the Great White North (Webmaster)
2003/8/17 10:44
From Canada
Posts: 6812
Level : 57; EXP : 32
HP : 281 / 1408
MP : 2270 / 88758

Posted on: 20 03 06 09:32 am
PS4, PS3, Vita PSN: Winterhawk200
X-Box one Gamertag: Winterhawk200
WII U: Winterhawk200

Driver picks the music, shoutgun shuts their cakehole.
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Re: Origins
The Vampire Layer
2004/12/16 3:23
From Springfield, Mo
Posts: 114
Level : 9; EXP : 70
HP : 0 / 217
MP : 38 / 12865
Well Thayne arrived here first, and he began showing me evrything related to heromorph, I'd chat to you all under thayne's name and he finally told me " why don't you just make your own account? you know you like it here" end of boring story

Posted on: 21 03 06 04:44 am
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Re: Origins
Mr. The Mighty Lord *Krackaboom!*
2004/1/13 6:11
From The Good Earth
Posts: 3277
Level : 44; EXP : 44
HP : 0 / 1086
MP : 1092 / 67167
Let's see now...
In 2003 I was looking for Comic news one day, and found the Comics Continuum. Somehow or other CC led me to Comics2Film, and its DCG. Reading stuff on the DCG led me to the word Manip, and one quick Google later I ended up here, I guess it was Fall of 2003.

I was a big poster of other people's work until Ma-uh, Chilly got on my case one day. That led to all sorts of stuff, and eventually rules like "no posting of other's work". So...

After that, I was shamed by Winterhawk into doing my first Manip, and the rest is history.

On a side note, Jr.'s memory is, as usual, faulty. I _did_ go and find him, but I invited him to come and join, and _then_ told him about his stuff being posted. Just wanted to clarify that.

As for Force95B striking my nerve, it would be interesting to revisit that argument now...

And Hawk, you should not curse me. Without Jr., who would you have to replace Avatars on every week or two?

Posted on: 25 03 06 09:18 am
Who's The Model?
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Re: Origins
2005/1/17 9:54
From Wouldn't you like to know?
Posts: 302
Level : 16; EXP : 25
HP : 0 / 381
MP : 100 / 22452
i found the wizard babes section on the wizard website and clicked on the sites. not as dramatic, kinda like my screen name.

Posted on: 26 03 06 07:11 pm
sure, fighting for good is awe-inspring, but villiany pays better.
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Re: Origins
I'm almost afraid to revisit that arguement, only because I wouldn't want to destroy my grand image and reputation of a scholar and fine upstanding and pure hearted fellow. LOL. But you name the time and place BB and I will accomodate you.

Posted on: 27 03 06 03:06 am
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Re: Origins
2005/8/18 7:33
From Tasmania, Australia
Posts: 49
Level : 5; EXP : 82
HP : 0 / 120
MP : 16 / 6901
Jr invited it's all his fault I'm here!!!

Posted on: 27 03 06 05:42 pm
If women look, it's Erotica...if men look, it's Pornography!
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Re: Origins
Hellfire Club Member
2005/8/17 19:48
From Montreal
Posts: 337
Level : 17; EXP : 14
HP : 0 / 403
MP : 112 / 23086
I found Heromoprh via Comics2Film. I was Vegeton on Comics2Film then think I made a contentKILLER account then found this lovely place and started coming here instead Interesting origin? No.

Posted on: 27 03 06 08:39 pm
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Re: Origins
The Great Eternal Dragon
2004/2/9 4:54
From Edmonton,Alberta,Canada
Posts: 11283
Level : 67; EXP : 54
HP : 332 / 1663
MP : 3761 / 102526
Well ...let me see, says my start date is 2004/2/8 and truth be told that seems wrong but I guess I just could have been lurking for the 4-5 month before that?
After Finding Heromorph after going and seeing the great manips and them saying where they were from?
So it being the first days I got my computer I was looking up every address I found in magazines or any people told me about?
So after lurking about around here and reading comment.
I had read some unflattering comments about lurker and non participants.
This was the point where I thought I should sound off!
So I registered and joined up!
It really became an obsession cause when I start I just can't keep my mouth or typer shut!
Got to know most everyone and some even through e-mails too!
Even became a recruiter of sorts and wrote e-mails to get new people who were manippers to join up!
All has been lots of fun and I am glad to have this up and running again and hope it does so for a long time to come!

Posted on: 27 03 06 09:52 pm
Photobucket Member: 08/22/2006
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