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Buying a graphics tablet ?
2006/4/14 14:18
Posts: 34
Level : 4; EXP : 59
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I just posted this below on the renderosity forums , but I thought I would ask here too.


:) Mirth :)

I am new here, so I hope this thread is in the correct forum.

I have been a fair artist in traditional media for quite some years,( middle-aged now)
but I have just begun to play with 3D art on the computer.

I am currently using DAZ Studio and Photoshop CS, but considering Poser and Adobe Illustrator when I can afford them.

My question, is that I was thinking about buying a graphics tablet so that I can still actually draw. I personally feel that I would draw more fluidly and naturally this way until I get more used to the computer programs properly.

I have been Window shopping, and the most popular seem to be by a company called WACOM, but they appear to be very small or very expensive !
I have also seen a company called TRUST, that do an A4 size tablet for the same or less than the small WACOM one.

Any and all advice greatly appreciated. Also any other makes considered. As I said I am a beginner again in this field.

Many thanks

:) Mirth :)

Posted on: 11 01 07 08:02 am
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Re: Buying a graphics tablet ?
Guardian of the Great White North (Webmaster)
2003/8/17 10:44
From Canada
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go with Wacom, they come in different sizes. but truthfully you do not need a larger size. drawing on a tablet is different then drawing on paper. once you get used to it you will realize you don't need the oversized ones (although Wacom makes those as well. If I remember correctly Jr has a big one in a box in his garage and he uses a little one at his desk.......also his tablet is small.
When I was shopping for my first tablet, everyone kept telling me that the only name in tablets is Wacom, even if they are double the price get Wacom, anyone that had a different brand of tablet said it was shitte. Everyone that had a Wacom said it was gold.
I have a 4 x 5 wacom graphire and it is all I need.

Posted on: 11 01 07 08:22 am
PS4, PS3, Vita PSN: Winterhawk200
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Driver picks the music, shoutgun shuts their cakehole.
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Re: Buying a graphics tablet ?
Your Reality Credit Card
2005/9/18 18:53
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Pretty much what WH said.
I've also got a Wacom, it was easy to install and I've never had any problems with it.
Mine's also 4x5 inch and that's a good size (doesn't take up the whole desk). After you start using it you'll discover how it is different from drawing and the area on the tablet represents your whole screen (sounds odd, but it works).

Only thing I would suggest is get familiar using a mouse with your new software before using a tablet. If you're unfamiliar with both your software and the tablet it will be a much harder learning curve.

Posted on: 11 01 07 05:44 pm
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Re: Buying a graphics tablet ?
Dazed and Confused... mostly Confused
2004/7/15 17:58
From usa
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A friend hooked me up with a WACOM 4x5 Graphire. He got it off Ebay for 30 bux. I did have to go dig up a driver, but mine works perfectly! I would agree with Chilly, get to know your mouse first. Me, myself, I'm one of those that use both the wacom and the mouse. For some reason I draw with the left hand, but if I have to select a tool or click an option........ it's more comfortable for me to just click on it with the mouse.

Also, what do you consider expensive??? 2 days ago I was slightly shocked at seeing a 4x5 WACOM Graphire for 50 dollars at Circuit City.

On another note, I was at Jim Lee's myspace and saw some work he did with a Cintiq21. I don't quite know exactly what it is, but web surfing produced this

Posted on: 12 01 07 06:24 am
Vivo per lei
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Re: Buying a graphics tablet ?
Kling on HM (WebMaster!)
2004/7/19 7:51
From My Box
Posts: 6994
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The Cintiq Pen Displays that Thayne mentioned are only $2500 It is really a bargain considering a new Apple G5 dual processor is only $2500.
Hell no. I have been using Wacoms since they came out. And yes, Hawk is right... I have a 9x12 in my garage that is the biggest piece of poop for the money. (but it is for sale) It works great but I had to map out the face of it to a piece of paper so that it was useable. If that makes sense.

I have used a 4x5 and a 6x8 and so far, the 6x8 is my favorite... however the 4x5 does the job great too. If you are going to buy, do not waste your time on a intuos 2. The difference between the intuos 2 and 3 are night and day. The 3 seem to be alot more sensitive than the 2 and the "buttons" on the sides are a god-send. If you map out you pen's buttons right, you will never use a mouse again while using the Wacom. Pretty much all I use is the keyboard and Wacom... the mouse is a thing of the past.

BUY ONE NOW! And yes... look on eBay... that is where I got my Intuos 3.

Posted on: 12 01 07 07:16 am
I'm not drunk...... I'm Scottish!
Yeah OK, I am Drunk...
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Re: Buying a graphics tablet ?
2006/4/14 14:18
Posts: 34
Level : 4; EXP : 59
HP : 0 / 89
MP : 11 / 4962
I'd like to say a big thank you to all of you, for all this really helpful and constructive advice.

I'll let you know how my shopping goes, and then how steep I actually find the learning curves.


Posted on: 13 01 07 03:09 am
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