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hentai lovers
hey was just wondering if there was any hentai movie lovers out there like me if they would like to share movies i have a few and would like to expand my collection,i have most of the bible blacks unsubbed ,and 10 other movies,i looking for dark love,demon beast invasion, or any thing thata really over the top,you know futa,transformations,tenticales,demons you know basic routine hentai stuff wut can i say i'm a sick little boy so any one interested just drop me a pm

Posted on: 9 09 07 12:59 pm
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Re: hentai lovers
Supreme being
2006/4/28 1:38
From Woodstock, Ontario,Canada.
Posts: 510
Level : 20; EXP : 84
HP : 0 / 496
MP : 170 / 27371
"Irony (airɒni)- noun

def.1- A statement that, when taken in context, may actually mean the opposite of what is written literally; the use of words expressing something other than their literal intention

def.2-(colloquial) The quality or state of an event being both coincidental and contradictory in a humorous or poignant and extremely improbable way.

def.3- colloquial) An unfortunate and coincidental turn of events that could have been avoided had all parties involved known more.

def.4- someone who goes by the handle of 'virtueismyname' asking for Japanese toon porn on a public forum, an action which by anyone's definition is fairly not-virtuous.

Posted on: 9 09 07 11:09 pm
We're talking chipmunks, Dave. We can get out of a cat-carrier.
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Re: hentai lovers
Kling on HM (WebMaster!)
2004/7/19 7:51
From My Box
Posts: 6994
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LordKuyohashi wrote:
"Irony (airɒni)- noun
def.4- someone who goes by the handle of 'virtueismyname' asking for Japanese toon porn on a public forum, an action which by anyone's definition is fairly not-virtuous.

His "handle" just makes it easier for him to sleep at night... And he only chases hookers with biblical names like Mary and Eve....

Posted on: 10 09 07 08:15 am
I'm not drunk...... I'm Scottish!
Yeah OK, I am Drunk...
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Re: hentai lovers
don't get your panties in a bunch there sunshine....virtueismyname is just a screen name based on the smackdown character i'm using...your screen name is LordKuyohashi does that make you a lord are you even asian...if you don't like hentai then just ingnore this post LordKuyohashi...and go be self rightous on someone elese's fourms

Posted on: 10 09 07 01:42 pm
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Re: hentai lovers
Supreme being
2006/4/28 1:38
From Woodstock, Ontario,Canada.
Posts: 510
Level : 20; EXP : 84
HP : 0 / 496
MP : 170 / 27371
Well now hang on there a minute, cupcake. I didn't mean anything personal by it. I learned a long time ago not to judge people by their personal proclivities. If hentai is your thing, super for you. I know lots of people who go that way. I have a friend whose into the whole furry thing, for reasons that are between him and his own personal god. All I was saying was, I saw the words 'virtue' and 'hentai' next to each other, and it struck me as a tad funny. I wasn't out to tease or humiliate or condemn. I didn't intend to come off as self-righteous, and I apologize for any insult that may have been incurred.

That said, you should be aware that just about anyone can see the forum posts, including some youngsters. A bit of discretion would be in order for something like this. Google exists for a reason, as does Limewire, BitTorrent, other such apps. There are other venues for this type of question, more appropriate ones. You picked the wrong place for the wrong question. I can only hope that we both get past this unpleasantness, and not turn this into a flame war, because honestly, I don't think either of us has the energy for something that stupid. I'm sorry if this comes off as a lecture, I'm probably the last person who should be prostalityzing.

Posted on: 10 09 07 03:14 pm
We're talking chipmunks, Dave. We can get out of a cat-carrier.
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Re: hentai lovers
Guardian of the Great White North (Webmaster)
2003/8/17 10:44
From Canada
Posts: 6812
Level : 57; EXP : 32
HP : 281 / 1408
MP : 2270 / 88758
and enough on this. topic locked.

Posted on: 10 09 07 07:51 pm
PS4, PS3, Vita PSN: Winterhawk200
X-Box one Gamertag: Winterhawk200
WII U: Winterhawk200

Driver picks the music, shoutgun shuts their cakehole.
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