Cheaters!!! All of you!!! pick up a pencil for god's sake! they're free! They grow from the pencil tree.
chillyplasma wrote:
can someone explain something for me...
When you buy Poser is it not possible to create your own bodies, clothes or whatever?
Far as I know, and I could be wrong, but creating bodies, clothes and other props are MOSTLY done in other programs. Think of Poser as playing with Barbies

you can play with her and pose her in different postions, but if you want to dress her up, you have to get the Barbie figure skater or Barbie S&M fun pak. The more money you have, the better artist you are

Voltron2000 wrote:
...but opinions are like assholes everyone has one
But an opinion
from an asshole is an entirely different matter.......
Biohaz_Daddy wrote:
Take a look at this link. Now tell me, is oil paint art?
Of course not. where's the naked chick?
Voltron2000 wrote:
...but poser allows me to express my self more i can get my visons to work better...
um, looking at your it doesn't (

you do know this whole thread is a joke, right Volty)
Winterhawk wrote:
Matrix, you do realize you have been using poser longer then most of the rest of us and that your smackdown picture entry was poser... you remember that right?
That was Poser?!?! oh snap! well, hell, nevermind then
Dark Wanderer wrote:
these programs are just tools for the Artist, just another version of the paint brush, marker, white out, highlighters, crayons what ever you use to creativly express your self.
you forgot baby oil and a tape of Barry Manilow's greatest hits.
Wolf wrote: ....*
Wolf, you are one weird basterd.
And whats up with the signature?

I want a dna test. then a psyhc test....