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Re: Marvel Entertainment
Off the hook
2003/10/20 13:42
From Cleveland
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Something else to get exited about(or not...)

You see a very small glimpse of a fastball special in the new trailer. Very sweet. You also get a pretty good look at Juggernaut. Not so sweet. Looks like he's wearing a magneto helmet made of stone.

Posted on: 8 12 05 12:09 am
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Re: Marvel Entertainment
2005/4/7 0:41
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Daruma wrote:
Something else to get exited about(or not...)

I know I'm gonna get moaned at... But I think this looks pretty cool. I hear there's a hidden Mystique pic too. Anyone?

Posted on: 8 12 05 04:18 am
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Re: Marvel Entertainment
Kling on HM (WebMaster!)
2004/7/19 7:51
From My Box
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1. Colossus will be cool if he is Colossus! Otherwise he will suck if he is, oh... Puck with steal skin. Just like Juggernaut... he is little... I don't like characters that are suppose to be big that are average size. Stupid.

2. TMNT- sorry... That movie SUCKED A$$. I loved the comics and was excited about the movie. All it did was leave a bad taste in my mouth... horrible movie.

3. Rocketeer was cool.

Posted on: 9 12 05 08:42 am
I'm not drunk...... I'm Scottish!
Yeah OK, I am Drunk...
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Re: Marvel Entertainment
Dazed and Confused... mostly Confused
2004/7/15 17:58
From usa
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1. I was really pissed when the cartoon had Colossus as an "honorary" member of the xmen. So when they showed him in the 2nd movie I was all super excited because at least they acknowledged him as a student of Xavier! And they did his power super freakin kewl too! So I'm not worried about Colossus.

2. I loved Eastman's and Laird's original B&W TMNT comics. All the cursin, killin, and general body parts flyin was the greatest thing about that comic. The movie was eh (even if I did see it 7 times as a kid). And I felt it was sacrelidge when Disney bought the rights, colored them, and then changed them into cheesy ass surfer doods who jonzed for pizza every second of the day. Yeah, Disney should burn in hell for that.

3. I dodged Rocketeer cuz I figured it would suck.

Posted on: 10 12 05 02:22 pm
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Re: Marvel Entertainment
Gold Member
2005/5/2 17:09
From California, Bay Area
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I'm looking forward to seeing Colossus in X3, although I agree that if he isn't colossal, it'll be a real shame. I hated the CGI Hulk, but at least he was massive. That was one of my main complaints about the Thing in the FF movie. I didn't mind the rubber suit (it gave the actor the chance to actually act). I just didn't like that wasn't big and bulky.

I know that the Thing in the beginning of the comics was smaller and more lumpy, so we can hope that if they make another movie, they will incorporate a story line that has him evolving towards his larger, more rocky/angular look.

And, as for making characters such as Colossus, Thing, and Juggernaut look larger than other characters, they don't need any fancy-schmancy effects. Remember how they did the hobbits and dwarves in LOTR. They just used some old-fashioned movie magic like split-screens and stand-ins.

Thayne, if you haven't seen Rocketeer, I highly recommend renting and watching it, preferably on a big screen. It's alot of fun, especially if you know the comic book and are a fan. The sets and flying scenes alone are worth the price of the rental. And the rocket kicks a$$! And, if you don't like it, I'll personally refund you the cost of the rental!

Posted on: 12 12 05 12:59 am
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Re: Marvel Entertainment
2004/1/24 4:39
From Sweden
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Hmmm.... does size matter? Like my ex-girlfriend used to say: "Sorry, but yes."
(now I'm giving away too much again, aren't I? )
Thing was too darn small. Hulk was really big, but so ugly it didn't matter. Suckiest CGI ever.
As for Colossus, like Hulk and Thing, he wasn't all that big in the earlier comics. Check out Claremont/Byrne's X-men and compare with newer issues and you'll see. I want him to be big, yes, but not enormous. He's not Giant-Man wrapped in tin-foil, you know.
After seeing the trailer, I must say I would like to see Juggy more bulky. He's suposed to be strong as all heck. He doesn't really look like it. But I'm kind of okay with him. It's 'Grandpa Smurf' (aka Beast) that bugs me.

Posted on: 12 12 05 04:24 am
- Is it a right to remain ignorant?
- I don't know, but I refuse to find out!
(quote from Calvin & Hobbes)
- I did absolutely nothing, and it was everything I thought it could be. (quote from Office Space)
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Re: Marvel Entertainment
You guys know these movies aren't real, right? I mean there is no real Beast or Thing or Juggernaut. So with that said, I thought Hulk looked great. I think the Thing was passable, if they make him more rocky in the next one. I will wait to pass judgement on Beast and Juggy until after I see the movie.

As for the Shadow, I like it very much, for the time it came out. Phantom I barely remember, but cheesy comes to mind. And Rocketeer was awesome, I loved it. I agree with what was said about it from Vonisgr8.

What about Zorro? I haven't seen the second one but I liked the first one. I mean if you guys can make a better Thing costume or reproduce it via your computer then by all means let's see it.

I love playing the devil's advocate.

Posted on: 12 12 05 05:43 am
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Re: Marvel Entertainment
Dazed and Confused... mostly Confused
2004/7/15 17:58
From usa
Posts: 3290
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For me, Collossus is just fine. The guy they chose seemed the perfect fit to me. I guess I'm at fault for trying to think realistically tho.

I dodged the Shadow. I think because the Baldwin name popped up. And I know because of the radio shows my gramma let me listen to as a kid. Phantom, was nice on tv when nothing else was on but infomercials.

Zorro? There's a cologne I saw an ad for at work. I make fun of it all the time. "I am Antonio Banderas, I played Zorro. Smell like my ballz"......... incidentally I own that Zorro movie on dvd.

Posted on: 12 12 05 10:50 am
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