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Re: FLASH! Ah-ahhh!!
Gold Member
2005/11/2 21:07
Posts: 105
Level : 9; EXP : 25
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Well, after reading before it aired that they were going to have Flash coming and going between Mongo and Earth, I knew that was going to bring the expectations of a great show to a halt. Flash shouldn't be allowed to go between Earth and Mongo. He should be trapped there, no way to escape back home... atleast not at first.

I had been working for 3 years on my own Flash Gordon comic strip, I had 17 strips done before the show aired. After hearing who owned the rights to the name, I found out they were asking thousands for the rights to the name. I contacted them, heard nothing from them. Thinking the show would carry out the great name and they'd finally make money off it. The director who made The Mummy and The Mummy Returns, is making the Flash Gordon movie to be released either in '08 or '09. I can only hope it's better than the original movie, or this thing they call a tv show.

I'm also hoping he doesn't go the route I had for my version of Gordon.... God I hope not.

I have since changed the name of the comic and the characters to avoid any more situations with the owners of the franchise name...

I was let down by the premiere of Flash, and I've been depressed that I wasted hours of my life watching the remainder of these episodes.

And it's correct, only thing they have going for this show is sex appeal. That chick stuck on Earth taking the oil bath in the backyard... only thing I felt was worth watching. But even that sucked ass lol.

Ah well... they'll figure out sooner or later the proper method of making a good sci fi show again. We hope anyways.

Posted on: 6 09 07 03:53 pm
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