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So...What you feel about Heromorph
Wizard of Lasagna (Mod)
2007/5/20 12:54
From From the Other Side of the Ocean
Posts: 3461
Level : 45; EXP : 33
HP : 221 / 1108
MP : 1153 / 56257
I just want to say that I'm really happy with Heromorph.
It's kinda like that place where to hang out for awhile after work (or at work) with cool people with the same interest as we are.
And want to congrat the genius that make this happen for all of us. Great work, guys.
I've been a lurker here for a long time, but when join in, I learn a lot from all the people here, Thanks.
But what I'm really curious about is: what are those new additions next to the our avatar?
It look cool. Hope you keep them.

Posted on: 27 10 07 04:33 pm
"People should be very carefull with what they wish for!
Sometimes, they get their wishes granted..."
Be happy!!
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Re: So...What you feel about Heromorph
2005/4/16 1:42
From Calgary, AB
Posts: 221
Level : 13; EXP : 88
HP : 0 / 322
MP : 73 / 18322
needs more pillow fights IMO.

Posted on: 27 10 07 10:09 pm
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Re: So...What you feel about Heromorph
The Metal Shinigami (Moderator)
2004/12/6 17:15
From Kentucky
Posts: 5149
Level : 52; EXP : 13
HP : 255 / 1278
MP : 1716 / 74044
I agree. more scantly clad women having a pillow fight works for me :)

Posted on: 28 10 07 12:27 am
Good? I never claimed to be. Just good at what I do, and today that is being evil. - Dark Wanderer.
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Re: So...What you feel about Heromorph
Guardian of the Great White North (Webmaster)
2003/8/17 10:44
From Canada
Posts: 6812
Level : 57; EXP : 32
HP : 281 / 1408
MP : 2270 / 86933
Vinnie said nothin about girls, so DW put on your nightgown and grab a pillow. It is time to rumble.

Posted on: 28 10 07 10:43 am
PS4, PS3, Vita PSN: Winterhawk200
X-Box one Gamertag: Winterhawk200
WII U: Winterhawk200

Driver picks the music, shoutgun shuts their cakehole.
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Re: So...What you feel about Heromorph
2005/4/16 1:42
From Calgary, AB
Posts: 221
Level : 13; EXP : 88
HP : 0 / 322
MP : 73 / 18322
who needs girls when you have butter or margerine?

Posted on: 28 10 07 11:16 am
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Re: So...What you feel about Heromorph
2004/2/22 1:51
Posts: 190
Level : 12; EXP : 83
HP : 0 / 295
MP : 63 / 17818
Well, I thought I would start by saying I have been a fan of this site since the day I posted my first manip. In a way, you guys have inspired some of my best artwork that I probably wouldnt have ever created. My hats off to the moderators, and contributors that keep this site running. I plan on contributing someday myself, but this poor, broke white guy can barely afford the internet these days. So for now, I just enjoy it from a pseudo-lurker status. HAHA!

One thing that I would complain about, however, are the comments that seem to always pick apart my work, while other artists and their work get rave reviews. For example, some of my work is predictable but hopefully eye-catching. Yet, for some reason, it is always panned in one way or another. I get smartass comments on my choice of models, not my quality of work, and I also hardly ever get rated anymore. What is that? Am I that bad? I know I dont have the top-dollar skills as some of you, but I always try to have a sense of realism to all of my work, where others always seem to post plastic-suited pinup girls for their own cheap and rather distasteful thrills. I agree that there always has to be a sense of humor among us all, but why not appreciate every artist as just that, artists. Its not always going to look as good to some as it does to you, but why trash someones work, just because there arent enough wrinkles in the fabric, or the overall pic is too dark?

I guess what I am saying is, there are alot of good,(not great) pictures on here that get 10's all the time, but only if they look a certain way. It seems the criteria is big busty girls in absolutely fake looking costumes, over-maniped to the point of looking so bad its not even funny. I myself have tried to do artwork that is somewhat realistic looking, but always tasteful. And yet the ones that get the 10's, are usually the opposite entirely. Hell, I can make every pinup and pornstar into a superhero too, I just choose to make my work more believeable. And for that, I get panned and go unrated. Why? Ask yourself.

For all of the hard work that goes into my work, and alot of others as well, it is rather disappointing to say the least, that some of my most difficult projects get panned so badly, while someone with barely an idea of how to do anything more than cut and paste can get such high reviews. Its bad form. If I sound bitter, I probably am. But I am not saying anything out of line. If anything, I encourage all of you that read this to look a little deeper at your own work. While some of you never cease to amaze all of us, there are some of you that continue to post the same pictures all the time. Its like you found one way to do a pic, and never bothered to try anything else. No different themes, or ideas, or even different methods. Its just the same thing, over and over again.

Now, before I get my foot entirely into my mouth, I admit, I have my favorite characters too, so I cant complain about that. But try to see where I am coming from. Look a little bit closer at what you all are doing, and try and think outside your normal box...and maybe, we will see the most amazing art we have ever seen on this site.

I for one am proud to have my work posted here. And when I show my friends and possible clients some of my work, I usually just send them the link to this site, and let them look at my whole catalog, just because its so easy to see it all on one site. I just wish there were more fair, and appreciative comments on mine, and everyone else's work. And please for the love of Pete, stop trashing everyones stuff. If you dont have a decent comment, or at least some constructive advice, dont ruin it by trashing someones hard work. (You know who you are).

OK, I am off my soapbox now.
Come on people. Lets make this next year the best HM has seen yet. Let's all dig deep, and really get back to the heart of what this site's about. ART!

Posted on: 28 10 07 07:14 pm
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Re: So...What you feel about Heromorph
2005/4/16 1:42
From Calgary, AB
Posts: 221
Level : 13; EXP : 88
HP : 0 / 322
MP : 73 / 18322
HM is first and foremost a fan site. I think you have to remember that. If you want more serious critisism, a forum that specializes in your particular medium might be better suited to what you're after as opposed to a forum that is dedicated primarily to fan based artwork.

Posted on: 29 10 07 01:30 am
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Re: So...What you feel about Heromorph
Time Lord!
2004/8/27 20:35
From Knobblers Gob
Posts: 2002
Level : 36; EXP : 96
HP : 0 / 899
MP : 667 / 52832
I visit HM a lot. Too much, maybe. It's a kind of addiction.

1) The community of artists. Very diverse. Met some good people here.
2) Manips. I like manips better than 3D. Maybe it's because I can't figure out how to do 3D...
3) Comic art. I especially like the coloring, and I have learned a lot about coloring while doing it, and I probably wouldn't have done much if it weren't for HM.

1) I don't particularly enjoy the Smackdown... I just don't seem to get it.
2) I miss having the "top ten" with icons based on the actual piece. The current ones are funny but I sometimes don't have time to click each one to see what it is.

I miss the regular monthly "theme based" contests we used to have. We should bring them back.

To paraphrase an old Marvel slogan, "Make Mine Heromorph"!

Posted on: 29 10 07 11:13 am
TARDIS Express - When it absolutely, positively has to be there before you mailed it.
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Re: So...What you feel about Heromorph
2006/6/7 9:56
From Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 257
Level : 14; EXP : 97
HP : 0 / 349
MP : 85 / 18732
I think Heromorph is an ultracool site. I just love seeing all the different styles, and some excellent artwork. I have lurked around in the shadows for a long time, and finally started posting here. This site also encouraged me to start manipping, something I've been wanting to try for a long time.

A lot of helpful people around here, with constructive comments, and most of 'em answer my pm's when I send them. The only thing I have to say, and this is agreeing with WASMITH, I just don't get the smackdown!! I tune in here everyday, and enjoy it. I plan on keep comin' back!

Posted on: 29 10 07 06:08 pm
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Re: So...What you feel about Heromorph
Wizard of Lasagna (Mod)
2007/5/20 12:54
From From the Other Side of the Ocean
Posts: 3461
Level : 45; EXP : 33
HP : 221 / 1108
MP : 1153 / 56257
Well...I like the Smackdown, and hope they bring it back next year. It make me remember an old tv show we had here back when I was a kid where every week a new artist did a new page of a comic story. At the end of the season the all story was sold and the profits donated to charity. And I like to see what the talented and couragous people who dare to enter the challenge in the Smackdown come up with every time they post a new piece. It's great to see how each artist try to protect his character and make a fun story at the same time.
But I agree that this site inspires me to try my best each new work I make. I watch all my work here since the beginning and it shows. It's not great or even that good, but I think I'm in the good way thanks to all the comments and suggestions from the people here.
Heck, looking back, six months ago I couldn't imagine me doing this kind of stuff.

Posted on: 30 10 07 06:49 am
"People should be very carefull with what they wish for!
Sometimes, they get their wishes granted..."
Be happy!!
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Re: So...What you feel about Heromorph
Your Reality Credit Card
2005/9/18 18:53
Posts: 892
Level : 26; EXP : 68
HP : 0 / 642
MP : 297 / 35718
Ah Heromorph, you have provided me so much entertainment over the years. Sometimes making me laugh, sometimes making me angry? but that?s what good entertainment does, get you involved (and make you buy carefully placed products).

My favourite thing at Heromorph is the? hit counters! Yes, comments and ratings are nice but they come from only about 1%. But the hit counters show you how many are looking. I like all the other stuff too.

I guess I don?t like that I have a complete inability to win in the HM awards or monthly challenges. I think the closest I came was when I was coming first, second and third in the cover challenge for two weeks, then in the last few hours I was voted way down.
And the other little thing that bugs me is artists who put ?Enjoy? under their stuff, because I resent being told what to do.

But I really LUV the freaks, and in fact I think in some ways it?s a pity they get banned.

(here?s some of the favourites I can remember)
There are the general freaks, like those who post comments on pictures giving WAY too much information on whatever theories they have on the character. There was the guy who obsessed over one picture of mine with a really weird fetish and actually created three accounts so he could agree with himself. And there was brave anonymous bitch who stopped by for a while just to attack us all because there were ?rape? pictures on the site.

Back Alchemy, this guy had a real big ego and seemed to want lots of respect just because he?d been around a while. The thing I remember most is he would always crow how he and Hubcap started the site. Yet at a time when there was a lack of management and an absent Hubcap, BA would always dodge any responsibility for decisions with ?I can?t make a change, it?s Hubcap?s website?.

Level 1. This guy was completely delusional, I think he tried to copyright the love heart symbol. And he would go to great lengths to try and persuade people that the stuff he stole was real art that he created. Again he created a second account to support himself.

Commander Alpha Star (or whatever). Had a long list of fantasy ranks and titles in his signature. Most memorable for posting his demands of FREE AND I MEAN FREE links to pornography of hot women having sex with aliens. He would also try and start petitions to get extra channels added to his basic cable package, cheap bastard. His special ability was to completely ignore three forum threads on the front page and post a new thread on the same topic.

Vagabondseye. Guy claimed to be a rocket scientist somewhere. Also claimed to be the world?s first ?gunwriter?. Came in, took a quick look around and decided he could manip better than any of us. When we decided his stuff was crap I think it was our fault for not appreciating his superior style.

Billy. Ah Billy, I miss the posts where you tell us how you spent the night crying because Heromorph means so much to you. I miss seeing you try to flirt in the shoutbox with lesbians who lived two time zones away from you. And after you were made a Herald I miss those tearful posts you made about standing side-by-side with whoever and fighting to the death for? whatever. Nice, completely misplaced, but nice. Of course when there was the slightest hint of possible trouble Billy went running for the hills (in tears).

Of course the one I don?t miss, the biggest jerk of them all is? me! (Hopefully) I have pissed off more members than anyone else (possibly excepting Shade ? but he?s gone too). It?s a wonder I haven?t been banned?

Posted on: 31 10 07 03:23 am
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Re: So...What you feel about Heromorph
Heromorph's Computer Plague (invented twittering)
2004/2/27 21:02
From a result of bad parenting
Posts: 736
Level : 24; EXP : 56
HP : 0 / 589
MP : 245 / 35452

I feel....

I feel.....sticky......a little dirty.....

.... somewhat dizzy....

... I need a tissue.

Posted on: 31 10 07 06:28 am
Hitler, get out of the way! You're ruining my entrance! Gaaaa....

I need constant supervision. Then I could see through chick's clothes.
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Re: So...What you feel about Heromorph
2003/8/26 22:16
From halfway between limbo and purgatory
Posts: 1177
Level : 29; EXP : 95
HP : 0 / 723
MP : 392 / 44639
Ah have always been there for me. Never have you told me "NO" or cheated on me, you provide me with hours of entertainment and have always supported my artistic talents. You've allowed me to make many new friends via internet, however, it would be nice to meet some of them.

Heromorph, what would I have done without you? I love you.

btw, the neat little additions appear to be hit points, magic points and experience points bars..... sorta like a video game.......and according ot my little bars, I'm dead. whats up with that?

Posted on: 1 11 07 12:26 pm
Broaden your horizons, eat interesting people.
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Re: So...What you feel about Heromorph
Time Lord!
2004/8/27 20:35
From Knobblers Gob
Posts: 2002
Level : 36; EXP : 96
HP : 0 / 899
MP : 667 / 52832
I thought of something else to say.

"Bad Heromorph! Bad! Get off the goddam sofa, I'm tired of your $*^#@(& hair all over the place...."

I feel better now....

Posted on: 1 11 07 02:01 pm
TARDIS Express - When it absolutely, positively has to be there before you mailed it.
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Re: So...What you feel about Heromorph
Hero to the stars
2005/7/18 16:46
From Moses Lake, Washington
Posts: 2852
Level : 42; EXP : 24
HP : 0 / 1031
MP : 950 / 57878
I like Hreomorph. I like it a lot.

When I first started to visit the site I enjoyed all of the wonderful art but felt I had no talant for it. I finally gave it a shot and got some positive comments. I bought a photoshop program and did some more art and received some more positive comment and helpful tips.

I now try to do new things and keep posting when I can. Thank you Heromorph for bringing out what little artistic talent I have and for the encouragement. I will stay with Heromorph as long as you will have me and continue to comment on other peoples work and post my own as I finish it.

Posted on: 2 11 07 12:16 pm
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Re: So...What you feel about Heromorph
2007/3/10 17:26
From the Shadow World
Posts: 492
Level : 20; EXP : 50
HP : 0 / 487
MP : 164 / 25032
I have been a lurker at this site for more than a year. I came here from I like it here so much that I actually dropped c2f for hm. Now I have an account here and am starting to post stuff. I too have been inspired by the art at this site, it has even helped my 6 year dry spell.

To JediFan:
You are absolutely right. Too many people are self-important, girl-crazy, perverse idiots. They only like their own stuff. Or they want really big boobs.Or it has to be gay/ sadomasachistic porn. Or really shiny. It's obvious if you have every seen MIB 'cuz K say it. A person is smart, but people are stupid, crazy self-centered sheep looking for someone to tell them their opinion(for now TV does it for them). That's probably why comments are so loppsided to.

Posted on: 2 11 07 04:29 pm
No system is perfect. All institutions are corrupt and all future institutions will become corrupt eventually. The imperfection is inherent and cannot be fixed or removed. The imperfection is humanity.
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Re: So...What you feel about Heromorph
2005/4/16 1:42
From Calgary, AB
Posts: 221
Level : 13; EXP : 88
HP : 0 / 322
MP : 73 / 18322

To JediFan:
You are absolutely right. Too many people are self-important, girl-crazy, perverse idiots. They only like their own stuff. Or they want really big boobs.Or it has to be gay/ sadomasachistic porn. Or really shiny. It's obvious if you have every seen MIB 'cuz K say it. A person is smart, but people are stupid, crazy self-centered sheep looking for someone to tell them their opinion(for now TV does it for them). That's probably why comments are so loppsided to.

personally, I like to believe that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. And sometimes no replies is just no replies...because the post is bad.

sometimes...a lot of the time I see stuff on the site and I just think, why should I bother replying if you didn't bother to take the time to make something decent. Sloppy lines, poorly masked edges, flat colours, low quality mats that haven't been treated, 3d art that's phoned in with zero post work.

and god bless the people who take the time to avoid falling into those categories.

now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to something very important...ME. I'm just crazy about this large breasted girl I'm working on.

Posted on: 2 11 07 07:29 pm
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Re: So...What you feel about Heromorph
Your Reality Credit Card
2005/9/18 18:53
Posts: 892
Level : 26; EXP : 68
HP : 0 / 642
MP : 297 / 35718
I just say that people like what they like and no-one can change that. If you like your own stuff that is good, but don't expect everyone else to think you're amazing 'just because...'.

The artists don't get paid or rewarded so they can create what they like, if it's the same thing every time... hey it's their choice to do that.

And again the viewers aren't under any obligation to comment, agree with or appreciate what is in front of them. For example a Supergirl pic will get more hits than an average pic, that's just the way it is.

If someone wants to paint big boobs and people want to look at that (or not) then it's just the way it is.

Posted on: 2 11 07 08:28 pm
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Re: So...What you feel about Heromorph
Wizard of Lasagna (Mod)
2007/5/20 12:54
From From the Other Side of the Ocean
Posts: 3461
Level : 45; EXP : 33
HP : 221 / 1108
MP : 1153 / 56257
Im my opinion an artist sould create what he or she like to do. They should do their art for themselves first. If they do something they like, changes are someone else probably will like it too.
I've seen some good people loose their way because they tried to make what they thougth people would like.
But if everybody like the same thing, this would be a very very boring world to live in...
Personally, I don't post my stuff waiting to get a lot of hits or comments or whatever... If someone like it and make a comment, that's great, but I only post something when I'm happy with it or can't do it better and hopefully someone give me some tips how to do better.
There are some Masters here that I admire and that's the kind of stuff I wish to do some due time.
Oh Yeah, and keep big boobs pics coming, that's why I'm a Chup@cabra fan.

Posted on: 3 11 07 10:13 am
"People should be very carefull with what they wish for!
Sometimes, they get their wishes granted..."
Be happy!!
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Re: So...What you feel about Heromorph
2007/3/10 17:26
From the Shadow World
Posts: 492
Level : 20; EXP : 50
HP : 0 / 487
MP : 164 / 25032
I agree with everything everyone who posted after me said, especially OCP (except about the boobs), I was just saying that I noticed alot of what Jedi said too.
Also, I didn't actually remember any of Jedi's posts specifically and posted before I looked. I did a seach and just found a bunch of drawings he colored. By the look of the posts, he should be happy with them, in my opinion (don't hit me ). Some people should try to restrain themselves though, just as a courtesy.

Posted on: 3 11 07 10:51 am
No system is perfect. All institutions are corrupt and all future institutions will become corrupt eventually. The imperfection is inherent and cannot be fixed or removed. The imperfection is humanity.
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