Hi everyone! Its been awhile since I've posted on these board. Been busy brushing up on my art skills and whathaveyous. If you want to take a look at some of my recent works check out the pieces that I've uploaded in the regular and adult (wink wink) galleries. If you're interested in having an original piece(s) done, here are my rates:
$10 for a sketch card size drawing (head and shoulders only)
$30 for pencil drawing w/limited background
$45 for pencil plus inks w/limited background ( includes tones )
$65 for full pencil/inks/digital coloring (includes a digital printout)
$80 for full digital painting.
$100 for a fully penciled sequential art page. (add an additional 75 for inks,letters, and colors) This is great if you want an original comic book page of your favorite characters based on your own ideas and stories!
$15 for any additional character you want to include.
Also, if you?re commissions goes over $50, I?ll throw in a free one character pencil drawing to go along with it! That?s a $30 value!
If those rates are up your alley feel free to send me an email at
Apotheases@yahoo.com or a PM here on the boards. Looking forward to working with you all.