As far as the SyFy channel finally putting a SciFi show back on the air, I liked it. BUT, there was something lacking. I am not sure exactly what it is. I like all the different "aliens" and the sets. I don't know if it is the acting, or the fact that they are trying to make Nolan out to be a suave scoundrel, like Han Solo, and he is not pulling it off. I did like the strange twist at the end of the show.
I will keep on watching it until I get bored. Out of 5 Stars... I think it would be a 3.5 - 3.8.
Posted on: 17 04 13 08:42 am
I'm not drunk...... I'm Scottish! Yeah OK, I am Drunk...
I watched and thought it was decent...i didn't care for the over-abundant use of alien dialogue which of course meant endless amount of sub-titles..[i'd rather not have to read my way through a tv show]. The make-up and effects were believable but i had to wonder where the whole story was going at times or for that matter where it's gonna go from here. but i too will watch until i get bored.
Posted on: 17 04 13 03:04 pm
"Don't look at me for answers. I just got here!"
They could have the dialog once in the native language of the species then pull a Doctor Who or Hitch Hikers Guide to the galaxy and have a universal translator make it English...
Posted on: 19 04 13 04:44 am
Good? I never claimed to be. Just good at what I do, and today that is being evil. - Dark Wanderer.
I watched it and I liked it, but like everyone says, I'll watch it until it's cancelled LOL... that thing happens a lot even with good shows...I liked the river but they cancelled it and a lot of shows like that.
it looks like a great show if you like good scifi. i like the characters.a lot of these shows have problems getting going because the actors don't get into character right away.this looks like a winner