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Kling on HM (WebMaster!)
2004/7/19 7:51
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I couldn't find the original thread for Cloverfield... so here is a new one.

It's Finally here... well, almost.

I was looking around the web and found this killer image, done by a fan, of what they think the monster is going to look like. I think it would be pretty cool if the monster was a 400 foot tall mutated whale with crabs.

For those that do not know what I am talking about... here is the trailer.

And here is a cool teaser....

Posted on: 16 01 08 12:44 pm
I'm not drunk...... I'm Scottish!
Yeah OK, I am Drunk...
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Re: Cloverfield
Gold Member
2004/8/8 23:57
From If you don't know by now don't ask!
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Wasn't this the thread 1-18-08? I watched the trailer for this and it looks killer. Kind of a Blair Witch Project meets godzilla!! I am looking forward to this!!
Thanks for the links Jr.

Posted on: 17 01 08 09:18 am
I have a rendezvous with Death, at some disputed barricade, if maybe he should take my hand and lead me into his dark land and close my eyes and quench my breath. I have a rendezvous with death, and my pledged word am true, I have not failed that rende...
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Re: Cloverfield
2003/10/2 20:14
From Lynnfield, MA USA
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it does look cool and I like the concept. a monster film
where the monster is not the main focus and is told
through the eyes of those who witness the attack. the
cast was interviewed on one of the local stations this
morning. sounds like I might try to catch it.

Posted on: 18 01 08 01:48 pm
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Re: Cloverfield
Super Into SuperGirl (HFC)
2004/4/1 7:00
From The Better Island Of New Zealand
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maa, I don't think it was really worth all the hype, the ending wasn't bad and at only 90 or so minutes its a good length, your not sitting there bored. umm don't want to say to much in case I give to much away but will say my favorite part of the whole movie was ....


yes I know, I'm a nerd, but ain't we all

Posted on: 18 01 08 06:01 pm
I'm A Red Shirt In The Star Trek Episode Of Life
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Re: Cloverfield
A new Star Trek movie? Oh gee... Forgive me, but after Wrath of Khan, which of the Trek TV shows or movies wouldn't have gone down like flaming turds if they didn't have Star Trek in the title?

Posted on: 18 01 08 06:33 pm
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Re: Cloverfield
Your Reality Credit Card
2005/9/18 18:53
Posts: 892
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What Star Trek trailer?
I saw Cloverfield and didn't see that trailer.

I didn't think they had finished casting, how could a trailer be ready?

Posted on: 18 01 08 07:03 pm
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Re: Cloverfield
yes or no is the monster godzilla

Posted on: 18 01 08 07:57 pm
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Re: Cloverfield
Gold Member
2004/8/8 23:57
From If you don't know by now don't ask!
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I can niether confirm nor deny that the mosnster is big green and Japanese. I will say that after catching the trailers and reading some of the reviews it looks like it will do alright. I look forward to seeing it. Sorry Volt I couldn't help myself.

Posted on: 19 01 08 05:51 am
I have a rendezvous with Death, at some disputed barricade, if maybe he should take my hand and lead me into his dark land and close my eyes and quench my breath. I have a rendezvous with death, and my pledged word am true, I have not failed that rende...
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Re: Cloverfield
Your Reality Credit Card
2005/9/18 18:53
Posts: 892
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yes or no is the monster godzilla

That's right! It's either yes or no.

Posted on: 19 01 08 12:23 pm
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Re: Cloverfield
2003/10/4 4:45
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I haven't seen it yet, but according to G4 TV and Ain't It Cool News, you do get to see the creature clearly before the end of the movie.

I'm not sure about the whole 'shakey cam' thing, though. I go to a movie to see a MOVIE, not something I could have shot (if my home city were actually being attacked by a giant monster that is [and I were stupid enough to film it instead of running like hell ] ).

It was the same problem I had with Cruise's "War of the Worlds", I wanted to see at least one good cinematic battle between the Walkers and the Army, then you can go back to the 'human development' part

I will see it in the next few days, though.

Posted on: 19 01 08 01:14 pm
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Re: Cloverfield
The Great Eternal Dragon
2004/2/9 4:54
From Edmonton,Alberta,Canada
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WELL, ... Do yourself a favour and do not and I repeat DO NOT go and see this movie!

This movie I was really disappointed with ,it looks like it was shot by a six year old running with a handycam?

Didn't like that effect with The Blair Witch thingie and still don't like it now?

As for the story ..... there really isn't one other that four people running around Manhattan while a monster is flattening the city?

This might make a great graphic novel so things could be more explained!

Now there's 84minutes of my life I'll never get back,what a waste of time & money!

Should have known after all that hype!

Though the one hilite was the trailers for "HellboyII-Golden Army"
And the "Ironman" trailer.

Posted on: 19 01 08 04:12 pm
Photobucket Member: 08/22/2006
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Re: Cloverfield
Super Into SuperGirl (HFC)
2004/4/1 7:00
From The Better Island Of New Zealand
Posts: 405
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Have agree with you on that DD. Thought it was going to be more about the monster but just some guy getting across the city. You got to see the Iron Man and Hellboy trailer? Damn if they played those alone with Star Trek I'd pay to see it again, then walk

Posted on: 20 01 08 02:23 am
I'm A Red Shirt In The Star Trek Episode Of Life
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Re: Cloverfield
The Metal Shinigami (Moderator)
2004/12/6 17:15
From Kentucky
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I saw it last night and personaly I thought it was brilliant. I felt it lived up to the hype. It was brilliant because you are only following the story as told by those with the camcorder. they base it on a quasi reality of These people don't know where the monster came from so we are not going to know either. Why do WE need to know the whole back story of why was the monster there? Where did it come from? How do we stop it? No. we ARE the camera guy in the group as we run for our lives trying to survive.

Normaly when I go to a movie People are a buzz talking on the way out. This time no one said a word as if they were too afraid to talk above a whisper.

I say go see it. Many will agree with me and many will say it is nothworth the time, but opinions are like assholes everyone has one and it stinks. Don't rely on the hear say of others. If you were hooked by the trailer then go see it. you will either love it or hate it. I am one that LOVED it.

Posted on: 20 01 08 11:57 am
Good? I never claimed to be. Just good at what I do, and today that is being evil. - Dark Wanderer.
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Re: Cloverfield
Your Reality Credit Card
2005/9/18 18:53
Posts: 892
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I agree with Dark Wanderer and disagree with Alex and Dragondack on this one.

And as the plot has already been mentioned I can say a bit more about the movie.
I liked the story as it was happening, that being said I would like it a lot more without the shaky-cam.

The monster is the cause of events but the story is about a relationship. By keeping it simple and focusing on the relationship it's actually really easy to suspend disbelief and accept there really is a monster running around.

All that aside this is one of those movies you will have to see for yourself to decide.

Just after the end of the movie I felt unsatisfied, now I think that has more to do with the fact that Hollyweird has trained us to like formula stories too much.

Posted on: 20 01 08 06:03 pm
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Re: Cloverfield
so is the monster godzilla

Posted on: 20 01 08 06:28 pm
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Re: Cloverfield
Gold Member
2004/8/8 23:57
From If you don't know by now don't ask!
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Once again I say to you "I plead the 5th, I can't recall, maybe, what's in it for me to tell you?, can you rephraze the question?, Object, the question calls for speculation!, Objection! Leading the witness" Or as former President Clinton aka "Slick Willie" might answer "I did NOT have sex with that Monster!"
And why does it have to be Godzilla? Why must people put that kink of preasure on lesser monsters to live up to that overgrown lizards clawprints? You should be ashamed of yourself for give this newcomer to the wanton distruction scene a complex like that!!!
Lets see you guys top that one!!

Posted on: 21 01 08 12:07 am
I have a rendezvous with Death, at some disputed barricade, if maybe he should take my hand and lead me into his dark land and close my eyes and quench my breath. I have a rendezvous with death, and my pledged word am true, I have not failed that rende...
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Re: Cloverfield
ok is the monster king kong

Posted on: 21 01 08 02:09 am
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Re: Cloverfield
Gold Member
2004/8/8 23:57
From If you don't know by now don't ask!
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Well that is a better guess Volt, but you are still applying to much preasure to a new monster! My guess it is Hillary after she found out that she lost the New York primary to Obama
Seriously Volt if you looked at the links of the monster at the begining of this post you would see what the monster looks like.

Posted on: 21 01 08 06:44 am
I have a rendezvous with Death, at some disputed barricade, if maybe he should take my hand and lead me into his dark land and close my eyes and quench my breath. I have a rendezvous with death, and my pledged word am true, I have not failed that rende...
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Re: Cloverfield
well i did see that pic mc and if you read further into it you would have seen that it said it was a fans idea of what the monster might look like

Posted on: 21 01 08 07:03 am
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Re: Cloverfield
Gold Member
2004/8/8 23:57
From If you don't know by now don't ask!
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I knew it was a concept drawing I was figuring on getting a "Is it Shamu?" next! You let me down and I had such high hopes for you!! I guess I will have to banish you to making fluffy pin-ups for the rest of your life!!!
Honestly I have no idea what it looks like as long as it isn't a 120' Barney!

Posted on: 21 01 08 08:21 am
I have a rendezvous with Death, at some disputed barricade, if maybe he should take my hand and lead me into his dark land and close my eyes and quench my breath. I have a rendezvous with death, and my pledged word am true, I have not failed that rende...
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