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re: What's with the name? |
The New Number 2 (Moderator-Like Guy) 
Joined: 2004/5/16 10:33
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Never really noticed this thread before... I'm not a new member, more a incredibly lazy member who doesn't check this site (or C2F, lately) often enough, LOL.
I posted this on C2F already, actually. B's my first initial. B for Blazej (Szpakowicz). Since my real name is (to be blunt) rather bizarre, friends have actually been using my initial as a nickname for me in "real life" forever. It was basically the first thing that came to mind when I started participating in online communities.
Posted on: 8 10 04 08:52 pm
Re: We got a lot of new members, speak up. |
it's kinda lame but i had this handle since 1999. at that time, everyone was worried about the millennium bug. so i tweaked it a bit to reflect my career status then (jobless) and voila! Millennium Bum.
Posted on: 9 10 04 03:05 am
New Members |
Guardian of the Great White North (Webmaster) 
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It has been awhile since we have had this up so, New Members what's with the Name?
Posted on: 31 12 04 02:24 pm
PS4, PS3, Vita PSN: Winterhawk200 X-Box one Gamertag: Winterhawk200 WII U: Winterhawk200
Driver picks the music, shoutgun shuts their cakehole.
Re: New Members |
Just happened to notice this thread. I have used Force for a long time. I think I started using it 10 years ago at an arcade. It actually has nothing to do with StarWars believe it or not. I added the 95B in the past several months because so many others were using Force. The 95B is the "military code" for my MOS, Military Police, when I was in the Army 13 years ago. I was a cop.
Posted on: 1 01 05 04:47 am
Talkin shop |
Dazed and Confused... mostly Confused 
Joined: 2004/7/15 17:58
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Your MOS was alot shorter than mine was.
Posted on: 1 01 05 06:37 am
Vivo per lei
Re: New Members |
Joined: 2004/11/18 15:47
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Well, obviously I like Batman. He's a non-super super hero who's driven to fight. But everytime I sign up it's always taken and I'm not interested in Batman2087.
Posted on: 1 01 05 09:42 am
Me moniker |
deluded narcissist guru (Whateverator) 
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Biohaz - Obviously short for biohazard, which in my twisted view I believe we all are, to some extent, to one another and to the rest of the planet.
Daddy - I have three kids.
Biohaz_Daddy - Is my way of warning everyone about what I have unleashed upon the world.
Be afraid, Be very afraid!
Posted on: 1 01 05 10:26 am
Re: Talkin shop |
I Lurk
Posted on: 1 01 05 04:33 pm
military, eh? |
Supreme being 
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Quote: Force95B wrote: The 95B is the "military code" for my MOS, Military Police, when I was in the Army 13 years ago. I was a cop.
U 2, Huh? Oscar Charlie 3 (OC3) M47Mk2 Anti-tank fire team...suicide squad, in other words
Posted on: 3 01 05 07:17 am
Leader (and only member so far) Heromorph Clean-up Team. (You don't like it...find someone else who's willing to work as cheap as me!  )
Hey Newbie's, What's with the Name? |
Guardian of the Great White North (Webmaster) 
Joined: 2003/8/17 10:44
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It has been awhile and we have a lot of new members so I thought they might want to tell us about themselves.
Posted on: 5 03 05 05:28 pm
PS4, PS3, Vita PSN: Winterhawk200 X-Box one Gamertag: Winterhawk200 WII U: Winterhawk200
Driver picks the music, shoutgun shuts their cakehole.
Re: Hey Newbie's, What's with the Name? |
Joined: 2005/3/4 10:28
From the great void of South Dakota
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yup, that would be me, new here, and this being my first post, so, as it goes.......
I use Lost for a combination of many reasons... short for Lostboy or Lostboy Breez as i first used when on the computer. lostboy for 2 reasons, I refuse to grow up and my friends have called me the long haired, tattooed , peirced epitome of Peter Pan, so I considered my self one of the lostboys..... also Lostboy because I am a big vampire fan and the vamp movie Lostboys, and therefore the name tied the 2 together, since Lostboy was usually taken I had to use variations. then one day I found a wonderful comic that told the tale of Peter Pan and the Lostboys and the reason they didnt age was because they were vampires (PERFECT, IMHO) it was called The Lost, shorter and sounded better to me, also was less used on the net, and Lost describes the way my mind wanders alot and lost in thought or lost in my own world.. also my strange sense of humor sometimes (Lost on others, hehe), i could go on but that mostly sums it up there.
so thats me.. Lost on the internet, Lost at Heromorph Lost and not looking to be found
Posted on: 6 03 05 01:49 am
a good friend will drive 30 miles at 3:30 AM to bail ya outta jail, a true friend will be sitting in the cell with you sayin "Dude, That was f***ing awesum!"
re: |
The Metal Shinigami (Moderator) 
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Could have sworn I posted to this.....but I got mine from my Asheron's Call days I went by "The Dark Wanderer (of Winters Ebb).....and it sort of stuck since :)
Posted on: 6 03 05 04:00 am
Good? I never claimed to be. Just good at what I do, and today that is being evil. - Dark Wanderer.
what's in a name? |
Joined: 2005/1/17 9:54
From Wouldn't you like to know?
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mine's too damn easy:
firey: i'm a leo and it's a fire sun powered by the sun.
phoenix: the mythical bird that burns itself and revives itself a new. i try to live like that: burn the bad stuff away and start new.
2005: couldn't think of another number
Posted on: 6 03 05 07:43 am
sure, fighting for good is awe-inspring, but villiany pays better.
Re: New Members |
Joined: 2005/3/6 9:49
From York, England
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My favourite 'traditional' artist is Magritte. He named one picture as a tribute to the short story 'The Domain of Arnheim' by Edgar Allen Poe - a cliff face morphed into the shape of an eagle. It just occured to me how much like top flight photomanip fanart it was & it seemed like a very positive vision of how you could re-imagine the world. Something to aspire to...
Posted on: 6 03 05 02:00 pm
Change the world.
All you new peeps |
Dazed and Confused... mostly Confused 
Joined: 2004/7/15 17:58
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Just thought we seem to have a bunch of new people who need to see this.
Posted on: 23 09 05 01:06 am
Vivo per lei
Re: Hey Newbie's, What's with the Name? |
Joined: 2005/8/18 7:33
From Tasmania, Australia
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Well, my name isn't from a comic or anything like that. Mine is from Star Trek Deep Space 9. I was trying to join an MSN group and it asked for a nickname, I had no idea what to choose and at that time an ad came on TV for ST DS9 and there was a screeshot of Leeta, one of the characters in the show, so I chose that. To begin with I was Leeta011 but after a year or so I took the numbers away and went all fancy with my name lol (????Ľěěť???????????????)
Posted on: 23 09 05 09:36 am
If women look, it's Erotica...if men look, it's Pornography!
Holy cow. |
Kling on HM (WebMaster!) 
Joined: 2004/7/19 7:51
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WOW... I never explained my name. Huh... I guess I am like B... just lazy. JrMcDeath - (aka) JrMcJethro Mine is actually pretty new. When XBOX live was released I needed a name. The first one I chose were my initials--JHC.JR-- and of course some one had already taken it... which means there is another jhcjr out there... and there can be only one. Hand me my sword. Anyway... I got a tad bit more creative and decided to use "JR"... since I am JR. My moms side of the family is straight off the boat Scottish... So, I used "Mc" from McCay... and "Death" because I was going to kill everything online. Well, Ask Thayne... the "jethro" fits me better... cause I can't hit sh!t. And Force95B came up with JrMcJethro after Hawk changed my Avatar to that face eating hillbilly. (Which I think is actually a picture of our member Billy)  That is all... Now, I gotta get back to my manip.
Posted on: 23 09 05 10:37 am
I'm not drunk...... I'm Scottish! Yeah OK, I am Drunk...
Re: Holy cow. |
Mr. The Mighty Lord *Krackaboom!* 
Joined: 2004/1/13 6:11
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Quote: JrMcJethro wrote: ...And Force95B came up with JrMcJethro after Hawk changed my Avatar to that face eating hillbilly.
And then he changed your name to JrMcJethro. Hmmm... What would your explanation be if I changed your name to Mayor McCheese? 
Posted on: 23 09 05 07:13 pm
Who's The Model?
McChees This |
Kling on HM (WebMaster!) 
Joined: 2004/7/19 7:51
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Quote: BikerBot wrote: Quote: JrMcJethro wrote: ...And Force95B came up with JrMcJethro after Hawk changed my Avatar to that face eating hillbilly.
And then he changed your name to JrMcJethro. Hmmm...
What would your explanation be if I changed your name to Mayor McCheese?

I would... Uhm.... Crud... I don't know... Dang... you... BB.
Posted on: 23 09 05 07:49 pm
I'm not drunk...... I'm Scottish! Yeah OK, I am Drunk...
Re: McChees This |
My name 'Shade' comes from the definition, which means 'ghost', because I was a legendary warrior who lived in Norway in the 1700s. I was a viking warrior who slayed men just for looking at me cock-eyed. I was known for having 'the nuts of legend', testicles so powerful that they could turn men to ash at the mere sight of them.
I was struck down by an ex-girlfriend I fathered illigitimate kids with. The child support payments made it impossible to feed myself, so I died, making me a ghost. Hence 'Shade'.
Posted on: 23 09 05 08:42 pm
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