The Cintiq Pen Displays that Thayne mentioned are only $2500 It is really a bargain considering a new Apple G5 dual processor is only $2500.
Hell no. I have been using Wacoms since they came out. And yes, Hawk is right... I have a 9x12 in my garage that is the biggest piece of poop for the money. (but it is for sale) It works great but I had to map out the face of it to a piece of paper so that it was useable. If that makes sense.
I have used a 4x5 and a 6x8 and so far, the 6x8 is my favorite... however the 4x5 does the job great too. If you are going to buy, do not waste your time on a intuos 2. The difference between the intuos 2 and 3 are night and day. The 3 seem to be alot more sensitive than the 2 and the "buttons" on the sides are a god-send. If you map out you pen's buttons right, you will never use a mouse again while using the Wacom. Pretty much all I use is the keyboard and Wacom... the mouse is a thing of the past.

And yes... look on eBay... that is where I got my Intuos 3.