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Harry Potter Spoilers
Time Lord!
2004/8/27 20:35
From Knobblers Gob
Posts: 2002
Level : 36; EXP : 96
HP : 0 / 899
MP : 667 / 53797
Well I just got finished reading the 7th book and I am very sad to see the series come to a finish.

Who would have guessed that Darth Vader would end up being Harry's dad? And what about Rosebud being the sled that Harry played with as a child? Very unexpected.

But I liked the part at the climax, when he was able to throw the horcrux into Mt. Doom and end the evil reign of Voldemort once and for all, and the epilogue where Harry and Dumbledore sailed into the west with Bilbo actually made me cry.

What did the rest of you think?

Posted on: 26 07 07 08:10 am
TARDIS Express - When it absolutely, positively has to be there before you mailed it.
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Re: Harry Potter Spoilers
Kling on HM (WebMaster!)
2004/7/19 7:51
From My Box
Posts: 6994
Level : 57; EXP : 83
HP : 284 / 1420
MP : 2331 / 85407
Did we read the same book... I never saw him sailing away. My book ended with Harry and Ron trying to rob an old west bank and getting gunned down in the streets, like the dogs they are, by Wyatt Earp. Good thing Hermonie left both these fools for Billy the kid. And to think.. I thought this whole series was happening more or less in the present. I was shocked that Godzilla lived in the lake outside Hogwartz... that was a big shock too. This book was full of surprises.

I head thru the grape vine that there will be a third book...Click-->The Story Of Hermonie

The last installment was fantastic... read it!!! NOW!!!

Posted on: 26 07 07 09:51 am
I'm not drunk...... I'm Scottish!
Yeah OK, I am Drunk...
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Re: Harry Potter Spoilers
Time Lord!
2004/8/27 20:35
From Knobblers Gob
Posts: 2002
Level : 36; EXP : 96
HP : 0 / 899
MP : 667 / 53797
Hmmm.. well I just guess that proves the big rumor that JKR wrote a different Epilogue that was incorporated into a small percentage of the books. You must have gotten one of those copies. I heard that the wild west scene was the result of the time turner getting out of whack.

Did your copy have the part about Hermione posing for Playwizard magazine? Evanesco Hermione's clothes!

Posted on: 26 07 07 10:34 am
TARDIS Express - When it absolutely, positively has to be there before you mailed it.
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Re: Harry Potter Spoilers
Mr. The Mighty Lord *Krackaboom!*
2004/1/13 6:11
From The Good Earth
Posts: 3277
Level : 44; EXP : 44
HP : 0 / 1086
MP : 1092 / 66924
So, did it turn out to be true, that the difference between Wizards and Muggles is Mitochlorians?

Posted on: 26 07 07 02:04 pm
Who's The Model?
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Re: Harry Potter Spoilers
Kling on HM (WebMaster!)
2004/7/19 7:51
From My Box
Posts: 6994
Level : 57; EXP : 83
HP : 284 / 1420
MP : 2331 / 85407

BikerBot wrote:
So, did it turn out to be true, that the difference between Wizards and Muggles is Mitochlorians?

You Star Wars nerd....

No.. all the Wizards and Witches were killed by Godzilla....Come on... read your book!

Posted on: 26 07 07 10:12 pm
I'm not drunk...... I'm Scottish!
Yeah OK, I am Drunk...
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Re: Harry Potter Spoilers
Hellfire Club Member
2007/3/20 19:27
From The Muggy Depths of Amerika
Posts: 419
Level : 19; EXP : 3
HP : 0 / 450
MP : 139 / 23583
uhhhh. i'm going on a limb here, to assume most of this is a joke, right?

otherwise, you guys must've been having some wicked shrooms when you was reading your books....

Posted on: 27 07 07 08:18 pm
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Re: Harry Potter Spoilers
Kling on HM (WebMaster!)
2004/7/19 7:51
From My Box
Posts: 6994
Level : 57; EXP : 83
HP : 284 / 1420
MP : 2331 / 85407
And then a Giant Potato and Egg breakfast taco crushed Hagrid's home. That was really sad... especially since Fang died trying to eat the whole thing.

Posted on: 30 07 07 07:11 am
I'm not drunk...... I'm Scottish!
Yeah OK, I am Drunk...
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Re: Harry Potter Spoilers
Gold Member
2004/5/15 4:10
From Living in the Land of Confusion
Posts: 715
Level : 24; EXP : 25
HP : 0 / 581
MP : 238 / 35248
Flatulence kills.
Poor Fang.

Posted on: 1 08 07 12:15 am
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me
than a frontal lobotomy.
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Re: Harry Potter Spoilers
Time Lord!
2004/8/27 20:35
From Knobblers Gob
Posts: 2002
Level : 36; EXP : 96
HP : 0 / 899
MP : 667 / 53797
uhhhh. i'm going on a limb here, to assume most of this is a joke, right?

Absolutely not. It's all true. Every bit of it. Although the part about Godzilla living in the lake is a bit of an exaggeration, it was really the Loch Ness monster.

Posted on: 10 09 07 12:48 pm
TARDIS Express - When it absolutely, positively has to be there before you mailed it.
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Re: Harry Potter Spoilers
2007/11/28 4:16
Posts: 4
Level : 1; EXP : 21
HP : 0 / 5
MP : 1 / 274
Hi i am Mavelle a newbie here
The dutch version of the book just came out so i did not read it yet, i,m reading now the trilogie of The clan of the Shewolf by maite Carranza it,s from the serie The witcheswarand it,s about a girl who,s the chosen one to save the clan, sorry my English is not so good so I hope you understand it

Posted on: 1 12 07 05:14 am
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Re: Harry Potter Spoilers
Gold Member
2004/5/15 4:10
From Living in the Land of Confusion
Posts: 715
Level : 24; EXP : 25
HP : 0 / 581
MP : 238 / 35248
Welcome aboard Mavelle!
Your English is a lot better than my Dutch

Posted on: 1 12 07 06:18 am
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me
than a frontal lobotomy.
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Re: Harry Potter Spoilers
2007/3/10 17:26
From the Shadow World
Posts: 492
Level : 20; EXP : 50
HP : 0 / 487
MP : 164 / 25555
Mavelle, your english may not be perfect, but neither is most of Heromorph's. Even the english-speakers. Your's is at least readable, which is more than I can say for the nonsense we get from Matrixblur.

P.S. Why didn't anyone mention the huge showdown at the end where Ron and Hermione fight and Hermione is using he immense psionic abilities to rip everything to shreds, but asks Ron to kill her to save everyone, 'cuz even as a nutjob, she has a conscience?
Oh yeah, and Mag-um Voldemort finds out he still has powers in the end and uses them to knock over a KING! .....In chess. Yeah, he's that powerful, guess now he can reassemble the Brotherhood of Evil Wizards now, huh?

Posted on: 1 12 07 07:04 am
No system is perfect. All institutions are corrupt and all future institutions will become corrupt eventually. The imperfection is inherent and cannot be fixed or removed. The imperfection is humanity.
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Re: Harry Potter Spoilers
2007/11/28 4:16
Posts: 4
Level : 1; EXP : 21
HP : 0 / 5
MP : 1 / 274
Thanks Jediadept

Posted on: 2 12 07 04:46 am
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Re: Harry Potter Spoilers
2007/11/28 4:16
Posts: 4
Level : 1; EXP : 21
HP : 0 / 5
MP : 1 / 274
Thanks darkwinteri hope to learn a lot here on all ways my hubby bought me those 3D progams as poser bryce carrara and anime studio pro also whe have daz and i think that magicalbooks are the greatest to learn to create your own worlds it,s my hobby from childhood off that i collect fairytales,myths,legends and all kind of other magic books.
With the programs most of the time I look like this but i,m learning

Posted on: 2 12 07 04:58 am
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Re: Harry Potter Spoilers
2007/3/10 17:26
From the Shadow World
Posts: 492
Level : 20; EXP : 50
HP : 0 / 487
MP : 164 / 25555
You're welcome, Mavelle. Always glad to help a fellow Heromorpher/human/person/living collection of matter. I don't help Non-corporeals (means literally 'no body'), though. They freak me out.
Also, I know nothing about those programs. I didn't even know they existed until I came to this site. You could probably teach me a thing or two about them.

Posted on: 2 12 07 11:17 am
No system is perfect. All institutions are corrupt and all future institutions will become corrupt eventually. The imperfection is inherent and cannot be fixed or removed. The imperfection is humanity.
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