well a lot has happened.
the site was completely broken for over a week on the first attempt at a move with our old hosts Webserve.ca (truely the worst host on the web IMHO) to a new server that they promised. originally they moved the site to a new server. broke the original site and they total fucked the site at the new server. after day and days of constantly being ignored by them we were able to get the site running again on the orignal server.
then shortly after moving again they decided it was time to try to extort money from us again when we tried to download a fresh backup of the site

they actually wanted us to pay them over 6000 bucks to download the backup of the site. even though we were at 40 gb of a 3 tb a month transfer.
Anyway, we are not on those fucking morons server anymore.
We found a new host. we moved the site. Unfortunately this new server runs slightly different software then we are used to so few things just do not work properly atm. We are working at adjusting our code to work with our new home and old features will be coming online as they are repaired.
Some features of the site were planned on being phased out anyway such as the "lady Heromorph challenge area" and tutorial downloads. we have some new sections of the site that will be coming online very soon.
This new home should give us room to grow and hopefully more uptime then we have had. (that should not be hard since webserve's server would crash at least twice per day)
Some features that were previously turned off due to bandwidth problems have been restored such as the 3d freebie section and cstom avatar upload for any member with 100 posts or more.
Phase one of our move/upgrade has been completed. I want to thank everyone for their support thru the past few months as well as your understanding thru this transition.
feel free to contact me via PM, e-mail or in this thread if you have any questions.