You ever come across a background pic that just screams at you? I saw this one, and instantly thought of this classic race! Also inspired by Alex Ross' pic of the same subject. What kills me, is that when I was a kid I HAD this comic! Wish I still had it! Thanks to Winterhawk for the "toolbox" -where I found the pic. Peace! -Leif.
I can't believe it! When I saw this pic, Memories came flooding back. I thought I was the only one that would experience that kind of flashback until I read your posts. We're really dating ourselves here guys. S'okay, one of the great things about this site. Finding other people around the globe with similar childhood experiences. Just looking at this pic, I can almost smell the musty old comic book shop I stood in, looking at this comic, wondering if I had enough allowance money. Aw man, I promised myself I wasn't gonna do this, *sniff...
Junfan you make my jaw hit the floor with every post. You are definately one of the best. Great job on this one. the end result looks less action figure like then the last couple, i think you are getting even better. I also had this comic when i was a kid, a really old one. My dad gave it to me for mowing the lawn, then took it back when he found out what it was worth