I like the pose, even if it's not possible for most of us! :)
As for the glove texture...It does present an interesting look as well. DW's right about the settings, as I have discovered many times with funky effects when I make my own transmaps. Usually I find the answer in the Horiz/vert tiling settings for the map. Playing around with those can get some really cool changes, too!
I have had that glove issue happen to me before. I found if you use a preset shader like what was done with the boots. they will have their own opacity/transmap settings. You will get this weird mess if you try to alter the transmap in any way.
the texture on the boots is great but the glove/arm fades out on the forearm for some reason. p.s. i tried it and if you can hold this pose for more than 3 seconds you're a better man than me.