Yeah, I know you thought it was all over. Nope. Not even close [well actually very close]. After 14 contests it all boils down to one last fracas for all the marbles. So what's with the bogus image? Well Rose is calling the shots from here on out so who knows what you're in store for.
thanx buddy. I suppose i could go into detail how both Rose and Edge are still alive,! Glad you like. Come back for the battle pages coming soon.
Um, yeah... this is most unexpected. So now I guess I understand what Outkast was singin about when they said "Yeah, Roses really smell like poo-poo." Glad to see Rose as remarkably recovered as Edge. No point in wasting perfectly good assassins! Great job throwing the funniest and most unexpected twist into this outstanding series yet.
I bet you all thought Rose was dead right? Well we all know death isn't forever in comics. Besides what idiot would kill off such a polarizing character?
Story to follow shortly, and thank god it wasn't chili night.