Just remember, the following comment is constructive criticism... please do not take it any other way!
Hammer her with the smudge tool. You need to loose the skin texture on her suit. Your goal is to make the suit look different than the skin, and using the smudge tool is a great start. (That is if you are using Photoshop) I am pretty sure all of the programs have smudge tool of some sort)
Also, she looks like she is flat. You are doing a good job getting the darks, but you are ignoring the highlights. Just because you are green doesn't mean that you wouldn't have a bright white highlight on your skin. And be careful on those lips. I like the color, but they look like they are pasted on. What I do like is that you seem to be hand painting some of your images which is a great technique. But there is a fine line between "good" and "slapped on".
I just posted in your Phoenix image. Keep it up, your stuff is coming along nicely and if you have questions... You can also PM me or email.