2. Commenting image: this is going to be enormous. Gralha is the name of a bird that inhabits Brazil. Unfortunately I do not have the minimum idea if it is known by some other name in English. The shape of the animal can be seen here: http://www.pr.gov.br/seec/gralha/gralha2.html
O Gralha (The Gralha) is indeed a brazilian comic super hero. Some of his authors adore super-heroes; others hate them openly. Still thus, the Gralha is one only. For more details about this character, visit (written in portuguese): http://www.omelete.com.br/quadrinhos/artigos/base_para_artigos.asp?artigo=315
3. Making of: The same old speech. The Gralha's drawing was made by me. The "real" Gralha demonstrates as how it can be ridicule (for the brazilian reality) the concept of a super-hero. With the background and the two Gralhas, I noticed that the composition was very confused... so I decided to add these black bars to simulate a page of comic book and the problem was fixed.
Banana Man? What are you waiting for? Please, start working on it, batmic! The world does not need another Superman. It needs ordinary people (I don't think this is from Nietzsche).
Dragondack and BB, as always, make their homework. Well done, people.
In a word- AMAZING ! Description:-Gralha Azul...Azure Jay, state bird of parana by law. Alter Ego:-Gustavo Gomes-17-19 years old, now as an adolescent who descends from the original Captain Gralha,who was a fugitive of the planet of man-birds,Thagos, who found shelter here on earth in Brazil. He was a cross between Flash Gordon & Superman.Quote:
Many Thanks to BB for the link to Altavista Babelfish!
it is an extremely well rendered costume, the textures are great it is a pity that he looks quite silly. i guess that was the intention of the writers, to make a BannanaMan-type character. for those unfamiliar with BannanaMan, he was a comical superhero from Britain. like Captain Marvel, eric was a boy who, upon eating a bannana, became BM. if any one likes i'll try a manip of him.