I had this ideia of making a world tour doing a manip from each hero/heroine from several countries. So I start with one from my own country. And man, this was not an easy task, from finding one characther create here to find the rigth model, but I think I did it. Presenting, here's Zakarella, create by Roussado Pinto and Calberto in the beginning of the 70's. I don't think she ever star in a comic story, but she had her own comic book for several issues. She was inspired from Vampirella but she was a fugitive from Hell who in each story punish some evil soul. Funny thing, at that time Vampirella came from planet Drakulon, only in recent years was revealed she was from Hell as well. One last thing, if anyone want to sugest any hero from your country feel free to do it here: http://ocportugal.blogspot.com/ or here: http://heromorph.com/heromorph2/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=1881&forum=1&post_id=21882#forumpost21882 I appreciate and thank you for the help. *update* Add the Earth, it's supposed to be a scene from Hell, before she escapes.
Re: Starting the Tour: From Portugal, here's Zakarella
Muito legal esse trabalho, voc? esta progredindo muito r?pido. Eu n?o sei se no programa que voc? usa tem alguma ferramanta que faz sombreamento, ele sempre da mais realismo.
A sua idea de fazer herois de outros paises ? muito legal, se voc? for fazer o Major Brasil eu tenho uma foto que eu acho que podes gostar.