Here's Jalila, a female scientist who at the age of 16 survived an explosion at the Dimodona nuclear plant and gained super-powers from the radiation. She protects the City of All Faiths from the warring Zios Army and the United Liberation Force (Thanx Wikipedia) , created by Dr. Ayman Kandeel and art by R.V. Valdez. Publish by AK comics, these characters are created by Egyptian writers but most of the art is from the Brazilian 'PopArt Comics Studio'. This image was my real first try at Photoshop, starded in PSP9 and finish with Photoshop. Any tips how to improve are welcome .
eu n?o disse que iria ficar diferente,como me disseram uma vez, use a 'burn tool' a vontade. procure ver os trabalhos dos 'caras' como BikerBot, Dark Wanderer, R_o_c_i_n_a_t_e, TrekDaddy, entre outros e principalmente dele o 'CARA' Android. voce aprende s? de olhar,'depois que parar de babar ? claro'