Bad Point 1:I have to full redo my computer this last month...and discovered some nasty surprise with DAZ 3 64bits lighting(like the uberspotlight no longer working for 64bits),I am way not pleased with that picture,but need to spend some hundred dollars to recover the lighting....) Bad point 2:Needed to model the whole bracers/belt/leg holster things and ...I suck at modeling BADLY Bad Point 3:I things that the black widow as she is this now in the comic has lost something,somethings that s made her the black widows and not a red head in leather suit(or whatever it is),somethings that made her less"super hero like"
Good Point 1:The Black widow is more close to her "Spy" original idea/origin... Good Point 2:I will redo that one in the following months(and some more too ;) ) Good Point 3: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!
Very nice BW!!! And a very nice present! I love all the details - the zipper; the wrist bracelet firing; the expression; the sign on yhe door. I hope Santa gives you a good OS>