I like your background history and see what you like and don't like about Spiderman. Nice one.
On the drawing, well done. My only problem is the lines in the suit and the lines in the buildings are a bit similar so it makes it a lil hard to differentiate.
Somehow...I don't see Black cat falling for that. But it's a interesting look. Much more spider-like. And I like that. (Marvel should save the spandex look for the sexy women. )
First thing I did was chose a common spider to this area ( in this case the Brown Recluse . Brief History note. the Brown recluse is infamus for causeing Necrosis ( Death and decay of flesh) with it's bite.
Now for the brief background...After a freak accident at the Oak ridge Tenn. Nuclear research plant. some of the radioactive waste seaped into a near by stream. The stream flooded into the barn of a near by farm. There a brown Recluse had drank from a pool of the water and became radioactive.
The spider found itws way into a dark basement at a near by house.
Aunt May asked Peter to get somthing from the basement. While lifting a box he gets bit on the hand. Peter started to feel sick. ( In addition to the normal powers of wall climbing, webbing, spider sence and agility. Peter gained a new power as well. He can also spit a cloud of acid ( which is nothing more than an a highly accelerated form of the Necrosis). Peter did not find this out until it was too late. In a heated argument with his Uncle Ben, Peter Accidently hit his uncle in the face with this spray, killing him instantly. Fearing what he had did he fled outo of state. Now he fights crime using his own justice, never knowing that " with great power comes great responciblity" This ain't your Dad's Spider man this is a much darker and violent Spider man .....well would be if I had created him.
As for the costume design, the mouth is left open so he can use the acid breath. the mask it's self I wanted to look a bit more like a classic spider head. with the extra eyes and the fang like teeth of the spider.