Now I must give an answer to those who were interested in these characters.
Yes. Here we have four freely based illustrations on Dungeons and Dragons cartoon.
I bet that many RPG groups already had played with these personages. Many already had wanted to conclude what the cartoon never obtained: bring them back home.
The adventure that I made, with the aid of a friend, can be summarized thus: twenty years had passed and our heroes had not return to their world... The Dungeon Master disappeared after Venger’s death by Tiamat. Without the Master, each character followed its proper route. Hank and Scheila had become lovers and they still follow the dream (that’s why they still have their magic weapons). Diana returned to Turadh (does somebody remember what it happened in this city?). Eric melted his shield (only the cavalier could do this) and he transformed it into an armor. Presto improved his magic and disappeared from the Kingdom in search of Dungeon Master. Bobby was adopted by a royal couple of a kingdom that I created and, happy, was crowned and had a son with his wife. Uni is still a youngling therefore the longevity of a unicorn is well known by D&D players and it remains with the so-called King Robert.
Now, Hank is 38 years old; Sheila, 37; Diana, 37; Eric, 36; Presto, 35 and Bobby, 30.
Presto and Diana are my little tricks for a next adventure and that is why I did not draw them.
Notice that in the episode "Dragon’s Graveyard", Hank had the chance to assassinate Venger. Saving him, Hank became, in my opinion, somebody whose ideals are nobler than those adopted by the elves (sad to know that they had never met in the cartoon).
And yes: I read "Requiem", the last adventure. Gorgeous work fulled of interesting questionings as... the corruption of the young.