I've been using outdated figures for my last couple of renders as well as some made by 3rd party peeps. Surprisingly the figures haven't looked that bad in my renders. Here's another offbeat figure that I found somewhere over the internet. I'd love to give credit to the vendor but I got this so long ago I couldn't remember where or how I got it. Anyways...hope you like.
YES! AWESOME. I been waiting to see a Guyver pic.. I love this character. One thing.... there should be something looking like muscle striations in the armor.
Posted: 2008/3/18 5:47 Updated: 2008/3/18 5:47
Good stuff. My turn for a question, where did you get the background?
Probably RoyLoo, I'd have to guess. He's the only oneI know of who made the Bio Booster Armor in 3D. Something wierd going on with Guyver I's shoulders, unless that's shadow... Neat render all the same, I love the Guyver!