I know nothing about Vampi... never have... and don't intend to... so, unlike Thayne... I can see her kicking the sh!t out of a Cyborg-Ninja... Plus... he is a cyborg... I am pretty sure if she locked into his neck that the anti-freeze would probably make her sick.
NOW... the one thing that does bother me about this is her mouth and legs. Yes... I stood up and posed like that... yes that is a good pose... but for some reason it isn't working from this angle. I don't know. And as for the mouth... well, it is a poser mouth and gets distorted when you open it that wide... but I can hear her battle cry...
But I do like the image... so... take it for what it is worth.
**Edited note**... the legs look funny becasue of the way this image is cropped... you can't see her feet so it looks like she is almost doing the splits. I think if I saw both her feet the legs wouldn't bother me...
You comment whore.