Ajaaj is the first UAE superhero and the star of the first of comic book series launched by Watani, the social development program, since August 2007. Ajaaj is a mysterious storm that can morph into a well-built young UAE man or a wall or even a bridge. He has the power to fly and solidify, as well as turn into fine dust and infiltrate tightly locked areas. He can also turn into a massive wall to stop a bullet fast train.
Ajaaj or sand storm is a superhero, which many people consider as merely a storm that originated in the UAE deserts. His stories are located in the UAE in the year 2020 and he can only be seen by two twin children, Shamma and Humaid, as a young man. For the other people including the parents of the two characters, Ajaaj is nothing but clouds of dust and is therefore completely misunderstood.