Well, Dark_Wanderer...
I'm glad you noticed Spawn's pose, and at the same time, was hoping it would go unnoticed.
I wanted his character in the piece, but was torn as to whether he would be protecting his Master, or fighting him along side the Attacking Angel...
My first take actually had him wounded, presumably by Angela's blade, and crying necroplasmic tears at the loss of Malebolgia. but then In thought "what the...HEY! That's Al Simmons there! Big Spawns Don't Cry!"
So it ended up with him slightly disappointed, and quite irritated at Angela for offing the guy without him getting a turn at the fight. After all, they are in the fiery pits down yonder...and that's his stompin' ground. But that beam of light from Angie's homeworld shows he's a tad late to the party.
As for his chains, well, the two of them had a Luv/Hate thing goin' on in the comic...so who knows what's gonna happen now?
Thanks to all of ya, too (pijon, Wolverine1607, Hisstoryman and Dark_Wanderer) for the nice comments and such.