Captain Canuck is a superhero, one of comic books' most popular Canadian-owned heroes. Created by writer Ron Leishman and artist/co-writer Richard Comely, the original Captain Canuck first appeared in Captain Canuck #1 (July 1975).
I have seen many "nation themed" costumes in my life but I wonder what a world costume would look like?...
Sooo you're not familiar with Captain Planet?
Posted: 2010/6/20 20:47 Updated: 2010/6/20 20:47
Re: Captain Canuck
I have seen many "nation themed" costumes in my life but I wonder what a world costume would look like? This costume looks great as does Capt. America, Capt. Canuk Capt. Britain, Vindicator (all of them), and so on. Moreover this Captain is well rendered as is to be expected from you dude good work as always.
Although both costumes are clearly based on the Canadian flag, I strongly suspect (Canadian) John Byrne was giving a bit of a nod to Cap C when he created Vindicator. That said, great job! Another awesomely unexpected character choice well executed.
Canuck comes at least two maybe three years before the introduction of Vindicator in Xmen 109.
Posted: 2010/6/16 17:42 Updated: 2010/6/16 17:44
Re: Captain Canuck
He looks a little Captain America-ish. Hmmm maybe the idea isn't necessarily original but it looks like the prototype for Alpha Flight's Vindicator doesn't it?