A Hard One... Machobubba 2013/4/14 0:38 1801 2
Been at this for weeks, for some reason My daz would totally hold out on creating this posing was a pain, cause it would take like 30 seconds per movement and when I say movement I mean trans a little to the left, a little to the right, rotate on y... uff.... then I figure out, just take the clothes off and reload when posed, a lot faster.... I couldn't get the bumps option to appear in daz for this image, reason for why they're no rivets on steel... |
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StarChild |
Posted: 2013/4/18 15:25 Updated: 2013/4/18 15:25 |
Shaper of Worlds Joined: 2004/4/5 From: Matteson, Il Posts: 3909 |
Re: A Hard One... nice scene. i agree about the placement of the hammer though and i would have added just a few more koed thugs as the scene itself looks kind of empty.
pijon |
Posted: 2013/4/15 18:53 Updated: 2013/4/15 18:53 |
Moderator Joined: 2006/7/18 From: United States Posts: 6363 |
Re: A Hard One... Oh man, sorry to hear this gave you so much grief. I commiserate as I've been there myself and know how frustrating it is when things start getting bogged down. Cool action scene! Great looking version of Steel! Sweet detail. I do think it might be more convincing if the hammerhead were placed directly against Freak's chest as his pose better suggests he is being carried by it's momentum than being blown back by its impact to me. Still, it's good stuff! BTW, really like the 3rd guy's pose too.