Glad ya got a kick out of my little joke, B.
No, not churlish... yr right... this piece could definitely use work although some went in... it was intended to be a 1 to 2 hour quickie yet several hours had already gone into it when I decided "enough" as I'd already neglected most of my X-Mas shopping while working on my Secret Santa pic
I thought "I really do need to get that shopping done" so yeah, had to put this away. I'll be one of those last minute shoppers today!
It is incomplete but it was originally intended as a throw-away rather than a demonstration of my skill. Besides I'm no photomaniper. Now, if I knew a photomaniper who wanted to turn this into something, I'd be happy to provide them with the PSD file, even font info and original and reference pics!
Thanks DD! I'm so happy you got the reference! I figured you would!
One of my fav toons and episodes too BTW!