I agree with several things here, guys...
1st, the props are great! (Awesome job Pijon!)
2nd, fitting props to next gen figures is always a pain...but worth the effort.
3rd, saving characters for future use is the way to go...along with saving props as new props after refitting allows you to use 'em with different characters.
4th, I know you've been extra patient, Star, as Pijon said, with your character...again...worth it!!
(PS, I totally forgot to work on those props as you'd asked a while back...I am sooo sorry about that!
- no excuse...just slipped my mind...)
The good news is that there's no way I could've done as great a job as Pijon anyway...so you got the best!
5th, and best for last...
THIS PIECE ROCKS! great lighting and effects, great pose and background, great textures and all!
I look forward to seeing this one more often!
Great work!