Best of a whole lot of great images this past year...a second sampling shown here. Artists in the pics... PaulSutton, DarkWanderer (with characters by DarthPaul), Obsidian, Starchild and Jinky Coronado.
Tons of other great images and work can be found in all the galleries, but these are the ones that jumped off pages at me. Great work everyone!
I'd like to thank my fans, and of course god...wanna thank god, and the devil because without him god wouldn't have anything to do. JKJK
LOL You know atmosphere and lighting are my pet peeves and I always want to make sure they look right, and appropriate for the images I do. I see I am in great company. I LOOOOVE Jinky's stuff. always have. I realize I don't comment as much as I should but I do love what many of Heromorph's best are putting out there. I'm usually busy creating, working or raising my 5 kids to have time for that...sorry folks but as son as I have more time I'll put in my two cents. Thanks again for the Kudos and congrats to all those who made the "Best of" list.