Since I tought, and still think, this is a most excellent contest challenge...I MADE time for this challenge. Now, truth be told, I haven't near the talent as other colorists, especially like Katrina Mae Hao, the one who finalized the original seen here CUTE AS A BUTTON into this version here CUTE AS A BUTTON FINAL But I thought this was the perfect pic to summarize the whole School Girl Jinky persona from the comic story line. Slightly coy and cute, over "exposure" to tease, yet still in a school setting to remind us misguided youths to keep to our studies. Okay, I made that last part up - especially the part about my being a "youth." 'Nuff said...Here ya go.
Excellent work! Yeah, you can really appreciate Katrina Mae Hao's outstanding color work even more once you try coloring Jinky's work yourself! Though I don't know what you're talking about when you say "(you) haven't near the talent as other colorists" because you really did a terrific job as a colorist here!