| Thread
Dark_Knight_DK |
Posted: 2012/9/18 22:35 Updated: 2012/9/18 22:35 |
Bat Junkie...and who took my meds???   Joined: 2003/8/18 From: Mexico City (we don't wear hats) Posts: 2623 |
 Re: Wondergirl Redux I really really like this costume...good job
Walley |
Posted: 2007/6/6 21:27 Updated: 2007/6/6 21:27 |
The Big Daddy   Joined: 2005/7/1 From: Coming to you from America's hurricane central, Bay Saint Louis, MS Posts: 521 |
 Re: Wondergirl Redux You know, for years I've been accused of covering my girls up TOO much. Now that I'm letting a few more things hang out free and unexposed, I get commentary on the logic and feasibility of it all.
I'm lovin' it!
As for the belt, it's an Amazon weight control device that keeps your abs tight and sucked in at all times to prevent injury. I'm sticking to that explanation!
Hardbody |
Posted: 2007/6/6 19:12 Updated: 2007/6/6 19:12 |
vigilante   Joined: 2004/9/6 From: Posts: 15 |
 Re: Wondergirl Redux I have to agree with Sidekick, if she lifts her arms much more she'll be making Match very happy... or is that sad, I really hate Bizarro speak... and while I'm sure Amazon beliefs would have no problem with it, I think Cassie would never be so immodest. She felt uncomfortable wearing Donna's old Wondergirl outfit when she and Wonder Woman were age swapped back when Cassie was still a member of Young Justice(Sins of Youth series I think it was called, with Klarion "Bum Bum Bum" the Witch Boy).
As for the apendectomy question, I think that falls under the catagory of extra durable skin and muscles, but in this picture the point is a bit longer then usual, so I could see this as being more problematic then usual.
Now that I've griped, I'm going to add, I liked the picture and besides the unpheasibility of the design it looks really nice. Maybe add a bit more coverage below the bosom and soften the belt point and it would be perfect. Not that I'm demanding anything. I respect your artistic freedom and accept this as maybe some Elseworld version of Cassie where she is less modest and maybe blessed with greater durability by Zeus or Ares or both or something.
Keep up the great work.
JrMcDeath |
Posted: 2007/6/6 13:57 Updated: 2007/6/6 13:57 |
Kling on HM (WebMaster!)   Joined: 2004/7/19 From: My Box Posts: 6994 |
 Re: Wondergirl Redux Kewl!!! My only gripe in the edges... some are a little blurred and some are fuzzy. But all-n-all this is really cool! 
bhm1954 |
Posted: 2007/6/6 8:34 Updated: 2007/6/6 8:34 |
Hero to the stars   Joined: 2005/7/18 From: Moses Lake, Washington Posts: 2852 |
 Re: Wondergirl Redux I like this new costume design. This is a great manip. 
Wasmith |
Posted: 2007/6/6 6:41 Updated: 2007/6/6 6:41 |
Time Lord!   Joined: 2004/8/27 From: Knobblers Gob Posts: 2002 |
 Re: Wondergirl Redux Nice. I always wondered about the belt design on WW and WG. If she does a sit-up, will she give herself an appendectomy? 
Posted: 2007/6/6 5:46 Updated: 2007/6/6 5:46 |
Wizard of Lasagna (Mod)   Joined: 2007/5/20 From: From the Other Side of the Ocean Posts: 3461 |
 Re: Wondergirl Redux
RockyStone |
Posted: 2007/6/6 4:56 Updated: 2007/6/6 4:56 |
vigilante   Joined: 2007/5/25 From: Posts: 44 |
 Re: Wondergirl Redux Nice One!!! I Like the new diggs on WW!!! 
Walley |
Posted: 2007/6/6 2:28 Updated: 2007/6/6 2:28 |
The Big Daddy   Joined: 2005/7/1 From: Coming to you from America's hurricane central, Bay Saint Louis, MS Posts: 521 |
 Re: Wondergirl Redux Thank you o' gracious Mighty Lord *Krackaboom!*
BikerBot |
Posted: 2007/6/6 0:33 Updated: 2007/6/6 15:34 |
Mr. The Mighty Lord *Krackaboom!*   Joined: 2004/1/13 From: The Good Earth Posts: 3277 |
 Re: Wondergirl Redux Yet another intruiging costume, Trek!
10 from me, B
Dragondack |
Posted: 2007/6/5 22:41 Updated: 2007/6/5 22:44 |
The Great Eternal Dragon   Joined: 2004/2/9 From: Edmonton,Alberta,Canada Posts: 11284 |
 Re: Wondergirl Redux I'm Liking this very very much!  