| Thread
Walley |
Posted: 2007/2/26 9:28 Updated: 2007/2/26 9:28 |
The Big Daddy   Joined: 2005/7/1 From: Coming to you from America's hurricane central, Bay Saint Louis, MS Posts: 521 |
 Re: Alpha Centauri Wow! There's a lot going on here. Great detail. Great imagination. I'm a fan.
Lady Heromorph |
Posted: 2006/12/14 7:28 Updated: 2006/12/14 7:28 |
Official Award   Joined: 2005/10/21 From: Mammoth Mountain Posts: 5502 |
 Re: Alpha Centauri Wooooot! This picture made Lady Heromorph's top ten pictures of the week ending December 9th 2006
JrMcDeath |
Posted: 2006/12/6 9:30 Updated: 2006/12/6 9:30 |
Kling on HM (WebMaster!)   Joined: 2004/7/19 From: My Box Posts: 6994 |
 Re: Alpha Centauri NICE!!!! I like! Very Clean...
Divine_Monkey711 |
Posted: 2006/12/5 4:20 Updated: 2006/12/5 4:20 |
Henchman   Joined: 2004/1/24 From: Sweden Posts: 1089 |
 Re: Alpha Centauri Pretty darn cool sci-fi pic there! 
Dark Wanderer |
Posted: 2006/12/5 2:57 Updated: 2006/12/5 2:57 |
The Metal Shinigami (Moderator)   Joined: 2004/12/6 From: Kentucky Posts: 5149 |
 Re: Alpha Centauri My only nit pick is the belt buckle looks too cartoony comapred to the rest of the image
Dragondack |
Posted: 2006/12/4 21:08 Updated: 2006/12/4 21:08 |
The Great Eternal Dragon   Joined: 2004/2/9 From: Edmonton,Alberta,Canada Posts: 11284 |
 Re: Alpha Centauri  Well she's a different looking Babe,cool costume ,nice body,Face who knows? 
BikerBot |
Posted: 2006/12/4 20:38 Updated: 2006/12/4 20:38 |
Mr. The Mighty Lord *Krackaboom!*   Joined: 2004/1/13 From: The Good Earth Posts: 3277 |
 Re: Alpha Centauri This is great, 6.3! Do you know the writer Hal Clement? He wrote a great book called "The Nitrogen Fix", I hope you can find a translation of it, you would really enjoy it.
Great Job, a 10 from me!
Isto ? grande, Seis Pontos Tr?s! Voc? conhece o escritor Hal Clement? Escreveu um livro grande chamado "o Reparo Do Nitrog?nio", mim espera que voc? pudesse encontrar uma tradu??o dela, voc? a apreciasse realmente.
Trabalho grande, uns 10 de mim!
jediadept |
Posted: 2006/12/4 17:28 Updated: 2006/12/4 17:28 |
Gold Member   Joined: 2004/5/15 From: Living in the Land of Confusion Posts: 715 |
 Re: Alpha Centauri Very very nice, being able to see the mouth and nose though the face mask filter really humanizes the picture in an uncommon way. What's the repeating logo theme mean?
SilverAgeMage |
Posted: 2006/12/4 17:08 Updated: 2006/12/4 17:08 |
superhero   Joined: 2004/5/17 From: Pittsburgh area Posts: 452 |
 Re: Alpha Centauri  Gotta agree with Was,this looks like a cover of the old sci-fi pulp Amazing Stories. Great detail,very clean. I give this a 10.3,6.3!
BRaZZZil |
Posted: 2006/12/4 17:03 Updated: 2006/12/4 17:03 |
Supreme being   Joined: 2005/7/6 From: Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil Posts: 522 |
 Re: Alpha Centauri ...  . AH! um novo post! esse lance de sci-fi eu tambem gosto. voce fez uma roupa muito legal na Luba (? a Luba, n? ?).tambem n?o entendi a sujeira no ch?o,mas voce ? criador e voce tem sua raz?o. esse trabalho ? nota dez pra mim. PAZ aqui e em Aplha Centauri
Wasmith |
Posted: 2006/12/4 15:51 Updated: 2006/12/4 15:51 |
Time Lord!   Joined: 2004/8/27 From: Knobblers Gob Posts: 2002 |
 Re: Alpha Centauri Gorgeous! Very neat and clean as said before (except for the dirt on the floor  ). This could be a sci-fi book cover. 
Raddar |
Posted: 2006/12/4 13:36 Updated: 2006/12/4 13:36 |
superhero   Joined: 2006/3/9 From: Houston Posts: 303 |
 Re: Alpha Centauri Fantastic image. I love the costume and the crisp, clean lines.