| Thread
Darkwinter999 |
Posted: 2007/9/16 13:06 Updated: 2007/9/16 13:06 |
superhero   Joined: 2007/3/10 From: the Shadow World Posts: 492 |
 Re: Smackdown 2 round 3: Cowboy Showdown Awsome sequence. Love those last words! Is that Ernest?
Lady Heromorph |
Posted: 2007/9/10 8:10 Updated: 2007/9/10 8:10 |
Official Award   Joined: 2005/10/21 From: Mammoth Mountain Posts: 5502 |
 Re: Smackdown 2 round 3: Cowboy Showdown This image made Lady Heromorph's Top Ten Pictures of the Week ending September 8th 2007 
Dragondack |
Posted: 2007/9/9 22:35 Updated: 2007/9/9 22:35 |
The Great Eternal Dragon   Joined: 2004/2/9 From: Edmonton,Alberta,Canada Posts: 11283 |
 Re: Smackdown 2 round 3: Cowboy Showdown  TEX go Bye-Bye 
JrMcDeath |
Posted: 2007/9/5 9:31 Updated: 2007/9/5 9:31 |
Kling on HM (WebMaster!)   Joined: 2004/7/19 From: My Box Posts: 6994 |
 Re: Smackdown 2 round 3: Cowboy Showdown
bhm1954 |
Posted: 2007/9/3 10:49 Updated: 2007/9/3 10:49 |
Hero to the stars   Joined: 2005/7/18 From: Moses Lake, Washington Posts: 2852 |
 Re: Smackdown 2 round 3: Cowboy Showdown
Winterhawk |
Posted: 2007/9/3 9:58 Updated: 2007/9/3 9:58 |
Guardian of the Great White North (Webmaster)   Joined: 2003/8/17 From: Canada Posts: 6812 |
 Re: Smackdown 2 round 3: Cowboy Showdown
Biohaz_Daddy |
Posted: 2007/9/3 7:19 Updated: 2007/9/3 7:19 |
deluded narcissist guru (Whateverator)   Joined: 2004/7/6 From: Posts: 2723 |
 Re: Smackdown 2 round 3: Cowboy Showdown See now I would have thought it would take more guts to hit on Mary Marvel. 
skurge |
Posted: 2007/9/3 4:34 Updated: 2007/9/3 5:12 |
Hellfire Club Member   Joined: 2007/4/11 From: Posts: 451 |
 Re: Smackdown 2 round 3: Cowboy Showdown hey, I didn't kill him, Mary did, read my page close.
Beetle is behind the whole thing. I fixed the type continuity problems in mine. So it's all good, and he only died once, still.
Good work, kinda gross but good.
darth_paul |
Posted: 2007/9/2 20:47 Updated: 2007/9/2 20:47 |
Criminal Mastermind   Joined: 2005/1/4 From: St. Petersburg, FL Posts: 1743 |
 Re: Smackdown 2 round 3: Cowboy Showdown Jeez man, and I thought that I was being a bit gross with Hawkgirl's dismemberment by sharks!  Your work is great as usual, but one thing though is that it looks as if she's tearing him apart without even touching him, but I guess you're showing it after she did it right?
Android |
Posted: 2007/9/2 17:49 Updated: 2007/9/2 17:49 |
Magnifcent Mechanical Marvel (HFC)   Joined: 2004/6/25 From: Curitiba, Parana, Brazil Posts: 667 |
 Re: Smackdown 2 round 3: Cowboy Showdown HAH! Heh! Heh! Heh!
Am I wrong or "Smackdown 2" means you die twice?
Excellent art and excellent dialogue, sir! Congratulations!