| WAR OF THE WICKED! lordcoyote 2024/11/16 18:18 35 0
| DUNGEON CRAWL 3 lordcoyote 2024/10/26 19:58 67 0
| BUSY NIGHT lordcoyote 2024/10/2 12:14 84 0
Tenth customer gets a freebie! |
| NEVER SPLIT THE PARTY! lordcoyote 2024/9/23 13:47 98 0
| BLIND WITHOUT EM lordcoyote 2024/9/28 17:11 101 0
She still has a leg up, tho... |
| MOON FULL OF TERROR! lordcoyote 2024/10/5 17:48 120 0
| AFTER THE QUEST lordcoyote 2024/9/18 14:35 131 0
The treasures have been found.
The dragons have been slain.
Now it's time to head for the tavern and have eat some good food, drink some nice ale and flirt with the wenches and hope they'll flirt back. |
| BOTTOM'S UP! lordcoyote 2024/8/24 13:07 135 0
She shoul'da known sooner or later someone acquiesce to her line about "biting her shapely green @$$." |
| GOBLIN DATING SCENE lordcoyote 2024/8/31 11:34 138 0
It's a risky scene. Most don't survive it... |
| LIFE IS A GAMBLE lordcoyote 2024/7/13 12:59 179 0
| LIFE IS A GAMBLE PART 2 lordcoyote 2024/7/14 7:03 194 0
If someone says they have a strategy, RUN! |
| GETTING AHEAD IN LIFE lordcoyote 2024/8/20 11:34 208 0
| LIFE IS A GAMBLE PART 3 lordcoyote 2024/8/19 13:59 211 0
| CONAN THE EPICUREAN lordcoyote 2024/6/21 6:53 219 0
| IN THE GOBWOODS lordcoyote 2024/6/19 5:57 225 0
| A TONGUE LASHING lordcoyote 2024/4/25 12:09 235 0
| AFTER THAT BOOTY! lordcoyote 2024/2/1 7:29 298 0
Surely there's enough to go around... |
| WITCHY MEALTIME lordcoyote 2023/12/19 16:58 322 0
"Are you sure this'll work?"
"Of course it will! By eating this witch I'll take her magic as my own!"
"I dunno, have you ever heard of a case where it actually worked?"
"Shut up and put her in the pot!" |
| SUMMONING TIME lordcoyote 2023/9/25 18:42 334 0
And you gotta make that summoning circle just right.
One little slip and you could summon something with tentacles.
Or worse, a highschooler! |
| THE BLAME GAME lordcoyote 2023/5/28 6:42 358 0
| THE PLUS-1 SWORD lordcoyote 2023/6/16 11:36 365 0
At last! He had found it!
The legendary blade that make whoever wields it unbeatable in battle!
With this he'll be famous!
Funny place to put it though... |
| OOOH, SO PRETTY! lordcoyote 2023/12/3 20:52 367 0
| SLIME TRAP! 3 lordcoyote 2023/10/8 9:19 375 0
| DUNGEON CRAWL 2 lordcoyote 2024/1/20 8:33 376 0
| AN ADVENTURER CAUGHT! lordcoyote 2023/6/12 15:49 390 0
And if he doesn't get uncaught he'll get goblinated! |
| IN NEED OF A HERO lordcoyote 2023/12/26 19:43 397 0
And she doesn't care if he's strong, fast and fresh from the fight.
She's in no place to be picky. |
| SLIMED UP lordcoyote 2023/6/10 14:58 400 0
| DIVING TO THE RESCUE lordcoyote 2024/1/22 17:10 402 0
| D.I.D. NOS482 lordcoyote 2023/4/24 15:13 403 0
Another commission in a set. |
| RESPECT LEVEL ZERO lordcoyote 2023/5/16 12:23 404 0